What if…

Speaking of the abortion issue, I’d forgotten all about this short but powerful 2009, pro-life video from the CatholicVote.org. It was aimed at the pro-choicers who argue that some babies are disadvantaged at birth, and may be better off not being born at all. Unfortunately we’ll never know how much of an impact it might have had, since several major networks refused the ad buy ~

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Brace yourselves – the abortion battle is about to get really ugly

The same media that downplayed New York state’s legalization of infanticide is all over today’s bold, pro-life move by the state of Alabama ~ Governor Signs Law Effectively Banning Abortion in State ~

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed into law a bill protecting the unborn from abortions but in the case of serious risk of death or injury to the mother. It is considered the most restrictive — or most life preserving — abortion law in the nation […]
Sponsors of the Alabama Human Life Protection Act say the legislation is crafted to be a deliberate challenge to Roe v. Wade […]
Under the Act, a woman receiving an abortion would not be criminally liable. However, any doctor performing an abortion would be charged with a Class A felony, and could receive between 10 and 99 years in prison.
While liberal states define the mother’s “health” to include mental or emotional health — in effect, allowing abortion for any reason the mother wishes — Alabama’s law doesn’t play such games. Abortion is banned for any reason other than to “avert death or …serious risk of substantial physical impairment of a major bodily function.”

10weekoldembryo-smlrWhen Roe v. Wade legalized abortion across the country in 1973, advocates could almost persuade most Americans that a human embryo was “just a blob of tissue.” Since then prenatal science has advanced exponentially and we’ve come to realize what a fallacy that description really was. From the moment of conception a unique new life has begun.

Regardless, the pro-abortion left is practically apoplectic that pro-life proponents are actually pushing back. Already Alabama’s move has been characterized as “radical,” “extreme,” “rape,” (seriously – from an AL state senator) “sexist,” (Alabama hates women!) “heinous, a travesty” – this last from Lady Gaga – and “an all-out attack on basic civil rights” (Kirsten Gillibrand). On The View, Joy Behar declared that “the pro-life men who voted for the Alabama abortion ban should be sterilized.” Planned Parenthood – apparently missing the irony – is preparing for “the fight of our lives.”


While some abortion supporters truly believe that poor women really don’t have any other choice, that they aren’t able to care for themselves much less a baby (there are, by the way, thousands of crisis-pregnancy centers across the country) – the majority are adamant that it’s their body. That the baby has no rights whatsoever. Some of these absolutists may actually be satanic ~ Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Will Veto Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off Babies’ Limbs.

If the rabid pro-aborts who stormed the Texas capital building six years ago are any indication of what we’re in for, this fight is going to get very ugly.

One of the more bizarre tactics used by pro-abortion activists involved chanting “Hail Satan!” to harass a pro-life crowd as they sang “Amazing Grace.”

The “Abortion Party” demands repeal of the Hyde Amendment
Marching FOR – not against – life
Planned Parenthood, ACLU Sue to Overturn Ohio Law Banning Abortions on Babies With Beating Hearts
Poll Shows 55% of Americans Support Heartbeat Bills Banning Abortions on Babies With Beating Hearts
Up-dated: 5-16-19
Added ~ Watch: UNC-Chapel Hill Student Arrested for Stealing Pro-Life Sign ~ Here’s what the pro-life crowd is up against. Some on the pro-death side are simply unhinged ~

Posted in Good vs.Evil, Unvarnished | 1 Comment

Europe is committing suicide

… And we’re not far behind. Here’s another excellent video from PragerU ~


The Demographic Disaster Behind the Failing Economy ~ An oldie-but-goodie
Mexico: 300,000 Migrants Traveled Through Country in 2019, Including from Africa, Asia (4-25-19) ~

The Mexican government is reporting that 300,000 migrants from around the globe have traveled through Mexico in the first three months of 2019 to gain entry into the United States at its southern border.
While the majority of the migrants, the Mexican government says, are from Honduras and other countries in Central America, individuals from Cuba, Africa, and southern Asia have also been identified in the migrant caravans.

Posted in Cultural Erosion, Unvarnished | Leave a comment

Asia Bibi finally finds asylum in Canada

Well Halleluiah – the Trudeau government actually gets one right. Several news sources are reporting that Asia Bibi, acquitted of blasphemy in Pakistan last year, is finally out of that intolerant Muslim country ~

(Bibi) a Pakistani Christian woman who spent eight years on death row for blasphemy against Islam before she was freed last year, is now safely in Canada and reunited with her family, her lawyer has said […]
Roman Catholic Bibi was acquitted of her religious crime last year but has since faced death threats in Pakistan and was offered asylum by multiple countries including Italy, the Netherlands, and Canada. The latter has finally provided her with safe haven.
The British government turned her away, allegedly to appease “certain sections of the community” at home and Islamist terrorists who might be inclined to attack British embassies abroad.


Saiful Malook (her lawyer) said Bibi’s safe arrival in Canada was the result of hard work by activists, foreign diplomats and others “who stood by Bibi in hard times and worked for her freedom”.
Bibi’s case has outraged Christians worldwide and been a source of division within Pakistan, where two politicians who sought to help her were assassinated, including Punjab province governor Salman Taseer, who was shot by his own bodyguard.


Let’s hope and pray that she’ll be safer in Canada then she was in Pakistan…
Christian Mom Asia Bibi’s Ten-Year Nightmare is Finally Over as She is Safely Reunited with Her Family in Canada
Asia Bibi in Canada after fleeing Pakistan following blasphemy acquittal, lawyer says

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Ivanka’s work for women exposes Leftist hypocrisy


In the majority of underdeveloped countries today women are still treated as second-class citizens. They’re often victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking and are regularly prevented from owning property, getting an education, even from holding jobs. You’d think progressive feminists would be outraged about these disparities and try to improve the lives of their fellow women. And you’d think maybe they could get behind Ivanka Trump’s worthwhile efforts…

Media Ignoring Ivanka Trump Helping the Poorest Women (Rachel Alexander – The Stream 5-5-19)
(Trump) recently traveled to Africa to advance the White House’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative. She had to explain what WGDP does in her own op-ed on CNN.
What does WGDP do? Things the liberal media should love. The kind of things they would promote were they done by, oh, Chelsea Clinton. It seeks to reach 50 million women in the developing world by 2025. WGDP will empower women in developing countries through education and entrepreneurship. WGDP eliminates legal, regulatory and cultural barriers to women’s economic participation. It supports women in the workplace and helps them succeed as entrepreneurs. WGDP advances legal reforms to achieve gender equality. Money for the effort will come through USAID.
WGDPI includes a new landmark program called 2X Africa. It will directly invest $350 million to move over $1 billion in capital. The money will go to help women-owned, women-directed and women-supporting projects in sub-Saharan Africa.


In Cote d’Ivoire, Trump met with women who work on cocoa cooperative farms. It is backbreaking work. But the women own only 25% of the farms and nearly three in four of them are shut out from regular credit markets. This makes it difficult to secure financing. So she is providing $2 million from the U.S. to create over 300 new savings associations. This will give the women access to financing and training.


Sounds like some very admirable efforts, but the mainstream media couldn’t possibly report on anything that might reflect well on the Trump administration. As Alexander points out ~

(Ivanka) became a full-time adviser to her father in March 2017. She does not receive a paycheck. Her work is all volunteer. Does she get credit for working so hard for free? No. Of course not. “But Trump!” is what the major media say […]
Ivanka Trump could be a party girl like hotel heiress Paris Hilton. But instead she’s chosen to work for noble causes. Not only is her work mostly ignored, but attacked. That’s what Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin, who has worked closely with Ivanka on workforce development, told The Atlantic. “Ivanka could literally save an elderly woman from getting hit by a train and the people would blame her for disrupting the travel time.”


Among the limited mainstream press coverage about Ivanka’s work with WGDP was an article that grudgingly gave her some credit for her efforts, but claimed the administration is conducting a war on women because President Trump has cut U.S. funding for international abortions. That the Left would rather promote a woman’s right to kill her unborn child than help her improve her economic situation, self-esteem and overall quality of life, tells you all you need to know about the condition of their hearts and souls – and hypocrisy.
Meanwhile Cher – tolerant progressive that she is – had this to say about the president’s children last week ~ “NOT ONE OF THEM WORTH A DAMN!”

Posted in Fruits of Their Labors, Unvarnished | Leave a comment

Saturday Shorts – 5-11-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Biden launches presidential campaign with lies ~ Star Parker points out that the tired Charlottesville delusion to which Biden is clinging has been thoroughly debunked ~

Far less convenient for Biden would have been quoting accurately Trump’s initial remarks on Charlottesville: “Above all else, we must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first. We love our country. We love our God. And we love our flag. … we must love each other, respect each other and cherish our history and our future together. … We have to respect each other. Ideally, we have to love each other.”
The partisan left will be pleased with Biden’s lies. But decent Americans of all ethnicities understand that President Trump is restoring America’s freedom, tolerance, prosperity – and soul.

James Woods Releases New Statement About Twitter Suspending Him ~ James Woods has been banished to the Twitter Gulag. He says he’s not coming back until Jack Dorsey actually allows free speech on the platform.


Free Loomer ~ Laura Loomer is another outspoken conservative who’s been virtually erased from social media. She’s requesting donations to help finance her legal battle. But why should she have to pay to speak freely in America?!

“The tweet that Twitter decided to ban me for was a tweet full of facts about Sharia law. It was a tweet directed at Ilhan Omar, a newly elected Congresswoman, a politician, a public figure, which pointed out that her support of Sharia law does not make her an ally for gay people, women, or Jews, as Twitter would like you to believe.
“Sure enough, it was eventually discovered that CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) was behind my banning, specifically lobbying Twitter to remove me from the platform.”


More from the Thought Police ~ Google Censors the Claremont Institute ~ Apparently the tech leviathan disproves of their mission: to restore the constitutional design envisioned by our nation’s founders. How ironic ~

The Claremont Institute has launched a campaign to engage our fellow citizens in discussion and debate about what it means to be an American.
As part of that effort, we have begun to point out the increasingly existential danger of identity politics and political correctness to our republic. As if to prove our point, Google has judged our argument as wrongthink that should be forbidden.
They are now punishing us for our political thought by refusing to let us advertise to our own readers.

Soon conservatives may even be denied credit cards Mastercard to Vote on Banning the Far Right ~ Submit or be banned ~

Activist group “SumOfUs” wants “human rights committee” to oversee who uses Mastercard.

Colorado students walk out and chant ‘mental health’ in protest at calls for gun control during shooting vigil ~ If you were watching the network news coverage of the latest school shooting you probably missed this addendum; it didn’t fit the script.

Eleven-year-old ‘Drag Kid’ now a spokeschild for Converse shoes ~ Embracing perversity ~

An 11-year-old drag performer known as Desmond-is-Amazing is now a model for a shoe company.
The Converse footwear company, once known for its fashionable high top basketball shoes, has announced a new “partnership” with Desmond Napoles and five other “individuals connected with the LGBTQ+ community” to market its new “Pride collection.”
The announcement accompanied a photograph of Desmond dressed in a colorful shoulder-baring outfit and heavy makeup, posing suggestively before the five other models, including a man dressed as a woman and two women dressed as boys.

And here’s the next level of derangenment I guess ~ CNN promotes adults who ‘transition’ from human species to identify as mermaids ~

CNN recently published a profile on the global trend of “mermaiding,” through which one wears custom mermaid tails over his legs for gatherings, photography, swimming, and even conventions […]
(W)hile many mermaiding enthusiasts see it as nothing more than a hobby, others speak of it using rhetoric similar to that of gender activists who believe that self-perception should trump one’s physical reality.
“It’s my thing, it’s unique, it’s who I am,” said Udi Frige, who compared his mermaiding to a homosexual or gender-confused person coming out of the closet. “It requires lots of difficult explanation, especially if people don’t know me.”

William Barr & Eric Holder: When to Hold an Attorney General in Contempt ~ In case you need another example of leftist double-standards… Holder was held in contempt for failing to provide information on Fast & Furious (the ATF gun-running operation that got Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed). Barr is held in contempt for not doing something he’s not legally permitted to do! The Democrats themselves are contemptible.
Homeless and lost in SF — until a Chronicle photo led his brother to him ~ Moving story of a brother who wouldn’t give up hoping. The future’s still uncertain, but it looks a lot brighter ~

Baron Feilzer hadn’t seen his only sibling for years. Then a homeless man’s picture appeared in The Chronicle.

Point of Connection: How A Small Town Ministry Is Transforming Lives Despite City Official’s Efforts To Shut It Down ~ Point of Connection Ministries in Joseph, Oregon have been working to provide transformational assistance and help to homeless members of their community struggling to recover from drug and alcohol addictions, but now the local zoning board has shut them down ~

You can support First Liberty and their important efforts in defense of our religious freedom HERE.

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Refuse to deny reality and risk fines, job loss or incarceration

Beware of the new Trans-Gestapo ~

Video via: PragerU


Western societies are devolving so rapidly it’s difficult to keep track of the latest version of Newspeak (1984) to avoid being fined, fired, ostracized – or worse. Here are just a few of the latest thought crimes and criminals ~

LGBTQ Sports Group Drops Martina Navratilova For Saying Transwomen Are Cheaters
Christian journalist to be interrogated by police for ‘misgendering’ activist’s transgender child
My Daughter Went Transgender. I Was Powerless to Stop Doctors From Harming Her
UK School Worker Fired for Sharing Petition Against LGBT Sex Ed
Canadian tribunal fines Bill Whatcott $55,000 for expressing Christian views on “transgenderism”
8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport (Video)

Posted in Cultural Erosion, Good vs.Evil, Unvarnished | Leave a comment

Clashing worldviews

Why is there an ever-widening gap between the right and the left in this country? Why are so many friends and families increasingly alienated from one another? Why doesn’t there seem to be any common ground in our viewpoints anymore?
worldview-lgrWhat it really comes down to is how we as individuals see and interact with the world around us. There are essentially two main philosophies or belief systems and, as Dennis Prager explains with his usual brilliant insight, they are totally incompatible with one another ~

The Bible and the left (not liberalism, leftism) are as opposed as any two worldviews can be. While there are people who claim to hold both a Bible-based worldview and left-wing views, these people are few in number. Moreover, what they do is take left-wing positions and wrap them in a few Bible verses. But on virtually every important value in life, the left and the Bible are diametrically opposed.

This underlying dynamic is really the key to understanding nearly every social conflict we’re facing today. Prager offers several examples to expand on this concept. Here are a couple ~

• The biblical view is that people are not basically good. Evil therefore comes from within human nature. For the left, human nature is not the source of evil. Capitalism, patriarchy, poverty, religion, nationalism or some other external cause is the source of evil.
• The biblical view is that man is created in the image of God and, therefore, formed with a transcendent, immaterial soul. The left-wing view — indeed, the view of all secular ideologies — is that man is purely material, another assemblage of stellar dust.
• The biblical view is that the human being has free will. The left-wing view — again, the view of all secular outlooks — is that human beings have no free will. Everything we do is determined by environment, genes and the matter of which we are composed. Firing neurons, not free will, explain both murders and kindness.
• The biblical view is that the nuclear family is the basic unit of society — a married father and mother and their children. This is the biblical ideal. All good people of faith recognize that the reality of this world is such that many people do not or cannot live that ideal. And such people often merit our support. But that does not change the fact that the nuclear family is the one best-suited to create thriving individuals and a healthy society, and we who take the Bible seriously must continue to advocate the ideal family structure as the Bible defines it. And for that, perhaps more than anything, we are mocked.
The biblical view holds that wisdom begins with acknowledging God. The secular view is that is that God is unnecessary for wisdom, and the left-wing view is that God is destructive to wisdom. But if you want to know which view is more accurate, look at the most godless and Bible-less institution in our society: the universities. They are, without competition, the most foolish institutions in our society.

bibleAlthough the Left doesn’t want you to know about it, the Bible was originally the primary textbook used in early American schools. Today some of them are openly hostile to the book. These people, for instance are unhinged ~ Attack on Bible display ‘latest in a disturbing trend to dishonor veterans’: First Liberty ~

An atheist group’s attempt to remove a 95-year-old WWII veteran’s Bible from a POW/MIA memorial in Manchester, New Hampshire is just the latest in attacks on veterans, a religious liberty group told Fox News.
The Bible was donated to Manchester VA Medical Center by former U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Sergeant Herman Streitburger, of Bedford, who was held captive during World War II.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, the group suing the VA, slams Streitburger’s Bible as “a repugnant example of fundamentalist Christian triumphalism, exceptionalism, superiority, and domination, and it cannot stand.”

If that’s not an irreconcilable difference I don’t know what is. But it also reveals complete ignorance of American history. And it’s indicative of a mania of sorts or even, dare I say – satanic – opposition to the Word of God.

Where will this growing discord end?
Those of us who believe in the Bible know – we just don’t know when.
Because, only one side can be right. And there’s no more middle ground.

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Rep. Brian Sims, vicious new face of the Democrat Party?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you,
for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
~ Jesus ~ Matthew 7:12


Because western civilization is grounded in Christianity, the Golden Rule used to be something that most everyone in our culture accepted as the norm and automatically practiced in everyday interactions with one another. Even if it weren’t God’s Word, it’s a common sense guideline for simply getting along with our fellow human beings. Treat people the way you want to be treated – presumably with courtesy, respect and kindness.

But now that our society is essentially post-Christian, it’s no real surprise that civility is in rapid decline. Look no further than social media where profanity-laced insults and invectives are constantly hurled about with no consideration whatsoever of the individual on the receiving end of the attack. More and more, this mindless anger is spilling over into direct face-to-face contact as well.
And now we’re witnessing this breakdown in civility from those we rather hoped would be above such disrespectful behavior, those in leadership positions; our elected officials. (Maxine Waters anyone?) The latest in a growing list of uncivil civic leaders is a Democratic state representative in Pennsylvania who apparently gets off on screaming at little old Christian ladies ~ Dem state lawmaker records himself harassing pro-life woman outside Planned Parenthood ~

A Pennsylvania Democratic state representative went on an eight-minute rant, verbally harassing an elderly woman protesting outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.
Brian Sims recorded a woman outside Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, which is in his district, telling her to pray at home, calling her an “old white lady” and lecturing her about her Christian beliefs on the Periscope app.
“Push back against Planned Parenthood protestors, PLEASE!” Sims wrote on Twitter Thursday. “They prey on young women, they use white privilege, & shame. They’re racist, classist, bigots who NEED & DESERVE our righteous opposition. Push back, please!”

Here’s Tucker Carlson’s take on this class act ~ Rep. Brian Sims is a frothing extremist — and a totally mainstream figure in today’s Democratic party ~

Despite the video you have seen — and despite all appearances — state Rep. Brian Sims, D-Pa., is not a mentally-ill panhandler or a vagrant with a drug problem screaming at strangers. It looks like it. But he is not.
He is an elected lawmaker. He represents central Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. And he is a star, by the way, in the Democratic Party.
He has hung out with Pete Buttigieg. He has a robust social media following. In 2014, NARAL Pro-Choice America — that’s the abortion clinic lobby — gave him a top award. He posed for a picture with NARAL President Ilyse Hogue […]
In the modern Democratic Party, Brian Sims is a totally and completely mainstream figure. He is also, as you have seen in recent videos, a frothing extremist, who is willing to threaten teenagers and attack them for their skin color, simply because they disagree with him […]
Sims calls other people racist because they want fewer black women to abort their children. The whole thing is totally deranged. But it’s entirely okay with Democrats. The Pennsylvania Democratic Party has not even commented on Brian Sims berating and threatening teenage girls for praying outside of an abortion clinic.


So do most Americans really want their elected officials to be such hateful, vicious thugs who callously treat other people like garbage? Apparently enough voters in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania do approve of his vile behavior. Perhaps they no longer see any value in following the Golden Rule either.

Backlash to PA Lawmaker for Verbally Assaulting Elderly Catholic

Don’t Make a Martyr Out of Rep. Brian Sims ~

The same demons that drove (the Bolsheviks and Nazis) drive Brian Sims. Again, I’m speaking not figuratively but literally. Unless he’s a eugenicist or white supremacist, there is no rational reason why a white male homosexual should be so eager to make sure that black women kill their babies. Abortion access affects his sterile, private proclivities not one whit. No matter how many times he and his partner engage in the “sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance,” it won’t produce a child he’ll need to kill for convenience. He’s off the hook.
Yet he hates, how he hates, the women and kids who rally for Life. He cannot even climb down, not a single inch, from that. It goads and grips and drives him. This is the kind of man, who, given a chance, would flatten them with truncheons, march them onto trucks, and drive them off to camps. It’s the kind of man the left wants to put into power, in 50 states.
And that (beyond the moral reasons) is precisely why nobody should touch him. Don’t lay the lightest finger on his exquisitely oiled beard. No pelting him with eggs. Don’t vandalize his house or send him threatening letters. All of those things play into the left’s master strategy, which is to bask in luxuriant victimhood.

Pro-Life Rally in Response to Brian Sims’ Bullying (May 10th)

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Manistreams simply refuse to mention ANYTHING that paints Trump in a good light

Mainstream media bias has reached all new levels of absurdity. Any news snippet that happens to reflect well on Donald Trump and his administration is either ignored entirely or – if it must be mentioned – always countered with a negative comment or opinion, i.e., The economy is booming. BUT some are still struggling. (The net effect being that, in the listener’s mind, the positive story remains tarnished by the negative remarks they heard last. A subtle and nefarious use of propaganda.)
And it doesn’t matter if their contra-news item is legitimate or not; it’s the thought that counts. Such was the case yesterday.
First, the pro-Trump story (barely covered) was Tiger Woods at White House ~

President Trump honored Tiger Woods for his momentous golf career by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, at the White House on Monday.
“The age of Tiger gave us moments that will live forever in sporting lore,” the president said, standing alongside the golf legend.
Mr. Trump detailed Woods’ painful journey, including his fall from the top golfer in the world to among the lowest. The president, reading mostly from a teleprompter but also going off script, as he often does, recounted Woods’ many triumphs and failures in the last decade. Woods “fought through the terrible pain” from his many injuries, and began to reclaim his place, Mr. Trump said.


If the networks reported on this story at all they certainly downplayed it. Wouldn’t want any of Tiger’s anti-Trump fans to have their prejudices challenged.
Instead, worthwhile of mentioning (and wasting one minute of a 2 minute radio news update at the top of the hour) was the fact that a sports figure, barely known outside of major league baseball, was declining a White house invitation ~

CHICAGO — Manager Alex Cora will not join his team when the Red Sox visit the White House this Thursday in recognition of their 2018 world championship.
Discontent over the extent of the federal government’s aid and assistance in the Hurricane Maria recovery effort back in Cora’s native Puerto Rico is the reason.
“The government has done some things back home that are great, but as the report (in Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia, which broke the story) said, we still have a long ways to go,” said Cora after the Red Sox’ 9-2 win over the White Sox. “That’s our reality. It’s pretty tough to go celebrate with where we’re at. I prefer to not go, and be consistent with everything.”

It might be your “reality” pal, but your opinion doesn’t comport with real reality. (Puerto Rico looked like a hurricane had hit the country before Michael.)
Yet this is who the mainstreams choose to showcase – a disrespectful, ungrateful and uninformed baseball manager.
Meanwhile Tiger Woods, despite his incredible achievement and inspiring comeback, is all but ignored, because he shows respect for the Office and for president they hate.
By their heroes you shall know them.

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Intolerance of the “Tolerant”


Remember decades ago when “intolerance” was the worst sin progressives could pin on you? Every time we conservatives tried to push back against their radical social agenda they demanded to know “Who are you to judge? You bigot!” Well, once they started down that road – misapplying Scripture and bastardizing the English language – it was inevitable: the Left has turned into the very scourge they accused the Right of being: INTOLERANT.



Remember when Google was just an extremely helpful search engine? Then within a year or two they were suddenly so ubiquitous that their name became a verb? Well, in the ever-evolving online realm, the tech giant has now reinvented itself as the internet’s leading censor; cyber Thought Police.
Most users probably think they’re still getting impartial results, but right-leaning, conservative websites – if they show up at all – appear at least 4-5 pages into a search. Google apparently doesn’t think you’re entitled to more than one opinion (theirs) on any particular topic, especially controversial issues. They’re pretty much intolerant of any worldviews but their own leftist progressive one.
Now to be fair, the tech giant does occasionally make a rare gesture toward objectivity. In March they announced the formation of their Advanced Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC). This group was tasked with discussing the ramifications of AI (artificial intelligence) and guiding its responsible development and use in Google’s research and products. Sounded like a worthy endeavor. Unfortunately, as Vox reported, the board barely survived a week ~

(The panel) would have had eight members and met four times over the course of 2019 to consider concerns about Google’s AI program. Those concerns include how AI can enable authoritarian states, how AI algorithms produce disparate outcomes, whether to work on military applications of AI, and more.

But the council was dissolved before it held its first meeting, because one of those eight members didn’t meet with the approval of a small mob of indignant, empowered Googlers ~

Thousands of Google employees signed a petition calling for the removal of one board member, Heritage Foundation president Kay Coles James, over her comments about trans people and her organization’s skepticism of climate change.


KayColesJamesJames, incidentally, a black woman, is currently president of the Heritage Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is…

…to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Once widely-held in the U.S., these positions are simply no longer tolerated by many Googlers. As Tyler O’Neil at P.J.Media relates ~

2,476 Google employees signed a petition against Kay Coles James, arguing that including her on the AI ethics board is “a weaponization of the language of diversity. By appointing James to the ATEAC, Google elevates and endorses her views, implying that hers is a valid perspective worthy of inclusion in its decision making. This is unacceptable.”
The employees slammed James as “committed to trans erasure,” because she does not consider transgender identity more real than biological sex. She is not “erasing” people who identify as transgender. She is not denying their existence or advocating violence against them. She merely disagrees that their gender identity — which is not based on genetics or their root biology.

These folks many be amazing techies, but they’re strangely stunted in their social development. They’re so insecure in their own worldview, that they have to resort to thug tactics like name-calling, and character assassination, intimidating those with different perspectives. Because they’ve only been taught what to think – not how to think – they’re unable to engage in any sort of meaningful exchange of ideas.

So rather than have a mutiny on their hands, management caved to the pressure (clearly, the inmates are running the asylum) ~

A Google spokesperson told Vox that the company has decided to dissolve the panel –
“It’s become clear that in the current environment, ATEAC can’t function as we wanted. So we’re ending the council and going back to the drawing board. We’ll continue to be responsible in our work on the important issues that AI raises, and will find different ways of getting outside opinions on these topics.”


James, disappointed but unapologetic, responded with honesty and sincerity in an April 12th op-ed ~

When the company asked me to join, I agreed, welcoming the opportunity to contribute my perspective as a conservative leader — and to test my thinking with council members who might not necessarily agree with me. Together, I thought, we might be able to make valuable contributions as Google explores an important new frontier of technology […]
I was deeply disappointed to see such a promising idea abandoned, but the episode was about much more than just one company’s response to intolerance from the self-appointed guardians of tolerance.
It was symptomatic of where America is heading. Whether in the streets or online, angry mobs that heckle and threaten are not trying to change hearts and win minds. They’re trying to impose their will through intimidation. In too many corners of American life, there is no longer room for disagreement and civil discourse. Instead, it’s agree or be destroyed.
My fellow advisory-council members have now been deprived of the opportunity to question me about what they might see as the contradiction of my policy views and my absolute unconditional acceptance of every member of the human family. They may not have agreed with me, but they would have understood me better — and I, them. With that, we would have had the opportunity to work together to make better public policy on an exceedingly critical issue.

Frankly, I don’t believe Google even deserves Kay Coles James. She would have been the only adult in the room. She’s far too classy, even-tempered and wise for their insulated culture of intolerance. Read her whole letter HERE and see if you agree.

This video from the Heritage Foundation featuring Walt Heyer, who formerly identified and lived as transgender, probably helped trigger the intolerant Googlers. You should watch. It’s quite a compelling testimony.
Kay Coles James spoke with Shannon Bream on Fox News last week ~

Posted in Arrested Development, Unvarnished | Leave a comment

Saturday (Late Sunday edition) – 5-4-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

‘The View’ Claims White Republican Men Want to Bring Back Measles ~ Don’t forget they also want to kill granny, “erase” trans-people, and keep all women barefoot and pregnant ~

Liberal cohosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar on ABC’s The View said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other white Republican men, along with conservative judges, want to bring back measles, black lung and pollute the water.
In a segment praising Joe Biden’s launch into the Democratic 2020 presidential primary, Goldberg and Behar gave a laundry list of negative things that they now blame on conservatives and said that they want to bring them all back.

The eco-gospel according to Saint Greta ~ Swedish, 16 year-old eco-evangelist Greta Thunberg is quite the precocious phenomenon in Europe ~

Environmentalism is fast becoming a religion, and there is even more religious resonance in the responses of the Great and Good, standing agape at Ms Thunberg’s uncompromising message and asking each other ‘where did she get all this wisdom?’

And yet there is no mystery about that, since the Swedish youngster has been exposed to their own message – fed the environmentalist doomsday gospel or, to be more precise, the ‘bad news’ – at school, when she was too young to assimilate it and put it into context, a problem made more acute by her Asperger’s syndrome.

Yellowstone volcano: Earthquake swarm hits deadly caldera which could be sign of ERUPTION ~ This is the UK Express’ annual Yellowstone is fixin to blow scare ~

YELLOWSTONE volcano could be about to erupt and challenge humanity’s existence as a spate of mini-quakes have been felt around the fearsome caldera.
During the month of April, a total of 63 earthquakes struck around the Wyoming based supervolcano. All of the tremors were relatively small, with the largest registering at 2.6 on the Richter scale, hitting on April 29. But experts have warned that it is not necessarily about the strength of an earthquake around a volcano, but more the quantity of them.

Pretty sure there’s no need to panic just yet ~ The Declining Power of Post-Flood Volcanoes ~ (A)ncient explosive volcanoes have erupted with hundreds to thousands of times the energy and power as their modern counterparts.

China Building 300 New Coal Power Plants Around The World ~ But we’re supposed to bankrupt ourselves over phony climate change while their carbon emissions go up tenfold? Seriously? ~

Edward Cunningham, a specialist on China and its energy markets at Harvard University, tells NPR that China is building or planning more than 300 coal plants in places as widely spread as Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt and the Philippines.

Trump Fed Nominee Stephen Moore Withdraws Bid ~ Moore was an excellent pick. How tragic that leftists have gotten so vicious they’re driving good, decent people out of public service ~

In a letter Thursday to Trump, Moore, 59, wrote that he wished to withdraw from consideration.
“Your confidence in me makes what I am about to say much harder. I am respectfully asking that you withdraw my name from consideration,” Moore wrote to the president. “The unrelenting attacks on my character have become untenable for me and my family and 3 more months of this would be too hard on us.”

Transgender Admissions To All-Male, Historically Black College Undermine What It Means To Be A Black Man ~ Justin McClinton at The Federalist laments the reality-free zone that his alma mater, Morehouse College, is becoming ~

(The school’s new admission policy) states, “Morehouse will consider for undergraduate admission those applicants who live and self-identify as men, regardless of the sex assigned to them at birth.” This makes it clear the agenda of its Ivy League-educated president is to make Morehouse just like the liberal, white campuses that he is accustomed to. The “who live” part of the policy is the most troubling.

Nagasaki’s Christian Hero ~ The life of Paul Takashi Nagai, a scientist, professor, convert and poet, is a moving example of selfless Christian charity, service and love for one’s fellow man ~

(T)here was no one to console them, no one to help them except us. We must stand and come to their aid. I stood there unsteadily on my tottering legs. And then the whole group stood up beside me. Our courage came back. The determination to continue our work gave us strength and joy.”
― Paul Takashi Nagai, The Bells of Nagasaki

Seattle man arrested for threatening to kill Jared Kushner for being a Jew ~ The mainstreams missed this one (To fully appreciate their duplicity, imagine this was eight years ago and the target was one of Obama’s daughters…) ~

A Seattle man was arrested this week and charged with making interstate threats after he said he planned to execute White House senior adviser Jared Kushner for being Jewish and threatened to kill other members of President Trump’s family.
According to The Washington Post, the man, Chase Bliss Colasurdo, shared an image on Instagram in February showing a gun being pointed at a photograph of Kushner. Colasurdo later posted image of Donald Trump Jr. in early March and reportedly wrote that he “would just like to let the secret service know” he plans to kill him.

Weapons of mass deception: The inflatable munitions that fooled Hitler ~ Some little-known but fascinating World War II history about the Ghost Army ~

The army recruited 1,100 actors and men from art school to partake in a covert mission; their goal was to deceive enemy forces with decoy tanks and airplanes.
They staged 21 battlefield deceptions, while actual infantry units were deployed elsewhere, their goal was to confuse and befuddle the Germans.

Toppling Ten Fake Facts That Prop Evolution ~ Most people who believe in evolution only do so because that’s been the default position of public school science courses for decades. Taking a closer, objective look at the actual evidence may surprise them ~

Evolution runs on rhetoric and not reality. ICR offers many in-depth resources that evaluate evolutionary assertions and arguments.8 Sometimes it takes just one thought-provoking question to plant a seed of doubt in someone’s belief that nature created all things.

Ministry Fuels Miracles of Mobility ~ What an inspiring story! For the last 25 years, Mobility Worldwide has built and delivered more than 70,000 carts for those with impaired mobility around the world ~

The volunteers and partners of Mobility Worldwide are devoted to bringing the gift of mobility and dignity to each of those 70 million individuals, as a direct and tangible reflection of God’s love.
“We don’t necessarily evangelize with words out in the field, but through our deeds, by providing a very sturdy mobility cart, we are changing peoples’ lives in the far reaches of the world,” said Walters. “And the people that we help are, for lack of a better term, ‘the least of these’ that the Bible speaks of” (Matthew 25:40).

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