Robert Mueller attempts to scuttle the ship of state as he jumps off

Robert Mueller’s self-serving farewell performance yesterday was calculated to continue – even escalate – the Left’s relentless onslaught against the commander-in-chief. By insinuating that there was still a case for obstruction (Of what?? – They never say! They just repeat it like a mantra “obstruction-obstruction-obstruction”), he deliberately left a huge shadow of suspicion hanging over the Trump presidency.


Mueller’s investigation claimed – with very little actual proof by the way – that the Russians significantly interfered with the 2016 election. Whatever that interference may have been, NO evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians was found. The special counsel summarized those findings in his press conference, but then, as Alan Dershowitz accurately noted ~

He went beyond the conclusion of his report and gave a political gift to Democrats in Congress who are seeking to institute impeachment proceedings against President Trump.


Sean Davis at The Federalist agreed, and elaborated ~

As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement […]
Mueller claimed his report spoke for itself, then put together a completely unnecessary press conference more than a month after his report’s public release, in which he not just spoke for the report, but expounded on the new legal standards he created to govern its conclusions.
These are the actions not of an impartial and independent investigator, but of a scheming political operative. None of this is any surprise to anyone who has followed Mueller’s tenure in government. As FBI director, Mueller repeatedly misused and abused the authority granted to him by Congress […]
Nationwide bar rules governing all practicing attorneys in the United States also explicitly prohibit Mueller’s display during Wednesday’s press conference.
“The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused,” states Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct.


By now it should be obvious to all but the most fanatical Trump opponents that this investigation was never about discovering the truth ~

(A)s special counsel to investigate Russian collusion during the 2016 campaign, Mueller promptly hired partisan Democrats to run his investigation. He tapped as investigators FBI personnel who openly discussed their hatred of Trump and his voters, as well as their plans to keep him out of office.


Concluding his remarks yesterday, Mueller arrogantly decreed that he was declining to answer any further questions on this matter. Jumping ship, he chose to hang a permanent cloud of obscurity over his lengthy and very expensive Russian collusion investigation. In his own devious way, forever “obstructing” any sort of resolution to America’s toxic partisan divide.


To me, the worst part of this Russian-Collusion debacle is the Left’s callous disregard for the good of the nation. They’re so severely infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome that the only remedy they believe will cure the malady is the total destruction of the Trump presidency. Their hatred for POTUS far outweighs their love for the country.
Partisan politics is one thing – and something we Americans have gotten used to over the last several decades. But an ongoing campaign of subterfuge, lies and deceit, with the aim of undoing a presidential election, is an acid that is slowly destroying our Republic.

Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role
The two faces of Robert Mueller, and Trump’s presumption of guilt

Mueller Unmasked ~ Too bad we weren’t paying attention to Rep. Louie Gohmert last year and his in-depth report on Robert Mueller’s total lack of principles and character ~

Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.

Mueller sets a new standard for innocence: Prove you did not commit a crime ~ In conclusion ~

Mueller’s final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election exonerated the president on charges — originating largely from baseless allegations drawn up in an infamous dossier financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign — that he or any members of his campaign collaborated with Moscow to secure his victory at the polls. Even as they strung up several Trump associates on process crimes unrelated to the investigation, Mueller and his team of Democrat prosecutors failed to find a single piece of evidence to prove the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy.

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The far Left never lets reality get in the way of their irrational malice


Leftists regularly try to paint those of us on the right as horrible, deplorable racist-sexist-bigot-homophobes. Most of them don’t bother to inquire, they simply impute those offensive characteristics to us because they’re offended by our conservative, generally Christian, worldview (which they seem to deliberately misunderstand).
Providing a window into their angry, little souls, last week Tom Gilson shared a recent tirade from Sikivu Hutchinson (feminist, atheist, author/novelist and playwright). Here’s what this “humanist” has to say about anyone who is pro-life ~

• [Want women] barefoot, pregnant, and bombed back to the Stone Age
• [Commit] atrocities
• Are dominionist
• Are bound and determined to hijack women’s rights
• Hound and demonize pregnant women
• Lock and load at the mere mention of “abortionists”
• Think chastity belts are long overdue for a revival
• “Howl, p*ss, and moan” about your “God and country”
• Foment Christian fascism
• Have a deeply misogynist fear of women’s bodies, sexuality and reproductive autonomy
• Live in protected white families
• Systematically benefit from Black, Latino and Indigenous peoples’ poverty, segregation, and criminalization
• Have never had any concern for issues of poverty, child care and social welfare
• Are a theocrat of the religious right
• Are a white fundamentalist Christian
• Are a national cancer
• Promote a dangerous lie of a God-based, biblical morality
• Promote theocracy
• Support amoral patriarchy

Really? Yes. Here’s a sample of her vitriol ~

The white fundamentalist Christian stranglehold on Southern and Midwestern legislatures has proven to be a national cancer that further exposes the dangerous lie of a God-based, biblical morality. The Alabama bill is yet another wake-up call for why theocracy, and all its amoral patriarchs, must be aborted.


That there’s absolutely no evidence for Hutchinson’s irate assertions about the Right doesn’t seem to matter. She’s appealing to emotion. Smearing, maligning and disparaging are now acceptable rhetorical devices among progressives. Sneering at one’s opponent eliminates the need for expository skills such as logical argument or thoughtful persuasion.

I’m wondering how Hutchinson squares her indignant presumptions about conservative Christians with this story from Tennessee ~

Here’s How Chick-Fil-A Employees Aided A Man Whose Car Broke Down In The Drive-Thru
Chick-fil-A, which is a perpetual target of the Left because of the religious views of its ownership, proved once again the kind of working environment it promotes when employees at an East Ridge, Tennessee, restaurant helped a customer change a flat tire on his truck after it broke down in the drive-thru lane […]

(T)he employees not only helped the man change out his tire, as opposed to just pushing it out of the way and waiting for AAA to come finish the job, but also replaced his cold food with some fresh, hot food, along with two free cookies.
In a Facebook post, the man, a worship leader named Brian Hall, referred to the employees as “saints” as he described his encounter. “Bunch of saints over at the chickfila in east ridge! My tire somehow went flat in the drive through so they rushed out to replace it for me with their hydraulic Jack,” he said. “They brought my food out to me then after it was done replaced my food with new fresh food so it wouldn’t be cold and put two cookies in there for free! Those people are truly doing the Lord’s work over there!” […]

The incident comes as Chick-fil-A faces discrimination in parts of the country, with universities and airports seeking to ban the fast-food chain from doing business due to the founder’s biblical worldview on human sexuality. In this year alone, the chain has been banned from two major airports — San Antonio and Buffalo — and several universities. Most recently, a dean at Rider University resigned from his post when the school banned the fastfood restaurant on campus.


Doesn’t exactly sound like the actions of the horrible sub-humans Ms. Hutchinson was describing above (and I’m pretty sure Chick-fil-A employees would automatically qualify as her “national cancer”) does it?

Unfortunately she and most of her fellow leftists desperately cling to their hyperbole, unwilling to engage in a rational debate in the arena of ideas – and possibly discover that we’re none of those things.



And here’s the difference between groundless aspersions such as Hutchinson-the-humanist employs, and rational assumptions about someone’s worldview and motivations ~


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Trump promises “Rolling Thunder” will go on


Rolling Thunder has been a Memorial Day tradition for more than 30 years now. First begun to to publicize the POW-MIA issue, this weekend more than 100,000 bikers rode through the nation’s capital in honor of the fallen ~

The huge motorcycle rally began in 1988 with fewer than 3,000 participants under the motto “We will never forget.” The goal was to press for an accounting of those missing in Vietnam.
Over the years, it has grown into a rumbling combination of protest and parade.


Riders end up at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the nearby Lincoln Memorial for speeches and a concert on the eve of Memorial Day.
Unlike Veterans Day in the United States, which honors all military veterans in November, Memorial Day — on the last Monday in May — is aimed specifically at remembering those who died while serving in the US armed forces, were prisoners of war or remain unaccounted for.


Participants were prepared for the 2019 ride to be their last. Organizers had announced that this would be the final Rolling Thunder, primarily due to difficulties with staging the event ~

Organizers had cited difficult relations with the Pentagon — where riders line up to begin the rally — over logistics and costs, in announcing that this year would mark the last national rally.
“As always, the Pentagon is charging us with an outrageous bill for their services,” the group’s national president Joe Bean said in a letter to members.

President Trump weighed in on Twitter (from Japan) yesterday ~

Trump’s word was enough for Ron Galey, a Navy veteran who served in Vietnam in 1968-69 and has taken part in every Rolling Thunder ride since 1990.
“Trump said it’s not over, so it is not over, and he is the boss of those guys and he keeps his word,” he told AFP.

Lots more pix from yesterday’s ride at Breitbart

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Memorial Day – priorities

A prayer for Decoration Day ~

On this day when we remember those who have served our country, give us thankful hearts, Lord, for their service and their sacrifice. We are grateful to live in a land that allows us to worship You freely. We pray for Your protection for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who do not enjoy such liberty. Strengthen all of us to serve not only our countries but also one another in Christian love. ~ Amen
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Saturday Shorts – 5-25-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Dutch migration minister quits over ‘asylum seeker crimes’ ~ They can’t pretend “cultural enrichment” is working any more. And it looks like the struggle between the European ruling class vs. the peasants is escalating ~

A Dutch junior justice minister (Migration minister Mark Harbers) has quit after his department came under fire for appearing to minimize statistics about criminality among asylum seekers.
His departure adds to the struggle faced by centre-right Prime Minister Mark Rutte as he tries to counter a surge in anti-immigration populists who look poised to win big in the elections on Thursday.

Cardinal Sarah Endorses the “Notes” of Pope Benedict, “Martyr For the Truth” ~ I’m not even Catholic, but this guy is a solid rock of the faith. In Rome on May 14th, Sarah was supposed to speak about his new book, but instead chose to share some wisdom from Pope Benedict XVI ~

The crisis of pedophilia in the Church, the scandalous and distressing multiplication of abuse has one and only one ultimate cause: the absence of God. Benedict XVI summarizes it in another formula that is also clear. I quote: ‘It is only where faith no longer determines the actions of man that such crimes are possible.’

“The theological genius of Joseph Ratzinger here touches not only upon his experience as pastor of souls and as bishop, as father of his priests, but also upon his personal, spiritual, and mystical experience. He goes back to the fundamental cause, he allows us to understand what the only way can be for getting out of the frightening and humiliating scandal of pedophilia. The crisis of sexual abuse is the symptom of a deeper crisis: the crisis of faith, the crisis of the sense of God.”

“It isn’t your grandpa’s weed,” former addict says ~ (video) As I’ve mentioned before, pot is at least twice as potent as it was in the 70’s ~

“This isn’t your grandpa’s weed,” Ben Cort says in a TedTalk from Colorado.
In 2012, Colorado legalized cannabis and kickstarted a multibillion dollar industry with every product imaginable — brownies, gummy bears, granola bars, even lube! But to say that we’ve “legalized cannabis” is mistaken — we’ve commercialized THC.

Media Scrambles To Discredit Abby Johnson’s Pro-Life Conversion, And Fails ~ “Unplanned” must be having a much stronger impact than the pro-aborts thought it would (and it is, if the pro-life legislation sweeping the country is any indication) because they’re futilely attacking Johnson’s credibility. Steven Katz, the movie’s executive producer debunks the criticisms ~

If her story is one elaborate ruse concocted by a disgruntled employee angry about a negative work review, rather than a legitimate pro-life conversion, then she has certainly gone to extreme lengths to maintain her cover. Ultimately, the public will have to decide which story makes the most sense, although it is worth noting that Planned Parenthood sought an injunction to silence Abby when she left in 2009. It was a case that Planned Parenthood promptly lost in court.

Journalists Charged With 15 Felonies For Undercover Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood Take Hit In Court ~ On another front in the pro-life war, Kamala Harris’s successor in California is still persecuting David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of fetal body parts ~

“This decision to deny David Daleiden’s Petition for Review means that [California Attorney General] Xavier Becerra, as Planned Parenthood’s prosecutor-in-chief, will be able to continue his unconstitutional harassment of David, bringing charges against him that don’t pass the ‘red face test,'” said Breen.

No conflict of interest here folks ~

Becerra has publicly promised to “stand with Planned Parenthood,” and both he and his predecessor, now Senator Kamala Harris, have received thousands of dollars in campaign donations from the pro-abortion organization.

Obama Program to Help Struggling Homeowners Blows Millions on Parties, Cars, Booze, Luxury Travel ~ In D.C. the rot is rampant. These are the same crooks that scream bloody murder when we start talking about budget cuts ~

Public officials who operate the disastrous project, known as Hardest Hit Fund (HHF), have wasted millions of dollars on parties, fancy cars, gifts, extravagant dinners and receptions, gym memberships and luxury travel. Previous investigations have uncovered more than $11 million in wasteful spending at HHF for illegal things such as employee bonuses, lavish shindigs, expensive vehicles and superfluous data storage. The latest enraging figures are documented in a lengthy report to Congress that outlines how HHF continues fleecing American taxpayers.

Asia Bibi Survived Violent Islamic Mobs in Pakistan, Now a Muslim Man Wants to ‘Slay the Blasphemer’ in Canada ~ Reunited with her family after nearly ten years, seems Bibi isn’t even safe in Canada (thanks to the Religion-of-Peace) ~

According to the British Pakistani Christian Association, a Muslim man who claims to live in Canada, has released a video threatening to kill her for blaspheming the Prophet Mohammed.

‘The victim is still alive and breathing’: Expert exposes China’s ‘horrific’ organ harvesting program ~ Dear God. This is where anti-God communism – which thoroughly devalues human life – can ultimately take us ~

Steven Mosher (founder and president of the Population Research Institute) said that China — the world’s leader in organ transplants — has moved to a “more advanced” version of its decades-long practice of executing prisoners for their organs, and is now “paralyzing their victim” in order to extract their organs while they are still alive […]
“The victim is still alive and breathing but can’t move because the muscles are paralyzed, and they extract the organs while the individual is still living — the heart, the liver, the kidneys, anything you can imagine that has monetary value is being taken out.”

U.S. denies visas to over 200 socialist academics sent by Cuba’s Castro dictatorship ~ Encouraging news that will send the Left into a frenzy ~

The communist apparatchiks . . . I mean academics . . . are squealing like stuck picks upon learning they won’t be leaving their socialist paradise and traveling to the horrible imperial U.S. It is quite rich to watch them complain about the U.S. persecuting them when they serve the most repressive and suppressive totalitarian dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere.
The only Cubans more upset than the “academics” over the visa denials are the Cuban intelligence agents they report to. They were counting on them bringing back a wealth of intelligence and a list of potential new recruits in American academia for Castro intelligence.

The real world versus the university ~ A cautionary tale from Canada (but we’re not far behind). Findings from a report on Canadian higher education are a bit troubling

“More than one-third of the profs they interviewed identified fewer than 10 percent of their students as ‘fully engaged.’ Over 80 percent of professors said they had dumbed down their course work, and had reduced the frequency and difficulty of assignments.” […]
Education should have as its goal helping students gain knowledge on their own. Knowledge is justifiable true belief. The tricky bit is always finding the truth. Nowadays education is often about giving children high self-esteem. Maintaining that self-esteem means that students must have high marks. The marking system has become so debased that it has become meaningless.
We are in trouble in Canada. We are unproductive and are not an easy place to do business in. We can’t compete because we no longer know how to think.

How s-wheat it is… climate bedwetters get it wrong again ~ Three years ago the alarmists were claiming “Wheat, one of the world’s most important crops, is threatened by climate change.” But, oops. Now it seems “Global wheat production set to hit record 777Mt (million tonnes)” ~

As previously reported, slight warming and increased CO2 is helping corn production as well.

Do You Suffer From Pareidolia? Are You Seeing Funny Faces Everywhere? ~ Just for fun :) ~ Cute stuff ~

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Progressive “Folk Hero” faces up to 400 years in prison

“Donald Trump is terrified of Michael Avenatti!” Really? Well that’s what MSNBC declared a few months ago when Trump’s former attorney was the mainstreams’ golden boy. Remember the synchronized chorus of sycophants?



“Folk hero,” “a beast,” “the tip of the spear,” “Savior of the Republic”

Well Stephen Colbert, I hate to break it to you, but it looks like that “existential threat to the Trump presidency” you were rooting for has pretty much been eliminated ~ Avenatti indicted for ripping off Stormy Daniels, extorting Nike ~

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Michael Avenatti’s legal troubles escalated on Wednesday as federal prosecutors announced new indictments accusing the lawyer and prominent critic of U.S. President Donald Trump of ripping off porn star Stormy Daniels and extorting Nike Inc.
Prosecutors in Manhattan accused Avenatti, 48, of stealing about $300,000 from Daniels, the client who made him famous, to fund an extravagant lifestyle including a Ferrari automobile, after helping her secure a book contract.
The Nike indictment concerns charges announced in March that Avenatti tried to extort more than $20 million from the athletic wear company by threatening to expose what he called its improper payments to recruits for college basketball teams it sponsored.

These latest developments are in addition to his earlier legal woes ~

Avenatti also faces dozens of charges in southern California, where prosecutors on April 11 accused him of stealing millions of dollars from clients to pay for personal and business expenses, and lying to the Internal Revenue Service and a Mississippi bank about his finances.
If convicted on all charges, Avenatti could face more than 400 years in prison, but would likely face a lesser punishment.

Such is the stuff of leftist folk heroes.
Even After Alleged Outbursts, Media Just Couldn’t Quit Michael Avenatti ~ If you’re advancing their progressive agenda, the mainstreams are simply incapable of judging by the content of one’s character ~

His temper often flared when producers and bookers tried to vet stories he was involved in. ‘It felt like we were enabling a total rage-oholic,’ one booker told me. ‘It was pathological.’

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A more fair-and-balanced trend in commencement speakers?

Since most U.S. universities are run by the progressive, anti-American Left these days, graduation ceremonies typically tend to feature some self-absorbed malcontent ranting about what a horrible country this is. Instead of the traditional words of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement, NYU grads were recently subjected to this unhinged orator ~

NYU’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences’s recent graduation speaker, Steven William Thrasher, managed to call President Donald Trump a “fascist,” risibly lambast the Jewish state of Israel as an “apartheid” state, praise the socialist “Occupy Wall Street” movement, and endorse the facially anti-Semitic “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” movement (BDS) against Israel all in the same speech!


How exactly is all that vitriol is supposed to benefit these young people as they prepare to launch themselves into the real world?
Fortunately, Campus Reform (who keep tabs on these trends) says there may be a shift away from the angry, agit-prop many grads are subjected to, as colleges are starting to select more conservative speakers to balance out the leftists ~

In unusual fashion, colleges appear to be choosing more politically diverse speakers than in the past by selecting a near equal amount of conservatives and liberals as well as a significant amount of neutral and seemingly apolitical speakers.

This year, among the 50 largest institutions, a majority of the speakers are seemingly nonpolitical or at least not very vocal about their political views. Only 26 speakers had a measurable lean to the right or to the left; 15 being liberal and 11 being conservative.


Of course after these kids have marinated in leftist ideology for four years (even “Christian” colleges aren’t immune), a commencement speech featuring unfamiliar sentiments such as uplifting, heartening advice, a positive view of our past and present, and hope for the future, may not be transformational. But at least it’s a start.

Seven things commencement speakers should consider Some excellent advice for conservative speakers ~

This should be a moment of pride, not only for the graduates, but for their parents, siblings, and friends as well, but too many commencement speakers twist the day into one of anger.

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In honor of their service and sacrifice…

Up-dated: 9:30, May 23, 2019
FlagsInDayTrumpAdded: Donald Trump, Melania pay visit to Arlington Cemetery ~

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump paid their respects to fallen American troops during an unannounced visit to Arlington National Cemetery ahead of Memorial Day […]
Presidents typically lay a wreath and deliver remarks at the cemetery on Monday, which is Memorial Day, but Trump will be in Japan on a state visit.

At Arlington National Cemetery, the Thursday before Memorial Day is known as “Flags In” day ~

For more than 60 years, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) has honored America’s fallen heroes by placing American flags at gravesites for service members buried at both Arlington National Cemetery and the U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery just prior to the Memorial Day weekend.
This tradition, known as ‘Flags in,’ has been conducted annually since The Old Guard was designated as the Army’s official ceremonial unit in 1948. Every available soldier in the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment participates, placing small American flags at each headstone and at the bottom of each niche row.



Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK), who served with the Army in Iraq and Afghanistan, shared his experience with the Arlington flag duty during a speech he delivered at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C.. The precision required to plant every small flag, at exactly one boot-length from each headstone, necessitates that a soldier complete an entire row of graves – so the distance remains consistent ~

(O)therwise, different boot sizes might disrupt the perfect symmetry of the headstones and flags. I planted flag after flag, as did the soldiers on the rows around me.
Bending over to plant the flags brought me eye-level with the lettering on those marble stones. The stories continued with each one. Distinguished Service Cross. Silver Star. Bronze Star. Purple Heart. America’s wars marched by. Iraq. Afghanistan. Vietnam. Korea. World War II. World War I. Some soldiers died in very old age; others were teenagers. Crosses, Stars of David, Crescents and Stars. Every religion, every race, every age, every region of America is represented in these fields of stone.
I came upon the gravesite of a Medal of Honor recipient. I paused, came to attention, and saluted. The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest decoration for battlefield valor. By military custom, all soldiers salute Medal of Honor recipients irrespective of their rank, in life and in death. We had reminded our soldiers of this courtesy; hundreds of grave sites would receive salutes that afternoon. I planted this hero’s flag and kept moving.



Cotton also discusses the distinguished history of The Old Guard; the 3rd United States Infantry Regiment ~

The Old Guard is literally the old guard, the oldest active-duty infantry regiment in the Army, dating back to 1784, three years older even than our Constitution. The regiment got its nickname in 1847 from Winfield Scott, the longest-serving general in American history. Scott gave the regiment the honor of leading the victory march into Mexico City, where he directed his staff to “take your hats off to The Old Guard of the Army.” Perhaps Scott felt an old kinship with the 3rd Infantry, because he had fought the British alongside them outside Niagara Falls during the War of 1812.


Over time it became the solemn responsibility of The Old Guard to honor the service of our fallen warriors. Just reading about the regiment’s long-standing commitment to military traditions brought a tear to my eye, and made me proud to be an American ~

Since 1948, when The Old Guard became the Army’s ceremonial unit and official escort to the president, it has marched in inaugural parades, performed ceremonies at the White House and the Pentagon, and provided color guards and a drill team for events around the capital, among other missions.
But one mission takes priority above all else: military-honor funerals in Arlington National Cemetery. In manning, in training, in operating, funerals always come first, and they are a no-fail, zero-defect mission. While we often performed more than 20 funerals a day, we knew that—for the fallen and the family—each funeral was a once-in-a-lifetime moment, a lifetime in the making.
No matter how often we conducted funerals—and most of us performed hundreds of them—the pressure to achieve perfection for the fallen and their families never relented.

At the end of his talk, Cotton shared an anecdote that demonstrates the unique gratitude that most Americans feel for those who have served in the military, and the reverence they have for the fallen ~

No one summed up better what The Old Guard of Arlington means for our nation than Sergeant Major of the Army Dan Dailey. He shared a story with me about taking a foreign military leader through Arlington to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Sergeant Major Dailey said, “I was explaining what The Old Guard does and he was looking out the window at all those headstones. After a long pause, still looking at the headstones, he said, ‘Now I know why your soldiers fight so hard. You take better care of your dead than we do our living.’



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An unborn baby never had a chance thanks to Trans-insanity

How many more heartbreaking events like this have to occur before we can stop the madness of pretending the two sexes are interchangeable? ~ Blurred lines: A pregnant man’s tragedy tests gender notions ~

When the man arrived at the hospital with severe abdominal pains, a nurse didn’t consider it an emergency, noting that he was obese and had stopped taking blood pressure medicines. In reality, he was pregnant — a transgender man in labor that was about to end in a stillbirth.
The tragic case, described in Wednesday’s New England Journal of Medicine, points to larger issues about assigning labels or making assumptions in a society increasingly confronting gender variations in sports , entertainment and government.

pregnant-faux-menWhat it points to is the fact that we’re letting the Left progressively push society into a reality-free zone, where simple biological facts are totally ignored. The “larger issues” wouldn’t exist if they weren’t trying to force us to believe that XX = XY. Michael Brown, writing at the Stream, points out the absurdity behind transgenderism ~

Some things are debatable. Other things are not. One of the things that is not debatable is biology.
Males do have not uteruses. Females do.
Males cannot conceive and carry babies. Only females can.
Males do not have monthly periods, nor do they go through menopause. Only females do.
This is not debatable.
There are differences between male and female brains. Differences between male and female anatomy. Differences between male and female gene expression (6,500 differences, to be exact, according to recent research).


Checking into a hospital as a man, when you are – in biological fact – a woman, is a dangerous lie. If we as a society continue down this path to psychosis, more lives will be endangered – and unfortunately, even lost.
Sex change is physically impossible
Bending genders; we’re transitioning to the Twilight Zone
More TransINsanity
‘We Are Manufacturing Transgender Kids,’ Says Man Who Once Identified as Woman

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Some great advice for grads

Here’s some timely – and invaluable – advice for all high school and college graduates, from retired Navy Seal, Jocko Willink, via PragerU ~


Discipline ~ Humility ~ Ownership


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Thought for the week


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Saturday Shorts – 5-18-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

The ‘Unknown Person’: For six years, a man who refuses to identify himself has been held in a Canadian maximum-security prison ~ This dude is amazingly tenacious, but this story also speaks volumes about the impotence of Canadian law enforcement ~

The only thing the government seems sure of is that the man is not who he claims to be — a French citizen named Herman Emmanuel Fankem […]
In a remarkable display of defiance, over four-and-a-half years he refused to attend 51 detention review hearings. Each hearing ordered his continued detention.

After Making Bernie Sign Loyalty Pledge, DNC Hires Anti-Bernie Finance Chair ~ They’re at it again. One almost feels sorry for the old Commie ~

The decision by the Democratic National Committee to bring in a man who has questioned whether presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is “dangerous to the future of the Democratic Party” has some questioning whether the party will be able to maintain neutrality in 2020.

Madonna: I refuse to boycott Eurovision ‘to suit someone’s political agenda’ ~ While I generally don’t have much good to say about her, Madonna is to be commended for standing up to the BDS bullies who were trying to intimidate her into cancelling her appearance at a concert in Tel Aviv.

Moonbats Start Purging Classic Movies ~ As the progressives push us closer and closer to totalitarianism, have you noticed they’re becoming increasingly intolerant? ~

Given that there is no sector of society more rigidly controlled by leftist Jacobins than entertainment, it is only a matter of time until the War on History turns its attention from tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus to purge our cultural history of classic movies.
Anything filmed earlier than last week probably violates some aspect of ever-evolving political correctness.

Report: Obama White House Orchestrated Clinton Email Cover Up ~ The mainstreams missed this one ~

According to newly released emails obtained by Judicial Watch, the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) records request concerning Hillary Clinton’s unsecured, private email server. These new emails prove that the Obama White House knew about the scandal earlier than previously admitted, and attempted to cover it up.

23 Kids and Counting: The Game of Drones ~ As Dov Fischer at the American Spectator points out, the number of Democrat candidates has now reached comedic proportions. So he’s helpfully assigning them numbers for future reference ~

The Democrats’ Presidential field now has reached baseball proportions, with 23 Kids and Counting. It is time for them to wear uniforms with numbers […]
Why Are So Many Mediocrities and Parasitic Drones Running for President?
The answer really is quite simple: The vast majority of them are not running for President. Rather, they are running for book deals, TV news analyst gigs, higher speaking fees, and — if it falls in their laps — a cabinet position. In the case of de Blasio, he just needs an excuse to beat an exit out of the New York City he has run into the ground.

Burkina Faso: 5 leaders killed in 3 months as Islamists continue to target churches ~ Islam marches down the African continent, murdering more infidels along the way (Burkina Faso is in northwest Africa, south of Mali, west of Niger) ~

At least ten more Christians have been killed as a spate of attacks on churches continues in northern Burkina Faso. The ten, who died in two attacks on 12 and 13 May, include another Catholic priest, Siméon Yampa.
On Monday, 13 May, a procession of four Catholics was attacked while they returned a statue of Mary to their church in Singa, 25kms from Kongoussi, reported Fides. The armed men let children go before killing four adults and destroying the statue.

Irish health service approves patients flushing their aborted babies ~ Disgusting. (Although in the UK a few years ago they were actually incinerating fetal remains in ‘waste to energy’ plants) ~

DUBLIN, May 15, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) noted on its website five points for mothers to keep in mind after an abortion, including that they’re welcome to flush “down the toilet” the remains of their babies.
“Can’t flush a baby wipe, but can flush a baby. The sick irony. Just horrific. No dignity, only contempt for these children.”

Marie Stopes: the air-brushed heroine of birth control ~ Hadn’t heard of her before, but she sounds like the Margaret Sanger of Britain, where today she’s practically a secular saint ~

‘(I)t is the urgent duty of the community to make parenthood impossible for those whose mental and physical conditions are such that there is a certainty that their offspring must be physically and mentally tainted…’ She wants their sterilisation made immediate and made compulsory otherwise there will be an: ‘…ever increasing stock of degenerate, feeble-minded and unbalanced who will devastate social customs…like the parasite upon a healthy tree.’ (1920)

Her views were not a passing fad. In 1934 she publicly stated that ‘the half-caste’ should be sterilised at birth. In 1956, two years before she died, Marie Stopes asserted that one-third of British men should be forcibly sterilised, ‘starting with the ugly and unfit’.

Psychologist Warns Lawmakers Against Marijuana Legalization ~ (Illinois. Unfortunately it’s too late for us here in Michigan.) With video ~

“Any change in drug policy should reduce drug use, not increase it,” states Dr. Aaron Weiner, licensed clinical psychologist and Director of Addiction Services at Linden Oaks Behavioral Health in Naperville.
Dr. Weiner succinctly details the facts that refute Illinois politicians’ erroneous claims that legal and readily available, high THC concentration marijuana would be “positive for health and community restoration.” He also exposes the real motivation behind liberal legislators’ push for highly addictive, legal weed in Illinois.

Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part I and Part II ~ Considering the complexities evidenced in just these two examples, I’m sorry to tell Darwin, but his theory of evolution is utterly impossible ~

(Both examples describe similar systems) involving ion channels or transportation networks (which) likely have their own appropriate mechanisms to maintain tolerances within strict levels. Notice that these are all-or-none situations.
In the ear, without the appropriate springiness of the tip link protein, dynamic control would be lost: all sounds would be heard at the same level, or not at all. In the cellular skeleton, without the appropriate stiffness brought about by acetylation, people would die of cancer or waste away with degenerative diseases.
Think about these awesome wonders in your body that you probably didn’t even know about till now. Aren’t these causes for worship and gratitude?

President Trump invites conservatives whom social media have censored to tell your story ~ This is excellent. Various congress creatures know about the massive social media censorship, but they don’t seem to have the courage or motivation to do anything about it. Maybe the president will (Fellowship-of-the-Minds has an especially Kafkaesque experience to share) ~

President Trump is finally doing something about the toxic practice of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and blogging platforms like WordPress censoring, suspending, banning and outright de-platforming conservatives and Christians.
This blog, Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM), has repeatedly been victimized by the social media tech giants in their continuing effort to silence us.

Tech Bias Story ~ No matter your views, if you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump.

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