Saturday Shorts – 6-22-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

The Tragic Transformation of Oberlin College ~ In addition to hating on old white folks, they’re anti-Semitic as well; so much anger. An Oberlin alum laments the changes over the last several years ~

As one student explained, “it’s their way or the highway,” as she described a divided community and an overall atmosphere of tension and fear about being marked and labeled as “the bad guy” for supporting Israel […]
Tragically, Oberlin College has become a paradox of itself—a place where the self-righteous and dogmatic “social justice” ideology of the institution’s leaders promotes hostile and divisive behaviors. Indeed, as the Gibsons trial has shown, Oberlin is now a place where ideology has replaced civility and where arrogance has smothered all expressions of humility and grace.

NYPD won’t arrest students for low-level offenses in schools ~ Leave it to DeBlasio to light a fuse. The Parkland H.S. shooter never would have been in the building if it weren’t for this sort of lackadaisical approach to discipline ~

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Thursday that he’s ordered cops to stop arresting or summonsing Big Apple students “whenever possible” for a host of crimes — such as boozing, smoking pot and vandalism — in city schools.
Controversial Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza went so far as to say cops shouldn’t necessarily bother doing their jobs in schools.

Library Rejects Best Seller in Favor of Climate Alarmist Orthodoxy ~ Because free speech is a fundamental right in this country, Americans have NEVER banned books – until now – with the ascendancy of the screeching, intolerant Left ~

Apparently in defense of climate orthodoxy, the Northland Public Library of suburban Pittsburgh has banned from its shelves a best-selling book by a nationally recognized local author.
In a May 29 letter to local author Gregory Wrightstone, library executive director Amy Steele said a committee of three librarians had “concluded your book does not meet our standards.” […]
“Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You To Know,” disputes claims that global warming is largely a man-made phenomenon threatening the health of people and the environment […]
The book has received rave reviews from readers, including respected scientists. Sales of the book have skyrocketed in recent months, reaching as high as #10 in overall Amazon sales as recently as March and #1 in sales in five categories.

Why Some People Really Oppose Anti-Vaxxers (Because Someday They Want to Say No to the Rest of Us) ~ Peter Wolfgang makes an excellent point, the anti-vax crusade is about more government control. (Although anti-vaxxers aren’t without well-grounded objections.) ~

(Anti-vaxxers) were purposely made a target of public hate in order to plant premises in the law that could be used later on. Take away the religious liberty exemption of this small despised minority now, for public health reasons, and even Christians cheer you. Then later on, use the same logic against bigger targets. Including the Christians themselves.

The Resurgence of the Feminist Witch ~ (I think that term is redundant) Discussing his upcoming book, Jezebel’s War with America, Dr. Michael Brown describes this disturbing new trend ~

(T)here is a direct and real spiritual connection between the rise of radical feminism, the explosion of porn, the attack on masculinity, the militant abortion movement, and the resurgence of witchcraft. And the ascendancy of Donald Trump to president, for better or for worse, has served to highlight all these different but related streams.

Which makes one wonder ~ How long will I be allowed to remain a Christian? ~

In various parts of the Middle East, there is a genocidal cleansing of Christians being carried out. Women, men, and their young children are being slaughtered because of their faith and world leaders and most of the media turn their backs in bored indifference.
Here in the United States, Christians and Christianity are mocked, belittled, smeared and attacked by some on a daily basis. This is a bigoted practice that is not only increasing exponentially, but is being encouraged and sanctioned by a number on the left.

Here’s a recent example ~ Being a Christian in Academia Can Be Costly ~ Corey Miller was forced out of his PhD program because of his open faith in Jesus Christ. Discrimination included ~

• Told to shut up from sharing his Christian views in a freshman class, and given an F.
• Received prank calls at 3 in the morning from classmates mocking his faith.
• Called schizophrenic and delusional by his psychology professor.
• Dropped by an atheist grad advisor and forbidden to proceed in his PhD studies.
• As an adjunct professor, was threatened by professors and students.*
• Forced to go overseas to complete his PhD.

Official New Zealand government website wipes Israel off the map ~ Taking dhimmitude to a whole new level ~

SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) — Immigration New Zealand, an official government website, published a fact sheet with a map of the Middle East that showed a “Palestine,” but not Israel.

Trump’s Art of the Trade Deals With Mexico and China ~ Art of the deal ~

This week has seen big updates on the trade front. The White House reported late yesterday, “A day after Mexico’s 114-4 landslide vote to become the first country to ratify the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Washington today. In addition to meeting with President Donald J. Trump at the White House, the Prime Minister encouraged Congress to make USMCA a bipartisan priority.” In other words, memo to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Knock it off with the Obstruct Trump™ agenda and do something positive for a change.

Unborn Babies are Being Extracted From Their Mother’s Wombs Alive to Have Their Livers Harvested ~ More horrors from the pro-abort savages. The courageous David Daleiden explains how the atrocity of government-funded fetal experimentation is worse than we first realized ~

National Institutes of Health (Health and Human Services’ research branch) grantee Dr. Jörg C. Gerlach, an “experimental surgeon” at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh, has developed and published on a grotesque technique to harvest fresh, pristine livers from intact babies delivered alive in late-term abortions “at a gestational age of 18 to 22 weeks.” Gerlach’s liver-harvesting “protocol” is used for experimental stem cell transplants according to “current Good Manufacturing Practice,” or cGMP, guidelines developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, another arm of HHS.

U.S. Supreme Court Vacates Oregon’s Decision to Penalize Bakers for Exercising Free Speech ~ Another victory for the First Amendment ~

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it reversed a decision the state of Oregon that forced bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein out of business by penalizing them $135,000 for refusing to create a government-approved message. The case was sent back to the Oregon courts for further review in light of its Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission […]
“This is a victory for Aaron and Melissa Klein and for religious liberty for all Americans,” said Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO, and Chief Counsel to First Liberty. “The Constitution protects speech, popular or not, from condemnation by the government. The message from the Court is clear, government hostility toward religious Americans will not be tolerated.”


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SCOTUS sides with Founders on religious freedom!

Halleluiah! ~ U.S. Supreme Court: War on Veterans Memorials is Over ~

High Court ends efforts by activists to cleanse public of displays of faith, including Maryland “Peace Cross”
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today (June 20th, 2019), in a 7-2 decision, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States preserved the nearly 100-year old Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial, along with memorials like it bearing religious symbols across the country. Most importantly, in The American Legion v. American Humanist Association, the Justices reaffirmed that the First Amendment allows people to use religious symbols and images in public.

Pretty sure God had a hand in this one!

Here’s my last post about the cross, its history and the lawsuit ~
November 11, 2018
One hundred years ago today, World War I officially ended with the signing of the armistice in France. Several years later, the Bladensburg Peace Cross was erected in Maryland, to honor 49 Bladensburg-area men who gave their lives while serving in the Great War as it was referred to at that time. First Liberty (a law firm dedicated to defending our religious liberty) shares the history behind that monument ~

A century ago, thousands of American service members paid the ultimate price fighting for freedom in World War I, the “great war to end all wars.” Among those, were the “Fallen 49” heroes of Prince George’s County, located just outside of Washington, D.C.
In the aftermath of this horrific conflict, 10 Gold Star Mothers, led by Martha Redman and Mrs. William Farmer, began their earnest mission to build nation’s first WWI veterans memorial to honor their sons’ sacrifice. To them, the Bladensburg memorial was and IS their sons’ “grave stone,” as many never made it back from overseas.
Shortly after the project began, returning veterans of the war – members of the local American Legion post – worked arduously to complete the Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial, which was accomplished in 1925.
Today, this proud symbol of sacrifice stands at the intersection of the National Defense Highway, nearest to Washington, D.C. and just 26 miles from Annapolis. On its base, a bronze plaque lists the names of the 49 fallen heroes, along with the dates 1917 and 1918, and the inscription: This Memorial Cross Dedicated To The Heroes of Prince George’s County Who Gave Their Lives In The Great War For The Liberty Of The World.


Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day ceremonies, as well as other civic gatherings, are regularly held at the site. More importantly, the cross represents a huge piece of our American history. It’s a visible reminder of the selfless sacrifices made by those who came before us, which made possible the freedoms we enjoy today.

But now, almost a century after its dedication, a handful of anti-God, anti-American folks feel that the monument’s very existence somehow tramples on their right to believe in nothing. So off went the American Humanist Association (“AHA”), and a group of other perpetually-offended individuals, to sue for its removal. When a district court ruled against them, they appealed to the Fourth Circuit, which erroneously decreed that the cross had to go.

As I’ve pointed out several times, separation of church and state has been a phony pretext since progressives first started using it decades ago to eliminate religion from the public square. Their specious assertion is easily debunked by pointing out the hundreds of ways in which every level of government – from the time the nation was first founded – have supported, honored, even promoted the worship of God – never favoring a particular denomination, but in a very ecumenical sense.

Clearly, if this cross is unconstitutional now, it was unconstitutional when it was erected. And therefore never would have been permitted 100 years ago. As ACLJ (American Center for Law & Justice) points out ~

(A) longstanding war memorial does not “offend the Constitution” by virtue of it being in the shape of a Latin cross, a common and well-known symbol of sacrifice, honor, and respect. What truly offends the Constitution in this case is not the Bladensburg Peace Cross, but the decision of the Fourth Circuit striking it down.


The good news is, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear this case and will do so over the course of the next several months, with a final decision due by the end of June. Let’s pray they reach the correct conclusion. Because this case is monumentally important ~

In deciding whether the Peace Cross can continue to stand in Bladensburg, Maryland, the Supreme Court will also decide the fate of similar monuments, markers, and statues throughout the country, such as the memorial war crosses found in Arlington National Cemetery.
The Court must put an end to the anti-religious heckler’s veto, where one offended individual can use litigation to tear down a beloved monument not to his liking or that is hurtful to his feelings. The Establishment Clause was not intended to be weaponized in this fashion.

What Veterans Say About Effort at Supreme Court to Remove Peace Cross War Memorial ~

“The nearly 2 million members of the American Legion are rather bothered by the fact that our opponents want to erase the sacrifices of the 49 brave men who gave up their lives for Prince George’s County, Maryland,” said Jeremy Dys, deputy general counsel for First Liberty Institute, which represents the veterans organization in the case.

Defend Bladensburg WWI Memorial Cross ~ Please sign this ACLJ petition

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Democrats 2020 campaign slogan: “Let’s keep Americans angry and divided”

reparationdemandsYesterday’s House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties hearing on H.R. 40 turned out to be quite entertaining ~ Heckling, drama mark House hearing on slavery reparations

The question of slavery reparations for black Americans was the subject of a fiery and emotional House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday as Democrats called for measures to address America’s “original sin” — while Republicans described such payments as an “injustice” and “almost certainly unconstitutional.”


The bill being discussed would…

… establish a commission to “study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans,” while also requiring a formal apology by the U.S. government for its various human rights abuses against African Americans.


At one point, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) accused Democrats of having racists in their ranks decades ago ~

“It is important that we know our history and we not punish people for the sins of their predecessors in the Democratic Party.”

To which a heckler shouted “You lie.” (Where do we go to get reparations for mis-education?)

Divisive Democrats seem determined to never let the country heal from racial tensions of past centuries. The party excels at dividing Americans. They accuse those on the right of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., and yet they’re the ones who always assess an individual first by their skin color, gender, and sexual proclivity. They condemn anyone in each of their pre-defined demographics who doesn’t adhere to the proscribed worldview. Toe the line – or else.
So naturally the two blacks who spoke out against reparations at the hearing – Burgess Owens (former NFL player, speaker, author) and Coleman Hughes (columnist for online Quillette, philosophy major at Columbia University, votes Democrat) – were both booed. (Stop thinking for yourselves and get back on the plantation!).
Both men gave compelling reasons why reparations are an incredibly bad idea for America. Here is Hughes’ testimony ~

Some notable excerpts ~

If we were to pay reparations today, we would only divide the country further, making it harder to build the political coalitions required to solve the problems facing black people today; we would insult many black Americans by putting a price on the suffering of their ancestors; and we would turn the relationship between black Americans and white Americans from a coalition into a transaction—from a union between citizens into a lawsuit between plaintiffs and defendants […]
I call it justice for the dead at the price of justice for the living.
I understand that reparations are about what people are owed, regardless of how well they’re doing. But the people who were owed for slavery are no longer here, and we’re not entitled to collect on their debts. Reparations, by definition, are only given to victims. So the moment you give me reparations, you’ve made me into a victim without my consent.



According to an April Fox News poll ~

60 percent of Americans oppose paying cash reparations to descendants of slaves, while just 32 percent support it. However, the poll also found that among Democratic primary voters, 54 percent said they were likely to support a candidate who backed reparations, while 33 percent said they were not likely to do so.


Reparations would do nothing but cause another civil war in this country. No one living today ever owned slaves or was a slave. Trying to determine who owes what to whom would be a completely absurd undertaking.
Americans just need to get back to treating everyone as an individual with inherent worth and dignity. And to taking responsibility for their own lives and those of their families.

Women’s March Leader Lashes Out at Burgess Owens over Reparations ~ Of course she does. All they know how to do is lash ~

Women’s March leader Tamika Mallory dismissed Owens as nothing more than the modern equivalent of an Uncle Tom.
“They always find one negro who undermines the movement to impress white folks,” she tweeted. “You are doing your job well. smh #reparationshearing #Juneteenth2019.”


Aretha’s pastor under fire for preaching God’s word ~ Another politically-incorrect black man

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Counting Americans – and non-Americans

Why shouldn’t tax-paying American citizens have the right to know how many non-citizens are in the country?
That’s the question SCOTUS will need to answer shortly.
Among the issues the Supremes are expected to rule on before leaving for their summer recess is the high profile “census question.” But it actually shouldn’t be such a contentious matter ~

The first census to ask about citizenship was the one conducted in 1820, and the last was 1950. After 1950, the Census Bureau – which is part of the Commerce Department – has continued to ask that question on the “long form” census form that goes to some census-takers, as well as on its yearly questionnaire that goes to a small number of households each year, called the American Community Survey (ACS).

Source: Breitbart


This latest dispute started when Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross decided for the Trump administration that every census form in 2020 will ask each person whether they’re a citizen or not. This shouldn’t be controversial. “The basic unit of a democracy is the citizen,” explains Heritage Foundation senior fellow Mike Gonzalez

A republic should not take account of any other category, whether racial, ethnic, or sexual, when it considers rights and responsibilities. Citizenship bestows rights and responsibilities, and citizens vote in governments. Why anyone would want to ask questions on race and ethnicity in the census, but fear questions on citizenship, is beyond belief.

Which pretty much describes your average Democrat politician. They of course are outraged that anyone would ask such a question of their huge new voter demographic, so they’re fighting tooth and nail to convince the Supreme Court to disallow it.
That should be difficult for SCOTUS to justify – considering the fact that the question was apparently constitutional for the 130 years it was on the census. But these days, when half the court thinks that document is living and breathing, it’s hardly a slam-dunk.

ACLU Scrapes Bottom to Stop Census Citizenship Question
Rep. Jim Jordan Debunks Cumming’s Claim A Citizenship Census Question Was Purely A GOP Idea

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“Rising Tensions”

An Iranian Meg?



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The extinction deception

extinctionscareThe latest alarmist decree from the climate change crowd is that a million species of wildlife will soon go extinct — if we don’t take drastic action immediately!
That’s what a new assessment report from the U.N. says, and the U.N. is totally trustworthy – right? Wrong. Vijay Jayaraj, who happens to have a master’s degree which focused on ecological responses to climate change, analyzed the publication ~

Like the periodic assessment reports on climate change from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the report’s primary objective seems to be to blame humans for creating chaos.
Reality suggests otherwise.
While it is not impossible for humans to drive a species to extinction, extinction has been due mostly to unregulated hunting and exploitation of specific species for trade […]
But the IPBES report blames not just hunting or habitat destruction but everyday activities of human civilization. It says the top three drivers of extinctions are land and sea use (general development, logging, mining, and harvesting), hunting and fishing (including trade), and climate change.
While I agree on hunting and habitat destruction, I have yet to identify a major land mammal that went extinct in the last 100 or even the last 10,000 years due to climate change. Moreover, both hunting and (legal) habitat destruction are declining.


Furthermore, as with other catastrophic climate predictions, this report is the result of GIGO: Garbage-In-Garbage-Out. Their alarming predictions are based on faulty climate models ~

(T)he models predict far more warming than actually observed. That means we can’t rely on them to predict future temperature. And that means we can’t rely on them to predict future species extinction driven by future temperature.


After this new U.N. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report came out, Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, testified at a WOW Oversight Hearing (Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and WildlifeDate) on May 22nd, as to the overwrought nature of the findings (see below video) ~

It is quite clear that the highly-exaggerated claims of the IPBES are not so much out of concern for endangered species as they are a radical front for radical, political, social and economic transformation of our entire civilization […]
As with the manufactured “climate crisis,” they’re using the specter of mass extinction as a fear tactic to scare the public into compliance. The IPBES itself is an existential threat to sensible biodiversity conservation.


The following video from Gregory Wrightstone exposes the IPBES report for the agenda-driven propaganda it is ~



A million species face extinction? Time to burn fossil fuels to save them ~ JoNova shares some unfake news about humans’ impact on our planet ~

For the first time in human evolution we’ve reached a point where we can finally plan and save and study life on Earth. Three things we know for sure –
1. The worst pollution is in countries with a low income per capita — when people are hungry they raze forests. The most polluted cities are in places like Ghana, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Zambia, Argentina, and Nigeria. The most deforestation occurs in Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, and Mexico. The worst air is in India and China.
2. Only rich nations have the resources to save the environment.
3. Countries that produce more CO2 are richer.


‘Extinction Rebellion’ Climate Activists to Shut Down Heathrow for 10 Days in Drone Attack ~ Spurred by the IPBES report, the easily-duped green crowd is going to create chaos for a week or two simply to make a bold statement, about a totally false premise. The U.N. will be thrilled ~

The climate change activist group Extinction Rebellion is planning a series of protests using drones to shut down Heathrow Airport for 10 days in July, unless plans to expand the airport are scrapped.

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Re-posted from 5 years ago ~

Still as relevant as it was then… Everyone needs a dad!
dadnkidsWere you were fortunate to have a father who cared enough to stick around to raise you? Consider yourself blessed. Dads are vital to a child’s healthy emotional and psychological development. Sadly, as this article from Lee Culpepper at the American Thinker points out, it’s the country’s dearth of fathers that’s largely responsible for a myriad of social ills ~

Statistics about fatherless children reveal plenty concerning the chaos the news media pretend not to notice almost every time stories involving bona fide juvenile delinquents appear. Of the youths in prison, 85 percent are from fatherless homes. Children without fathers account for 63 percent of youth suicides, 70 percent of teenage pregnancies, 80 percent of rapists with displaced anger, 85 percent of children with behavioral problems, and 71 percent of high school dropouts.
Liberals, with their undaunted ability to ignore these ugly realities, blame society and phantom privileges for the deplorable statistics that coincide irrefutably with the rise of their counterproductive dogmas. Welfare, anti-Christianity, no-fault divorce, government-school monopoly, and Dr. Spock discipline have done nothing but eliminate personal responsibility and accountability from our society.
It is almost common knowledge that 72 percent of black children now grow up in homes without a father. Furthermore, despite the incredibly low graduation standards public schools have today, nearly 50 percent of black males drop out of school. Of course, black children are not alone in the disaster liberals have created by replacing a father’s hard-earned income, unconditional love, and stern discipline with government handouts, bleeding-heart psychobabble, and a child’s deep self-reflection.

Instead of encouraging two moms for Billy, instead of making dads the butt of every other sit-com joke, instead of ignoring reality… we need to recognize the critical role that fathers play in a healthy family – and a healthy society – and #BringBackOurFathers

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Saturday Shorts (Sunday edition) – 6-15-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Is Germany Becoming Germany — Again? ~ Victor Davis Hanson points out that German chancellor Angela Merkel no longer seems to consider the U.S. a European ally, not surprising given that she and President Trump are diametrically opposed on so many issues ~

In other words, in the calculus of the supposedly sober and judicious Merkel, the democracy that saved Europe twice from a carnivorous Germany — and Germany once from itself and once from becoming a Soviet vassal — is now similar to the world’s two largest authoritarian dictatorships, nations that not so long ago murdered respectively 30 million and 70 million of their own citizens. And how odd a sentiment for someone who grew up in Communist East Germany, a nightmarish state whose collapse was largely attributable to the Reagan-era effort to bankrupt and roll back the Soviet empire.

And the UK seems to be going the way of 1938 Germany ~ Pro-Palestine group supported by Corbyn forces Jewish shops to close ~ Jeremy Corbyn could possibly be Britain’s next prime minister. Wouldn’t that be fun?

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), of which Mr Corbyn is patron, targeted shops selling Israeli products in Brighton, London and Manchester, forcing two businesses to fold.
Earlier this month, it organised a rally in London which saw ‘open anti-Semitism from attendees’, according to the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.

FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing ~ Seems maybe it’s more than just a few at the top of the agency who are corrupt ~

(In 2016) the Obama FBI was frantic to target then-candidate Trump while magically losing or destroying important evidence in the sham investigation of Hillary Clinton’s illicit email system. This new information underscores the need for a fresh, unbiased investigation into the Clinton email scandal.

Law Center Thwarts Muslim Attempt To Silence Disturbing Truth About Islam ~ Out of necessity, this post is at Creeping Sharia’s Tumblr page – because WordPress de-platformed the blog for telling the Truth About Islam! ~ Thomas More Law Center successfully defended the Counter Jihad Coalition’s right to free speech in a California shopping mall.


Citizens Disobey New Zealand Gun Ban, Only 530 of 300,000 People Turned Guns In ~ Remember the NZ prime minister’s zealous overreaction to the March mosque shootings in Christchurch? Seems gun-owners aren’t exactly enthusiastic about complying.

Trump wants to use Major League Baseball to pressure Cuba to stop cooperating with Venezuela ~ The administration sees this as another way to leverage Cuba’s communist government ~

“The administration will continue to hold the Cuban regime accountable for its direct role in the trafficking of its citizens from the island,” a White House official told NPR. “The administration looks forward to finding productive ways to work with MLB to help the people of Venezuela, a country that has a rich history with MLB but has been destabilized by Cuba’s interference.”

Tired of Waiting for a Federal Fix, Border Sheriff Tackles Cartel Crime With Bold Action ~ And it’s working ~

Cochise County in southeast Arizona is now one of the most secure of the 31 counties along the southwest border. It is a rare success story amid an unprecedented border crisis that is overwhelming the system […]
The major new effort started in January 2017 and the formula Dannels adopted is simple: Place hundreds of cameras to detect traffickers and smugglers, catch them, and prosecute them.

WHO KNEW?–Che Guevara was a Gay Rights CHAMPION! ~ When you’re a progressive with a cause, and you need a new hero, any murdering thug will do

Google Protecting Jussie Smollett From ‘Disparaging’ Searches ~ Because leftists’ devious actions should never have consequences. Google IS evil ~

A review of Google’s autocomplete function on searches of Smollett found no references to anything regarding the hate crime, even though the company’s own data show it is the only reason his name was ever searched.


Why I Do Not Celebrate Gay Pride ~ A thoughtful piece from Dr. Michael Brown which will no doubt be attacked as “hate speech” ~

As I explained in 2011, “the legitimizing of homosexuality as a perfectly normal alternative to heterosexuality also requires that all opposition to homosexual behavior must be delegitimized. At the very least, the gay agenda requires these three platforms (and let recognized gay leaders renounce this if it is not so).
“Whereas homosexuality was once considered a pathological disorder, from here on those who do not affirm homosexuality will be deemed homophobic, perhaps themselves suffering from a pathological disorder.
“Whereas gay sexual behavior was once considered morally wrong, from here on public condemnation — or even public criticism — of that behavior will be considered morally wrong.
“Whereas identifying as transgender was once considered abnormal by society, causing one to be marginalized, from here on those who do not accept transgenderism will be considered abnormal and will be marginalized.”

Rebecca Friedrichs: I’m a pro-life California teacher. Here’s the nasty truth about my state and abortion ~

Millions of America’s teachers are pro-life and entered the teaching profession to protect vulnerable children, yet the unions “representing” us lavish our resources on politicians who despise our deeply held beliefs. Gov. Newsom is one of them.

Dutch girl, 17, legally ends her own life at euthanasia clinic ~ What a tragedy! Rather than get her the help she so clearly needed, the state (and her parents ?!) just let this depressed young woman kill herself ~

A 17-year-old girl who was raped as a young child and felt she could no longer go on living has been legally allowed to die at home after she had sought the help of an ‘end-of-life clinic’.
Noa Pothoven was allowed to die at home after medics allowed her to refuse food and drink last Sunday.

Kellyanne Conway and the Hatch Act ~ Just another bogus attempt to malign the Trump Administration. Conway is one of the president’s political advisors. According to the Left, she’s supposed to be non-partisan ~

One of Conway’s important duties is to do media appearances, a demand not placed on presidential advisers in the entirely different media environment of 1939 when the Hatch Act was passed. The notion that during such interviews she can’t talk candidly about the likes of Joe Biden and Cory Booker is goofy. Democracy would be ill-served by such a bar.

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Victory over the SJW mob; sanity prevails

I was going to include this story in Shorts but it really warrants a separate, more in-depth post ~ Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson’s Bakery case.
Until a few days ago I hadn’t even heard about this crazy lawsuit. Legal Insurrection was really the only source reporting on it, but they had extensive coverage (HERE).
It seems back on November 9th, 2016, a small 5th-generation bakery store in Oberlin, OH called the police on a shoplifter, who then proceeded to beat the crap out of one of the elderly owners – who also had the misfortune of being white. Naturally, because they aren’t color-blind, the Black-Lives-Mattter/ SJW coalition saw only skin pigmentation and went ballistic over the event. The college, no longer able to discern right from wrong, joined in the persecution. Thankfully, justice prevailed in the end ~

Oberlin College tried to sacrifice a beloved 5th-generation bakery, its owners, and its employees, at the altar of political correctness in order to appease the campus ‘social justice warfare’ mob. The jury sent a clear message that the truth matters, and so do the reputations and lives of people targeted by false accusations, particularly when those false accusations are spread by powerful institutions.
Throughout the trial the Oberlin College defense was tone-deaf and demeaning towards the bakery and its owners, calling the bakery nearly worthless. The jury sent a message that all lives matter, including the lives of ordinary working people who did nothing wrong other than stop people from stealing.

This is almost unbelievable. But the whole case is a stark illustration of the hate that leftists seem to harbor for traditional American values, for people who disagree with them and for something as simple as the Golden Rule (treat people the way you want to be treated.)

Posted in Arrested Development, Cultural Erosion, Good vs.Evil, Unvarnished | Leave a comment

Denmark embracing dhimmitude?

While much of Europe is fighting back against the elite ruling class, along with their globalist agenda and their mass importation of Muslim migrants – as evidenced by last month’s E.U. elections – the Danes seem somehow resigned to accepting the new normal; as cultural jihad (Hijrah) creeps across their nation.

In 1960, the population of Denmark was 4,580,708. Today, that number stands at 5,768,712. This growth appears to be largely due to immigration.

Source: Gatestone Institute


In recent months there’s evidence that, pressured by the influence of the Islamic minority, Danes are slowing relinquishing their traditional freedoms – like free speech. This disturbing story was reported by Judith Bergman at Gatestone Institute two months ago ~

This March, an outspoken critic of Islam, Jaleh Tavakoli, Danish-Iranian blogger and author of the book, “Public Secrets of Islam,” was threatened by the Social Supervisory Authority (Socialtilsyn Øst) that her foster-daughter would be removed from her care after Tavakoli shared an online video of the rape and murder by Islamic State terrorists in Morocco of two Scandinavian young women.
She was informed in a letter that the government agency’s approval of her husband and her as foster parents — they had been raising the 8-year-old since she was a newborn baby — had been rescinded and that the girl might be taken away from them, as the authority did not consider them to “have the necessary quality to have children in your care.”


In other words, dare to criticize the religion-which-must-not-be-named, and you’re no longer fit to be a foster parent.

Other Danes who have dared to express their disapproval of creeping sharia find themselves increasingly banned, censored – even imprisoned.
One particularly provocative politician and activist, Rasmus Paludan, frequently holds anti-Islamist protests in which he either throws a Koran around, burns it or puts bacon on it. Naturally, this sparks riots among the easily-riled Muslims, so the solution is to restrict free speech. In other words, these immigrants who we allowed into our country, can’t seem to behave like civilized westerners, so everyone else has to shut up.


“If people start to change their legal, democratic statements because somebody wants to hurt them or try to kill them, well, then we don’t have a democracy anymore. So, I am not at fault whatsoever that there is a threat to my person…
There are two things in Denmark that are completely legal, but which no one dares to do: To defile the Koran by burning it, throwing it or putting bacon in it, and to draw the prophet Muhammad. The reason is that the risk of being attacked or killed is very high. We do not believe that assailants and murderers should decide where the limits of free speech should be, and therefore we think it is important to do just that”. ~ Rasmus Paludan


Clearly, Muslims in Denmark aren’t assimilating any more than those in other European countries (Which always begs the question – why did they move there in the first place?). And they’re aren’t exactly contributing, productive members of society ~

According to a 2017 report by Statistics Denmark, only about half of non-Western immigrants between the ages of 16 and 64 are employed (53% of men and 45% of women). When broken down into countries of origin, however, major differences among migrants were revealed — with the employment rate being particularly low among those hailing from Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Syria.
Analyzing Statistics Denmark data, the Danish Employers Confederation revealed that in 2016, 41.5% of non-Western immigrants were on welfare, while only 17.5% of ethnic Danes were supported by the same benefits. In 2017, a third of all the people provided for by Denmark’s basic social-welfare system were immigrants, which constitutes a rise of 82% in a mere seven years.
These figures show that the public expenses connected to immigration will, in the long run, bring the welfare state to an end […]

According to a February 2018 Danish Finance Ministry report, the government’s net annual expenditure on non-Western immigrants in 2015 was 36 billion Danish kroner — approximately $5 billion USD. As there are approximately 5 million ethnic Danes, the taxpayer cost borne by each individual, in effect, came to $1,000 per year, or $4,000 for a family of four.
That figure, however, only refers to public budgets directly related to immigrants. It does not include the additional indirect public funds spent on law enforcement, schools, social security administration and other ancillary matters, due to the presence of non-Western immigrants.


Somehow, none of this matters too much to the average Dane. Last week they took a decisive turn to the left in their general election ~

(O)n June 5, the Danes gave the center-left and far left parties on the political spectrum — the Social Democratic Party, Det Radikale Venstre (the Danish Social Liberal Party), Socialistisk Folkeparti (the Socialist People’s Party), and Enhedslisten (the Red-Green Alliance) — 91 seats in parliament, a majority out of the 179 available seats. In doing so, the Danes waved goodbye to the current liberal-conservative government […]
A significant development in this election was that anti-immigration parties generally fared poorly.


They’ll be waving goodbye to their country in a decade or two ~

Some Danish analysts, such as the author and commentator Kasper Støvring, estimated that Danes did not vote for the anti-immigration parties this time because, “Many citizens wrongly think that the immigration issue is under control and that it can therefore safely be left to the Left. It is not under control”.



Dhimmitude ~ the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad
Sharia in Denmark ~

(2016) The issue of parallel Muslim societies has sparked renewed debate in Denmark after a three-part television documentary, “The Mosques Behind the Veil” was aired at the beginning of March on Danish TV2.

Rasmus Paludan: “Either You Throw Out the Muslims, or They Take Over”

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President Trump’s tough (anti-socialist) approach to communist Cuba

It seems Democratic-Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just can’t help herself ~

(AOC) demanded at a town hall event in the Bronx on Thursday that everybody be given “access” to guaranteed homes […]
“We have to make sure that housing is being legislated as a human right,” Ocasio-Cortez arrogantly stated. “What does that mean? What it means is that our access and our ability and our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.

Never mind that this inane assertion flies in the face of our actual, constitutionally-guaranteed rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – what it really means is that Ocasio-Cortez is essentially promoting equal misery for all.

Much has been written about the failure of socialism in Venezuela. But we have only to look just south of Florida to see the end result of nonsensical pontifications like AOC’s about collectivism. Of course they don’t yet have a right to a home in Cuba either; in fact the existing houses are crumbling right along with the infrastructure ~

As Havana crumbles and buildings collapse on residents, Cuba’s dictatorship decides to renovate propaganda venue ~
The once beautiful city of Havana is crumbling. Buildings collapse on a regular basis, injuring and killing residents unfortunate enough to be in them when they tumble. Just this week, a primary school in Havana had a partial collapse, reportedly injuring five students who had to be hospitalized […]
With Havana disintegrating and Cubans losing their homes due to six decades of socialist inefficiency and corruption, one would think the government would invest its money and resources into fixing that dire problem. But this is socialist Cuba, where propaganda and the perpetuation of the Castro dictatorship takes supreme priority.

When the government sucks all the wealth out the economy, under the guise of benevolent redistribution, this is what you get. Somehow the money stolen from the greedy capitalists never makes it into the hands of those who really need it – (See Venezuela.) like the hungry ~

Shocking! Severe food shortages in Cuba don’t affect tourists ~
The real shock is the fact that not a single news outlet that is covering the food shortages and rationing in Cuba dares to mention that Castro, Inc.’s apartheid tourist industry is totally unaffected by this crisis […]
Chicken, eggs and soap. Three items available right now at practically any grocery store in America but much harder to come by and afford in a country just 90 miles from U.S. soil. Cuba has a food shortage.
The Caribbean nation`s communist government has put what it calls regulations, which are rations, on meats and cleaning products.
The reason, there are fewer of them on the island and the government says it`s trying to make sure what is available is distributed equally […]
(N)o other political system would lay claim to egalitarian social justice while granting foreigners privileges and amenities it denies to its own citizens.


Waiting for rationed food in Cuba

Now our last socialist-sympathizing president thought that the Castro regime was doing a super job of running ruining the country. Thankfully, the current POTUS disagrees.
Unlike Mr. Obama, President Trump is not concerned with being Cuba’s new BFF. Last week the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) unveiled new travel restrictions to Cuba as part his revised foreign policy position ~

The Department amended the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (CACR) which now bans all non-family travel to the country. The State Department said the United States will no longer permit visits to Cuba via passenger and recreational vessels, including cruise ships and yachts, as well as private and corporate aircraft.
The goal of the restrictions is to significantly hinder Cuba’s economy and pressure its government to stop aiding Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.


According to Humberto Fontova, since the 1950’s, U.S. tourism to Cuba remained technically illegal according to U.S. law. However,

Obama had opened up so many loopholes that Americans became second only to Canadians as vacationers in Cuba (i.e. as financial partners with the Stalinist, terror-sponsoring regime’s military and secret-police.) […]
“A, B, C–easy as one, two, three,” goes the famous song. And just as easily predicted by all “Right-Wing-Cuban-American-Crackpots” (i.e. people who thoroughly understand Castroism from firsthand experience)—just like the song: A.) Obama’s executive orders further enriched the Stalinist regime B.) who thus became fat and happy C.) unleashed a wave of terror on their subjects (both Cuban and Venezuelan) unlike anything seen in decades.

President Trump’s new travel ban is precisely aimed at thwarting the tyrannical Cuban regime ~

“Cuba continues to play a destabilizing role in the Western Hemisphere, providing a communist foothold in the region and propping up U.S. adversaries in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua by fomenting instability, undermining the rule of law, and suppressing democratic processes,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. […]
“This Administration has made a strategic decision to reverse the loosening of sanctions and other restrictions on the Cuban regime. These actions will help to keep U.S. dollars out of the hands of Cuban military, intelligence, and security services.”

President Guaido credits U.S. sanctions on the Castro dictatorship for weakening of Cuban spy network in Venezuela
U.S. denies visas to over 200 socialist academics sent by Cuba’s Castro dictatorship
Reviewing the historical record: The case for undoing Obama’s Cuba policy and how it will help Venezuelans ~

Detente with the Castro regime had and continues to have negative and unintended consequences. The consensus with Europe established in 1996 in the EU Common Position, linking improved relations to improvement in human rights, was ended. The influx of cash and international legitimacy during the Obama Administration emboldened the dictatorship to behave more aggressively in the region, and against the democratic opposition in Cuba.
It was a policy born of secrecy, great injustices, skirting Congressional oversight, and U.S. law.

What tourists don’t see in Cuba as a result of Socialism ~ Some revealing photos from behind the communist curtain. They’re at least 13 years old – and things haven’t improved since then.

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Big Tech really does hate Christian Conservatives

Updated: 6-14-19

The Pinterest whistle-blower featured in this video was actually fired for telling the truth about the social media company’s censorship. He spoke with Fox’s Tucker Carlson Wednesday ~

(Pinterest Engineer Eric Cochran) discussed the “un-American” censorship shared by Big Tech, particularly their goal of protecting “the abortion lobby.”
“Why did you do this?” asked Carlson.
“I did this because I saw wrongdoing,” Cochran responded, “and the normalization of censorship within Big Tech companies right now is downright un-American. And I saw this as the fight for abortion. I saw a Big Tech company saying … behind closed doors that they believe that Live Action shouldn’t have a platform to speak, and the big thing is: I want them to have to … say this publicly instead of behind closed doors.
Cochran, who said he had no idea he was being fired until security came and “escorted” him out, discussed the “full cover-up mode” these companies are in as they try to “protect their pro-abortion stances.”

Specific evidence of censorship from Project Veritas ~

• Insider: Search Term “Christian” Won’t Auto-Complete, Others Can’t Trend, No Notifications, or Recommendations
• Pinterest Blacklisted Pro-Life Group, Classified as “Pornography,” Cannot Link to Site
• Leaked “Sensitive Terms List” Includes “bible verses” and “christian easter”
• Ben Shapiro Commentary Censored in “zero tolerance moment,” Slack Messages Reveal
• Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos Marked as “harmful” Conspiracy
• Veritas Calls On More Silicon Valley Insiders to Come Forward
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