Going the way of Rome

The parallels between the waning days of the Roman Empire and present day America are obvious to anyone who knows their ancient history. Most of us however – self-indulgent, bored, shallow and complacent – don’t quite comprehend how close we are to tumbling into the dustbin of failed civilizations along with the bemused Romans.


For those willing to pay attention, Prof. Victor Davis offers this excellent comparison ~

The abrupt transition from a society of rural homesteaders into metropolitan coastal hubs had created two Romes. One world was a sophisticated and cosmopolitan network of traders, schemers, investors, academics, and deep-state imperial cronies. Their seaside corridors were not so much Roman as Mediterranean. And they saw themselves more as “citizens of the world” than as mere Roman citizens.


Hanson points to “The Satyricon,” a satirical novel written by a court insider named Gaius Petronius, which captured the zeitgeist of first century Rome ~

His novel’s accepted norms are pornography, gratuitous violence, sexual promiscuity, transgenderism, delayed marriage, childlessness, fear of aging, homelessness, social climbing, ostentatious materialism, prolonged adolescence, and scamming and conning in lieu of working.

Sound familiar?

The characters are fixated on expensive fashion, exotic foods, and pretentious name-dropping. They are the lucky inheritors of a dynamic Roman infrastructure that had globalized three continents. Rome had incorporated the shores of the Mediterranean under uniform law, science, institutions—all kept in check by Roman bureaucracy and the overwhelming power of the legions, many of them populated by non-Romans.


Is this Rome circa 60 A.D. – or present day America? ~

Never in the history of civilization had a generation become so wealthy and leisured, so eager to gratify every conceivable appetite—and yet so bored and unhappy […]
Globalization had enriched and united non-Romans into a world culture. That was an admirable feat. But such homogenization also attenuated the very customs, traditions, and values that had led to such astounding Roman success in the first place.
SatyriconThe multiculturalism, urbanism, and cosmopolitanism of “The Satyricon” reflected an exciting Roman mishmash of diverse languages, habits, and lifestyles drawn from northern and Western Europe, Asia, and Africa.
But the new empire also diluted a noble and unique Roman agrarianism. It eroded nationalism and patriotism. The empire’s wealth, size, and lack of cohesion ultimately diminished Roman unity, as well as traditional marriage, child-bearing, and autonomy […]

Petronius seems to imply that whatever the Rome of his time was, it was likely not sustainable—but would at least be quite exciting in its splendid decline.
Petronius also argues that with too much rapid material progress comes moral regress. His final warning might be especially troubling for the current generation of Western Europeans and Americans. Even as we brag of globalizing the world and enriching the West materially and culturally, we are losing our soul in the process.
Getting married, raising families, staying in one place, still working with our hands, and postponing gratification may be seen as boring and out of date. But nearly 2,000 years later, all of that is what still keeps civilization alive.


Most Americans don’t seem to appreciate the carefully-constructed, firm foundation established by the founders of our Constitutional Republic. The uniquely, exceptional legacy that they bequeathed to us is one that we simply no longer have the character, fortitude nor the wisdom to sustain. We’ve been running on inertia for more than 100 years. Unless there’s a sudden, wide-spread awakening, the country – as founded – can’t go on much longer.

Ephemeral Empires

Facing Up to America’s Decline

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Why is Hollywood trying to force their amorality on Georgia?


It’s bad enough that so much of the crap Hollywood is peddling these days isn’t worth the film it’s recorded on, but at least we all still have the choice to pay for their products – or not. That’s how it’s supposed to work in a free country. Now however, the industry’s bullying tactics against the state of Georgia are bordering on extortion. They’re pro-choice on abortion; totalitarian on everything else.
What set the angry celebrity mob off this time is Georgia’s new abortion law which Gov. Brian Kemp (R.) signed on May 7th ~

(The law) outlaws most abortions on babies who have a detectable heartbeat, which typically occurs six weeks after conception. The law is due to take effect on Jan. 1, but is expected to face legal challenges before then.


As we learn more and more about fetal development in the womb it’s becoming almost impossible to pretend a fertilized egg is just a clump of cells. A heartbeat at six weeks is difficult to ignore. Although, it’s not yet able to survive on its own, this tiny being is clearly a brand-new creation, with its own unique DNA. Not something to tossed away because it’s inconvenient.
But Hollywood leftists remain in denial. Not only that, everyone else must participate in that denial. The fact that Georgia prefers reality has them outraged.

Netflix started the protest ~

Netflix’s “Chief Content Officer” Ted Sarandos further promised that his employer will be working with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to dismantle Georgia’s heartbeat law, as well as other similar heartbeat laws, so that females involved with Netflix productions like “Ozark” and “Stranger Things” will continue to have the government’s permission to murder unborn human life at any point during pregnancy, as well as after pregnancy when a baby has left the womb.


Disney promptly joined the protest (Doesn’t it strike you as odd that a company whose consumer base isn’t old enough to get a driver’s license would promote abortion – thus reducing their future consumer base?) ~

Disney’s chief executive said Wednesday that it would be “very difficult” for the media company to continue filming in Georgia if the state’s new law restricting abortions takes effect.
Bob Iger told Reuters that, if the law is implemented, it would be not be “practical for us to continue to shoot” in Georgia.


“Not be practical”? What – do all the women in the film industry need unlimited access to full-term abortion 24/7? Practical?


AMC also vows to ‘reevaluate our activity in Georgia’ if abortion bill takes effect ~

AMC Networks announced Thursday that it would join a growing number of media companies threatening to pull investments or projects in Georgia over the state’s new anti-abortion law that goes into effect next year.
A spokesperson for the network, which has invested heavily in production facilities in the state, including for the network’s hit series “The Walking Dead,” told Variety the company would “reevaluate” its productions in the state if the new law survives legal challenges filed by abortion rights advocates.


Other pro-abortion studios that expressed their displeasure with the new law include NBC Universal, Warner Media, Sony, Viacom and CBS Showtime.

Hollywood feels they can throw their weight – and amorality – around in Georgia because the state has enticed them there with financial incentives – tax credits, etc.. As the Washington describes it ~

The rise of Georgia’s film industry is not unlike that of Los Angeles in the early 20th century. Back then, aspiring producers chose Southern California, an open shop town, over unionized San Francisco. Low labor costs in Georgia offer a similar advantage, and there is also a significant amount of filmmaking infrastructure already in place.


And yet the hypocrisy and selective outrage of these leftists is painfully obvious. All of these companies are perfectly happy to produce films in Egypt (prohibits abortion unless necessary to save the life of the mother), Jordan (Jordanian penal code criminalizes abortion), United Arab Emirates (outlaws all abortions except when the mother’s life is at risk or when the baby has a fatal “abnormality.”) and China (one-child policy actually enforced abortions, but China is still communist – and actually puts Muslims in internment camps).

And yet, they’re so accustomed to fabricating their own reality out in LaLa Land they somehow believe they can impose their values on the rest of the country. Ben Shapiro puts Hollywood’s arrogant demands in perspective ~

The people of Georgia don’t spend an awful lot of time trying to control the policies of New York or California.
Yet the greatest and most moral among us–people who read lines for a living and look attractive for magazine covers–now lecture people thousands of miles away on the necessity of late-term abortion.

Just say no. #BoycottHollywood
Netflix And Disney Don’t Get To Decide Georgia’s Abortion Laws ~

(T)he odds are quite high that a lower court will block the law and thus give the Supreme Court the opportunity to consider its constitutionality and that of similar laws around the nation. Netflix likely knows this, and I can only conclude that its statements related to the Georgia fetal heartbeat law is the company’s way of firing a warning shot to Georgia and similar states: Conform to our Hollywood ideals and values, or we won’t give you our business […]
Consumers should fight back and let Netflix know that it can’t transplant its values to Georgia or any other state exercising its system of democracy.


Hollywood Sees Red, Threatens to Sacrifice Georgia Green

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“Conform or Die”

This latest video from PragerU explains how Big Tech has gradually morphed into Big Brother. Needless to say, it’s been de-monetized by (the demons at) YouTube ~


George Orwell’s fictionalized world where Big Brother reigns supreme is no longer a figment of the imagination, but a prophetic vision of present-day threats. Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, explains how and why Big Tech is making Orwell’s 1984 a 21st century reality.

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Saturday Shorts – 6-8-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Masterpiece Baker Jack Phillips Is Up Against Yet Another Legal Complaint ~ This is crazy! The LGBT radicals just won’t tolerate dissent from their worldview. The Supreme Court ruled in Phillips’ favor last year. The state of Colorado dropped another case against Phillips in March. And now here we go again! ~

Attorneys for Autumn Scardina, a transgender woman, filed a complaint against Phillips in state court Wednesday. In 2017, Scardina ordered a cake from Phillips to celebrate her birthday and gender transition. Phillips declined, citing his Christian beliefs and Scardina filed a complaint with Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission.
In March, Attorney General Phil Weiser dropped the case filed on Scardina’s behalf. In exchange, Phillip’s attorneys agreed to end their own discrimination complaint against the state.
The truce gave Phillips a brief reprieve. By reviving the case on their own, Scardina and her attorneys hope to force the courts to decide whether Phillip’s action amounted to discrimination under Colorado law — without worrying about whether the state itself wants to pursue the issue.
“We simply want the law to be enforced,” said attorney Paula Greisen, who is representing Scardina. “Because if not, you allow a business to send a message: go ahead, refuse service to these people, it’s OK, when the citizens of Colorado have said it’s not.”

[BTW – Jack didn’t refuse service to anyone. He declined to use his talents to endorse something his faith precludes him from doing. But of course the Left always has to distort the truth to get their way.]


Climate Oops: National Park Begins Subtle Removal of “Gone by 2020” Signs After Glaciers Just Keep Not Being Gone ~ The climate just refuses to cooperate with the alarmists ~

Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by either 2020 or 2030.
In recent years the National Park Service prominently featured brochures, signs and films which boldly proclaimed that all glaciers at GNP were melting away rapidly. But now officials at GNP seem to be scrambling to hide or replace their previous hysterical claims while avoiding any notice to the public that the claims were inaccurate.


Swedish Bishop Claims to Have ‘More in Common with Muslims’ Than ‘Right-Wing Christians’ ~ 😀 I could have told her that! News Flash: she’s not a Christian ~

The first openly lesbian bishop in Sweden, Brunne has caused controversy in the past when she allocated Muslim prayer spaces in Swedish churches in 2015, demanding that crosses and other Christian symbols be removed as well. Brunne defended her decision comparing the spaces to multi-faith prayer rooms found in airports or hospitals.

Maybe Brunne can move here ➡ Somalis have Changed Minneapolis ~ Ilhan Omar country. There are now nearly 80,000 Somalis living in the Twin Cities metro area, and they aren’t exactly enriching the culture ~

I’m not sure what it would take for Minneapolitans to wake up and stop being so suicidal with their multiculturalism. Terrorism, arson, violent crime, murder, corruption, fraud, female oppression is apparently not enough.


In other news, former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor (the first Somali-American cop) was sentenced to twelve and a half years in prison for the murder of 911 caller Justine Damond ~ NY Times’ Strange New Respect for Cops: Noor Conviction ‘Seen by Some as…Double Standard’ ~

When The New York Times’s hostility to police collides with the unyielding demands of solidarity and multiculturism, we get upside-down reporting like the kind that appeared in Saturday’s New York Times.

Automakers Tell Trump His Pollution Rules (rolling back Obama-era pollution regulations) Could Mean ‘Untenable’ Instability and Lower Profits ~ (This story is behind the NYT’s pay-wall, but the headline is enough.) We really are living in an alternative universe. Thirty years ago the Big Three were telling the government the exact same thing – about imposing CAFE standards! And here’s the thing – no one is stopping them from making cars that exceed government standards. Do they want to be over-regulated?
A Florida woman stabbed herself repeatedly because she’s ‘tired of living in Trump’s country ~ When TDS becomes a psychosis ~

“I’m tired of living in Trump’s country. I’m tired of Trump being president,” she reportedly told police. The report said the wounded woman admitted to stabbing herself for those reasons.

Veterans walk out of meeting with Ocasio-Cortez after she bashes US foreign policy ~ She may be the mainstreams’ socialist darling, but AOC isn’t exactly popular in her own district ~

“She knocks the country, she knocks the president. And that’s not what America is about,” said Silvio Mazzella, a Vietnam War vet and treasurer of Community Board 11.

Which Should Be Illegal: Sodomy or Christianity? (A Thought Experiment) ~ Two diametrically opposed worldviews cannot coexist for much longer ~

By pretending that sexual conduct or identity are fundamental liberties, we’re putting the full force of the government behind them. We’re saying that people or groups which oppose some sexual practices or identities do not “serve the public interest.” We’re making them, in a real way, enemies of the State.

“I took out $40K in student loans. It’s my responsibility to pay it back” ~ That one-in-a-million college grad (Quick – someone needs to hire this guy!) ~

Later this month the first debate of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary will feature a long list of candidates vying for the nomination, and I expect every single one of them to pander to young voters like me, promising to pay off my college debt or just forgive it.
That’s an insult to me. I took out student loans. To not pay them back myself would be dishonest and immoral. Again, actions have consequences[…]
I gave my word that I would pay it back. It’s a matter of integrity.

Wow. Dare I point out – a Christian kid, at a Christian University.

3 Puerto Rico Senate officials charged in corruption scheme ~ Remember this next time Democrats whine about President Trump neglecting Puerto Rico after the hurricane (San Juan’s mayor, Carmen Yulin Cruz, is a corruptocrat too) ~

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Three officials with Puerto Rico’s Senate were arrested by FBI agents Thursday and later charged by the U.S. territory’s federal prosecutor with alleged corruption for a case involving a scheme to defraud the legislature using “ghost employees.” […]
The purported scheme involved the accused billing the Senate for professional services that were never provided.

Deer Collision Knocks High School Runner Out of First Half Marathon ~ Yikes! ~

[Traverse City, MI] The runners had just passed an aid station, when Joe recalled hearing those around him yell, “Deer!” The animal immediately ran into him, kicking Cecelia in her thigh before running off the course […]

The hit forced Cecelia DeWitt and her dad Joe to pull out of the race, but she’s already looking forward to her next shot at 13.1.

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Falling walruses fail to validate climate change

Climate alarmists (and loony-leftist politicians) will stop at nothing to push their climate change agenda. They twist facts and individual events into pretzels to support their assertion that humankind is doomed unless we immediately cease all use of fossil fuels. Any tragedy will do as long as there’s a way to spin the narrative and blame the occurrence on anthropological climate change.
Several weeks ago, one of the films in Netflix’ series ‘Our Planet,’ co-opted the unfortunate deaths of Pacific walruses for the cause. Wide-eyed, easily swayed innocents were no doubt distraught to the point of tears over the sight of the animals tumbling off a cliff to the deadly rocks below. But however sad the deaths may be, they were not the result of over-crowding, caused by the lack of sea ice – as the documentary claims.
Dr. Susan Crockford, a Canadian wildlife expert, explains the truth behind the falling walruses phenomenon ~

Along the Russian coast of the Chukchi Sea, records show that walrus land haulouts are a natural phenomenon going back to the 19th century, and have nothing to do with climate change. Recent haulouts are enormous because the total population is enormous.
Pacific walruses appear to have a cyclical “boom and bust” population history. A very large population soon outstrips its food supply, something that last happened with walrus in the 1980s. The starving population then declines dramatically and stays low until the food supply can recover.

Contrary to the alarmists’ propaganda, these animals aren’t endangered either ~

Despite the climate change fears, the walrus population is actually booming once again. It may now be as large as 300,000 animals. And polar bear numbers are also up in the Chukchi Sea, according to a survey completed in 2016. Chukchi polar bears are fatter and reproducing better than they were in the 1980s. Ringed and bearded seals are doing better too, which has been attributed to more algae and plankton in the water since 2007. In other words, longer ice-free summers in the Chukchi Sea, along with restricted hunting, have allowed walrus, Arctic seals, and polar bears to thrive.

Even more nefarious than the act of pushing a false narrative, Crockford believes it’s possible that the walruses in the Netflix documentary may have been spooked into a stampede during the actually filming, causing them to tumble off the cliff in a panic.
Whether that was the case or not, it’s clear that the documentary misrepresented the primary reason that animals died. And when you’re so desperate to prove your hypothesis that you have to fudge facts and manipulate emotions to do it, there’s a darn good chance your hypothesis is false.

Video: Netflix, Attenborough And Cliff-Falling Walruses, The Making Of A False Climate Icon

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D-Day, after the landing

Overcoming fear, grief and hellfire – objective achieved…
Thank God for these courageous men ~

Relief forces reach Pointe du Hoc after U.S. Army Rangers captured the highest point between Utah and Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, on D-Day in 1944. The American flag had been spread out to stop friendly fire as German prisoners were led away.

[Photo via The Stream]

More poignant and inspiring pix from the Normandy invasion.

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75 years ago

Most of us weren’t around to experience history-in-the-making on June 6th, 1944, so we don’t always appreciate what took place on the beaches of Normandy that day. Here’s a vivid reminder of the ingenuity, providence and courage that made that date one of the most significant in American history ~

“No one died in vain”


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I’ve come up with a great slogan for whoever turns out to be the 2020 Democrat presidential candidate: Make America Los Angles! ~

The tragically-named City of Angels (as well as San Francisco) is such a dynamic poster-child for the Left’s socially-corrosive policies that they really need to take advantage of the timely opportunities for political promotion.
The L.A.Times has some stellar photos the Dems could probably purchase to feature in their campaign ads ~

We’ve got thousands of people huddled on the streets, many of them withering away with physical and mental disease. Sidewalks have disappeared, hidden by tents and the kinds of makeshift shanties you see in Third World places. Typhoid and typhus are in the news, and an army of rodents is on the move […]
Is it the 21st century in the largest city of a state that ranks among the world’s most robust economies, or did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?

It’s just the result of putting reality-free Democrats in charge of things for decades as Mike Huckabee explains ~

If you want to see the results of leftist policies, go to the cities that are run by the most elite, wealthy and “progressive” people, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, where homelessness, filth and disease are taking over. The scene is shocking and heartbreaking […]
(T)his is the kind of thing that used to be seen only in Third World countries. For decades, we could be confident that we had eradicated serious diseases such as plague and typhus. But today, the rat infestation is so serious that police officers (five at this writing) in the central LA area are coming down with typhus, and some medical experts suspect that bubonic plague is present. BUBONIC PLAGUE. You know, the “Black Death” from medieval times that wiped out about a third of Europe’s population and lingered for centuries. In the 1600s, during the Great Plague of London, one in five residents died.


Free stuff, lack of accountability, amorality and a high tolerance for lawlessness… given enough time, progressive values are guaranteed to turn your hometown into the next Los Angeles – MALA!

Hey Hollywood – How about cleaning up your own crap first?
Rats at the police station, filth on L.A. streets — scenes from the collapse of a city that’s lost control
Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles
America’s Cities Are Unlivable. Blame Wealthy Liberals.

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Populism “trumps” globalist bullies

Up-dated: 6-28-19
Added: Making Sense of the European Elections ~ Writing at the Gatestone Institute, Soeren Kern discusses the significance of last month’s E.U. elections, providing commentary from various sources ~

The election results reflect a generational shift and suggest that European politics increasingly will be dominated by ideological clashes over two competing mega-issues: the fight against climate change championed by the pro-EU globalists; and the opposition to mass migration and multiculturalism led by the anti-EU national populists.

In other words, the surrealists vs. the realists.
June, 3, 2019 ~
Mark this moment in time – it really is quite amazing. The Trump phenomenon – pushing back against the globalist elite agenda in favor of national sovereignty, fixed borders and true representative government – is truly accelerating on a worldwide basis. Regular people everywhere have had it with the no borders-homogenous culture that the ruling class is relentlessly trying to force us into accepting.
Despite the narrative being pushed by the mainstreams, this movement is not rooted in racism or xenophobia. It’s just an unequivocal rejection of globalism. Hungarians want to be Hungarian, Brazilians want to be Brazilian and even the French want to remain French.
Turns out most of us want to retain our own culture, languages, traditions – the foundations that give us our identity and a sense of belonging. We don’t want to become some anonymous part of the Borg.
This past week voters in the European Parliament elections sent a clear message to their leaders in the EU. Here’s Dr. Steve Turley’s assessment on the populist revolt – aka the civilizationists vs. the globalists ~

What we can learn from the European Union ~ Ben Shapiro’s take
How Progressivism Enabled the Rise of the Populist Right
European Elections: “The Battle for Europe has Begun ~ The top European nationalist leaders are uniting, not under the cosmopolitan European Union with massive centralized power, but as a Union of Free European States, with liberty and national sovereignty for all. Speaking at a campaign rally in Prague on April 25th, Janice Atkinson (British MEP and Vice President, Europe of Nations and Freedom) actually referred to the E.U. as the “evil empire” ~

“The EU is the dictatorship of the unelected, the failed politicians of their own nations, as they suck the lifeblood of democracy out of our countries. These unelected dictators have imposed mass uncontrolled immigration on our countries. They have failed to secure our external borders. They have failed to stop migrants arriving by foot, by boats and via people smugglers […]
“They have changed our cities and our streets and towns so that they are unrecognizable, and we are foreigners in our own lands. They encourage radical Islam, which has brought into our lives Sharia law, female genital mutilation, child marriage and medieval clothing such as the burka. Enough. No more!
“Do not accept that this is Europe’s fate. It is reversible and can be stopped. If you value your freedoms, your way of life, your rule of law, your culture and heritage, the EU has to be stopped.

Why Does the Pope Hate the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy? (Mainly because he’s winning) ~

Very much like the “conservative” Catholics getting unpleasantly shocked out of their 50 years of enchanted Novusordoist sleep by the incredible spectacle of this pope, throughout the secular world people of Europe are also waking up. “There’s a proper reawakening across Europe going on,” a young Dutch politician said after late March elections swept much of the old leftist guard out of his country’s Parliament.

Posted in Unvarnished | 1 Comment

Saturday Shorts – 6-1-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Construction workers arrested, fined, fired for laughing at men dressed as women ~ What’s the new standard? Can anyone be fined for laughing at anyone now? Or is it just a special LGBTQRS privilege? ~

(From Edinburgh News) Bizarrely, a construction worker named Graham Spiers was actually arrested and given an enormous fine for allegedly “pointing and laughing” at a biological male attempting to present as a woman. Because Spiers was rude to a transgender person, he was chewed out both in court and by law enforcement and informed that his children should be ashamed of him. Not only was Spiers required to believe that the biological male that walked past him and his buddies was a female, he was also required not to snicker. Society is moving fast, and Neanderthals like Spiers need to get in line – or else.

Some cold hard facts on tornado activity ~ Long-time meteorologist Joe Bastardi looks at weather mechanics and historical data and explains that severe weather is caused by clashing temperatures – not global warming. His assessment comes with lots of charts and diagrams – not hyperbole ~

What there is no doubt about is a warmer US would likely be one with LESS, not more, strong tornadoes and that is demonstrated by what we are seeing right now (and the charts above.)


Judge Lets Missouri Planned Parenthood Remain Open Despite Alleged Health Violations ~ So much for prioitizing women’s health, which leftists claim is their primary concern ~

The St. Louis Planned Parenthood facility has been called “the most dangerous abortion clinic in America,” due to repeated ambulance calls as documented by pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue.
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, said the ruling “essentially allows a dangerous abortion facility that is refusing to comply with minimum health and safety standards to remain open.”

Gay Activists’ End Game: ‘Nuclear’ Destruction ~ Tom Gilson explains how progressives are deconstructing traditional human relationships ~

Remember when gay activists were saying all they wanted was to gain same-sex couples the right to marry each other? I didn’t believe them. Neither did a lot of my colleagues. We were right: They were lying. […]
“The socially constructed heterosexual cisgender nuclear family is a key ideological building block of white supremacists and colonial, capitalists, heteropatriarchal societies, such as Canada and the U.S.” […]
In plainer language, they’ll be satisfied when they’ve achieved nuclear-scale destruction. And I don’t think I’m pressing the metaphor too far to put it this way: They want nuclear war, and they’ll do what it takes to win it.
It’ll be enough for them when they’ve achieved total destruction of sexual norms, gender norms, and especially nuclear families headed by a dad and a mom.
This is the gay activist endgame. They want to destroy the family as we know it. Nothing, not even parents, may hinder “self-determination” with respect to sex and gender. Sexual limits of any kind must be abolished, absolutely destroyed, until sexual freedom reigns supreme.

It’s encouraging to see there are some brave souls still pushing back – with the truth ~ Ex-LGBT People Declare Freedom in Jesus at DC ‘Freedom March’ ~

“The Lion of the tribe of Judah is roaring, He’s roaring, to set the captives free,” sang a group of ex-LGBT people. They marched around the Washington Monument and toward the Ellipse in front of the White House and back on Saturday, May 25. The banner they carried read: “Freedom March Washington D.C.,” and “Hear the sound of freedom.”
This Saturday marked the second annual Freedom March in Washington. This year saw a significant growth in numbers. LifeSite News reported there were about 200 participants this year, a threefold increase from last year’s inaugural march.

Why are IQ scores dropping now and what’s that mean? ~ DEvolution ~

According to a number of studies, beginning around the turn of this century, IQ test scores were found to be declining across Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Australia and France […]
Initially, explanations centered on social factors such as the influx of less-educated immigrants and less-educated families producing more children.
That was debunked as evidence emerged that IQ levels were declining in native-born children. And, interestingly, IQ scores were also dropping even in children from high IQ parents.

Maybe that explains this ~ Europe’s Most Pro-Gun Nation Just Voted for More Gun Control ~

The perverse reality of the new EU directive is that Europe’s gun-friendly nations—the Czech Republic and Switzerland—are having to make far-reaching changes even though neither nation has experienced mass shootings or terrorist attacks in recent years despite their higher prevalence of gun ownership.
In essence, the EU provided a solution in search of a problem. And somehow, they got people to agree with it.

‘His Eyes Were Wild… Raged’: Palestinian Uber Driver Boots Jewish Women from Car in L.A. ~ Why have we imported this anti-Semitic pathology into the United States?

A Random Encounter In A Diner On Memorial Day Shows Exactly Where America Is Heading… Sad but true. Norman Rockwell’s America is long gone ~

Most of our young adults are the product of a deeply flawed education system, have had thousands of hours of “garbage entertainment” poured into the minds, and have been systematically trained to reject the values that this country was founded upon.
As a result, the future of our nation is looking exceedingly bleak at this point.

Environmentalism: Evidence Suggests it Was Always and Only About Achieving World Government ~

Convince the people that the entire world is threatened, and you can convince them that no nation can save it. It is then easy to convince them that a world government is the only way to save the planet. The trouble is that none of it is true. The World is in good shape, and people are living longer and healthier lives in every nation.

Amish Population Explosion GUARANTEES a More Conservative World ~ “Re-traditionalization” – Interesting video from Dr. Steve Turley

Survivors of Cruel Christian Persecution in Iran Find Blessings in America ~ Just the fact that an event called International Christian Concern is actually being held in D.C. is amazing. Worldwide Christian persecution wasn’t something the last administration ever seemed to care about ~

Speakers at the event shared statistics about the extent of Christian persecution around the world, including the Christian World Watch Monitor report that said in 2016 some 193 Christians were arrested in Iran because of their religious affiliation.

But despite the regime’s attempts to suppress it, the Christian faith is not being driven out of the country ~

Hormoz Shariat, president of Iran Alive Ministries converted from Islam to Christianity in the 1980s and has spent decades helping his fellow Christians in Iran.
“In Iran, the norm is if somebody comes to Christ, most likely the family members also come to Christ,” Shariat said. “Because Christianity has a very positive image in Iran. More positive than Islam. Can you believe it?”
Iranians think Christianity is more positive and that its faith is more respected than Islam’s, Shariat claimed, which is causing more and more conversions.
“Iran has the fastest growing evangelical population in the world,” Shariat said. “Muslims by the millions are rejecting Islam, and they are open to the message of the Gospel.”

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Add this fresh horror to China’s growing list of human rights abuses

Judging by their zealous pro-abortion stance, we know that most mainstream media types care little for the sanctity of individual human lives. So their lack of interest in this horrifying story while disturbing, shouldn’t be surprising ~

Steven Mosher (founder and president of the Population Research Institute) said that China — the world’s leader in organ transplants — has moved to a “more advanced” version of its decades-long practice of executing prisoners for their organs, and is now “paralyzing their victim” in order to extract their organs while they are still alive.


Video via LifeSiteNews

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Pray for POTUS ~ Sunday, June 2nd

Rev. Franklin Graham has called for a Day of Prayer this Sunday for President Trump

Graham is asking all pastors to lead their congregations on June 2 in praying for the president, and that Sunday schools and other groups would also join in the special day of prayer. The Christian leader also asks that “individuals and families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.”

Rev. Graham posted this message on Facebook last weekend ~

Along with 250+ Christian leaders, I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set aside next Sunday, June 2, as a special day of prayer for the President, Donald J. Trump.
President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.
This is a critical time for America. We’re on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide the President.
We know that God hears and answers prayer. He can soften hearts and change minds. He is all-powerful, and He rules over the affairs of nations. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:2–3).
On June 2, we ask that pastors would lead their congregations in praying for the President, that Sunday schools and other groups would join together and pray, and that individuals and families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

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