Krugman doubles-down on his “alien invasion” proposal

Sheesh! Here he goes again: Krugman: Scientists Should Falsely Predict Alien Invasion So Government Will Spend More Money.
The New York Times columnist came up with this brilliant suggestion last year [Paul Ponders Alien Invasion], and just won’t let it go.

“… I actually have a serious proposal which is that we have to get a bunch of scientists to tell us that we’re facing a threatened alien invasion, and in order to be prepared for that alien invasion we have to do things like build high-speed rail. And the, once we’ve recovered, we can say, “Look, there were no aliens.”

But look, I mean, whatever it takes because right now we need somebody to spend, and that somebody has to be the U.S. government.

[Source: HBO’s Real Time 5-25-12 via Newsbusters]

My initial reaction to this story was merely to chuckle at the doofus. Leftists like Krugman simply don’t live in the real world. They refuse to believe that their philosophy is fatally flawed, as human history clearly illustrates. When their utopian solutions to the world’s woes inevitably fail to produce the desired effects, they, like Krugman never seem to wake up and face the truth. They just run further and further from rationality. In this case, into outer space.
On the other hand, Paul Krugman is an elitist. From his lofty perch at the Times he’s scanning the politcial horizon for ever more creative ways to control the unwashed masses. As Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters points out, that’s exactly what the whole phony climate change scare has been about all along. Frightening the populace into coughing up more money and drastically altering their lifestyle with a doomsday prediction based on nothing more than pseudo science.
And when you understand that the objective is controlling “we the sheeple” you realize that the Left has studied history. Because this is the exact same strategy employed by Hitler & Co. The Nazis demonized the Jews to such a degree that the average German actually believed they were an existential threat to Germany.

Joseph Goebbels, Adolf’s Propaganda Minister, was a master at manipulating the masses:

“The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.”
“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

Rather alarming isn’t it? With his “alien invasion” proposal, Krugman is actually beginning to sound like a Goebbels’ acolyte.

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