Category Archives: MSM Malpractice

Project Veritas exposes more of Zucker’s TDS
As we’re already confirmed – thanks to Project Veritas and brave whistleblower Cary Poarch – CNN really is virulently anti-Trump. This latest video illustrates that the network’s irrefutable bias clearly starts at the top. President Jeff Zucker is a control … Continue reading

Oh look! An actual, honest whistleblower!
In case you were wondering, CNN is now officially a fraudulent news organization. Thanks to a disgusted, courageous employee at CNN’s Washington D.C. Bureau, the network’s aggressive, single-minded focus has been thoroughly exposed. Shocking as it may seem, their exclusive … Continue reading

The latest reckless coup attempt – like the Russian Collusion hoax – is just more blatant projection
Yesterday I heard a radio (WJR-Detroit) reporter quoting Donald Trump’s comments about the Left’s latest attempt to undo the 2016 election. In a mocking tone (Elliot Francis-Fox News), informed the listeners that the term the president used to characterize … Continue reading

Another week; another hoax
Here they go again. Facts be damned, the progressive Left is determined to overturn the 2016 election. They hate Donald Trump, and they’re going to keep flinging every phony scandal they can concoct at him, hoping that the public will … Continue reading

Crooked Joe and his Ukraine hustle
While the mainstreams are trying to lead the gullible among us down another empty rabbit hole, searching in vain for something – anything – to pin on Donald Trump, they’re furiously ignoring the real scandal: a former vice president and … Continue reading

Gee, whatever happened at the G7?
Google “Trump G7 Summit” and you’ll find giddy headlines from the mainstreams hoping for a big fail on the the president’s part as he headed off toward Biarritz in south-west France last weekend ~ • Will Trump blow up … Continue reading

Debunking the false Charlottesville narrative – again
The key event that seems to have been the catalyst for the phony racist label that leftists have been relentlessly painting on the president, was the riot in Charlottesville two years ago. They have cunningly managed to twist the president’s … Continue reading

Progressive “Folk Hero” faces up to 400 years in prison
“Donald Trump is terrified of Michael Avenatti!” Really? Well that’s what MSNBC declared a few months ago when Trump’s former attorney was the mainstreams’ golden boy. Remember the synchronized chorus of sycophants? “Folk hero,” “a beast,” “the tip … Continue reading

Manistreams simply refuse to mention ANYTHING that paints Trump in a good light
Mainstream media bias has reached all new levels of absurdity. Any news snippet that happens to reflect well on Donald Trump and his administration is either ignored entirely or – if it must be mentioned – always countered with a … Continue reading

“Some people did something”* to “Easter worshipers”
Last month, the deaths of 49 Muslims in New Zealand at the hands of a couple crazed anarchists, dominated the news cycle for more that a week. Yesterday – Easter Sunday – in Sri Lanka, nearly 300 (mostly Christian) people … Continue reading

Strangely disparate reactions to mass murder
It certainly is odd the way modern western societies react to the slaughter of innocents these days. Seems it’s all a question of one’s faith. In a place called Christchurch, New Zealand, 49 Muslims are killed by a couple … Continue reading

Stuff the mainstreams will never tell you about Trump’s accomplishments
President Trump’s approval percentage among the electorate tends to hover in the mid-40’s. Which isn’t bad at all considering the mainstreams never have a good word to say about him. Can you imagine if they suddenly stopped spinning every news … Continue reading