Yes, Atty Gen William Barr has contempt – for vindictive, partisan show trials

Up-dated: 5-19-19
Added – Related:
Bunker Ranting From the Senate’s Democrats ~ They know Attorney General Barr has them in his sights ~

(As) Barr quietly and with great dignity schooled the Judiciary Committee on the realities of Mueller’s investigation, the Democrat senators seemed unable to accept the unavoidable and undeniable fact that for the last two years they and the progressive media had confidently and loudly championed a complete and utter hoax. So it was that Blumenthal and his frustrated cohort desperately flailed away and hurled meaningless invective at the cool, calm, and collected Attorney General.

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Dissing Pompeo proves how childish progressives really are

Watching the Senate Democrats arrogantly grilling Attorney General William Barr Wednesday, it occurred to me that leftist antics are starting to resemble a scene out of Lord of the Flies. These puffed-up poltroons are behaving like rude, insolent children, incapable of critical thinking and self-restraint. They can’t – or won’t – engage in civil debate. Their behavior represents a total lack of respect for history, tradition, the American people, their colleagues – even themselves.

Apparently, these inconsiderate, little savages are the new face of the Democrat party, determined to get their way at all costs, civility be damned.
MikePompeoLast month, in another display of intemperate, intolerant behavior – the leftist media, in this case – pressured the James W. Foley Foundation into withdrawing their honorarium of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ~ At Foley Gala, the Media Invites Disunity ~

As fractured as this country may be, most people never thought they’d see the day when we couldn’t set aside politics long enough to cheer the return of our own. But in a nation as unraveled by animus as ours seems to be, even the triumphant return of American hostages is cause for backbiting and revenge.


The Foley Foundation was established in memory of James H. Foley, the freelance journalist who was kidnapped in Syria by ISIS in November 2012. James was viciously murdered in August 2014 (ISIS infamously posted a video online). Here’s part of the non-profit’s mission statement ~

Advocate for the release of Americans held hostage or unjustly detained abroad, conduct research on current US hostage policy and support American hostage families ~
• For the safe return of all Americans held hostage abroad
• For families of American hostages in cooperation with Hostage US, a DC-based organization
• For ongoing research on American hostage policy to ensure protection of Americans working internationally
• For improved safety and treatment of journalists worldwide, particularly freelance conflict journalists

Each year the foundation presents the James W. Foley Hostage Advocacy Award to an individual who has significantly promoted the safe return of American citizens kidnapped abroad.
Mike Pompeo seemed a perfect choice for the award this year, as Tony Perkins points out ~

After all, he and the president has brought home more prisoners in two years than any administration in modern history. In just a half-term, 20 people — including 17 Americans — are free because of this president and his team.
Whether it was Pastor Andrew Brunson (who I had the privilege of escorting home), Mormon missionaries, UCLA basketball players, or U.S. aid workers, the White House has made it clear: it will leave no American behind. Very honestly, Trump’s success on the hostage front is everyone’s success.

Of course what’s good news for most freedom-loving Americans is generally bad news for leftists. So naturally, the progressive medias types (headed by keynote speaker and CNN anchor Christiana Amanpour) threw a collective tantrum when Pompeo was announced as this year’s honoree, and the foundation promptly replaced him with Obama-era diplomat Brett McGurk. Never mind that…

(Obama’s) administration released fewer hostages in eight years than President Trump has in two. And the current president managed it, Marc Thiessen reminds everyone, “without setting Taliban leaders loose from Guantanamo Bay, or sending wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies to Iran on an unmarked cargo plane — which only creates incentives for criminal regimes to seize Americans.”

Pompeo, principled patriot that he is, graciously responded to the snub with a letter to the foundation ~

“How sad is it that base politics and hatred have been allowed to creep into even this sphere of our national activity?” he wrote. “The safe recovery of Americans held hostage overseas should be beyond politics and must enjoy the support of all Americans. I regret that pressure of such a cynical and abominable nature was brought to bear on you and John.” Regardless, he promised, “the ignoble conduct of those behind this sad deed will never diminish my commitment, or the commitment of the men and women I lead, to the safe recovery of all Americans unjustly held abroad.”



So here was one instance where you would think the Left could actually behave like rational adults… but you would be wrong. These malcontented progressives have no sense of decorum or civility. And unfortunately, for the future of America, they seem incapable of putting the common good above their own selfish partisan politics; a deficiency that renders them unfit for public office.

Pompeo dissed: Anti-Trump media force group to pull his ‘Freedom Award’

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National Day of Prayer – May 2, 2019

Today is America’s 67th annual National Day of Prayer. Held on the first Thursday in May, the event focuses on praying for the well-being of the country, and for those in leadership positions at all levels of national, church and educational areas of influence. I can’t think of anything we need more of right now, as Satan is trying to sow discord and hatred among Americans, separating us from our heritage and from each other.
The national observance is tonight in Washington D.C. from 7:30 to 9:30. And there are hundreds of gatherings all day at various locations across the country. Check HERE for one near you.
You can livestream the entire event this evening HERE


ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, we look to You alone for the future of America. By Your providence, You have placed each of us here at this time in history to be in this nation. Thank You for this blessing. Thank You for America.
BUT ABOVE ALL, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. It is in His name, we come to You as we intercede in prayer for America.
FORGIVE US, OH LORD, for the sins we have committed against You in America. We are failing You by dishonoring one another through our harsh and bitter words about each other. We are failing You through broken relationships. We are failing You by devaluing human life from conception until death. We are failing You with the division in our nation.
LORD, WE TURN FROM these sinful actions and refuse to live this way. Please forgive us now and help us to choose love over hate, unity over division, and life over death.
WE CHOOSE to live by Jesus’ words: Love One Another. Therefore, upon the authority of Your Word in John 13:34, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you,” we pray for a future America that will choose to love willfully, sacrificially, and unconditionally just like Jesus loves us.
WE PRAY FOR THE CHURCH in America to love one another. Empower each church to be full of love for one another. Ignite a revival of love for one another. Since we are to be known by our love, help us to love one another.
WE PRAY FOR EVERY FAMILY, EVERY WORKPLACE, EVERY COMMUNITY, AND EVERY CITY IN AMERICA to choose love. We believe there is power in love. We believe love is the better way. We believe love is God’s Way. Oh Lord, change families, workplaces, communities, and cities through the power of love. Raise up a Love One Another movement across America.
WE PRAY FOR ALL ETHNICITIES AND PEOPLE IN AMERICA to love one another. Lord, tear down every wall of division and change any attitude that divides us today. Bind up our nation’s wounds and may the transforming love of God lead us to the day when justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
WE PRAY FOR YOUR LOVE to surround America. We pray for Your love to surround and protect us in every public setting and private place. Protect us from harm.
WE BELIEVE ALL OF THESE THINGS, OH LORD, represent our deep need for the next great move of God across America. We ask You alone for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America. Please, oh God, wake up Your church and revive Your people today. We ask You to begin a mighty spiritual awakening in every town, every city, and every county in America.
WE NEED AND DESIRE THIS SO MUCH, THAT BEGINNING RIGHT NOW, we are choosing love and forgiveness, love and restitution, love and healing, love and unity, and a future that will be transformed by the power of unconditional love. When we belong to You, we belong to love. We choose to Love One Another!
IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, the only Savior and Hope in this world we pray. Amen.
Dr. Ronnie Floyd
President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
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The “Opioid Crisis?” Obama built that

And now it falls to Trump to dismantle it.
Last fall, I posted about America’s soaring rate of deaths from drug overdoses (over 70,000 in 2017). Unfortunately, many of these folks would still be alive were it not for the drugs smuggled into the country across our southern border.
Unhinged leftists don’t seem to care much about this ongoing tragedy since many of them are calling for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Never mind that the agency is critical in slowing down the river of drugs flowing into the U.S. ~

(Who is ICE?) “Those are the guys who are protecting us from the 200 million lethal doses of fentanyl that have come across the border in just the last year. And then the heroin spike and the opioid piece is still not solved … all of that ties into human trafficking.”

Source: Dave Brat (R-VA) via Breitbart News

But it’s not just ICE the Left wants to shut down. According to William Marshall, writing at Townhall, the Obama administration began undermining the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) a decade ago!

The ill-starred consequences of Barack Obama’s malign administration I fear will be felt by this country for decades to come. One aspect of that malignity is the unprecedented drug scourge and associated deaths of our fellow Americans that we are witnessing, largely at the hands of corporate peddlers of narcotics who have sold their souls for the modern equivalent of 30 pieces of silver, but also at the hands of Islamic narco-traffickers and Latin American drug cartels who are importing massive amounts of heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine into the United States […]
barackthedoper-ChoomMy very knowledgeable friends, who have been in the trenches of the drug war for decades, place the blame for the current atrocious situation squarely at the feet of Barack Obama.
As one of these friends recently explained to me, “Obama’s [Attorney Generals] Holder and Lynch destroyed DEA” when DEA tried to go after the manufacturers of opioids like the ironically named Cardinal Health and other opioid manufacturers that were flooding the US market with opioids, working in collusion with over-prescribing doctors who saw an opportunity to become legalized drug pushers and profit handsomely in the process.
My friend explained that when DEA tried to go after Cardinal Health and other opioid manufacturers, Bill Clinton’s former Deputy Attorney General, Jamie Gorelick, now in private legal practice and representing opioid manufacturing companies, called Obama’s Deputy Attorney General, James Cole, and prevailed upon him to stop going after these companies. When DEA wouldn’t comply, my friend explained, Cole “crushed DEA by putting DOJ attorneys [willing to go along with Gorelick/Cole] in the DEA Chief Counsel’s Office to step on DEA investigations [and bring them] to a grinding halt.”

What a pack of subversive low-lifes!
Incidentally, as Marshall points out, Gorelick was also instrumental in creating Bill Clinton’s infamous “wall of separation” which prevented intelligence agencies from sharing crucial information and likely prevented US authorities from discovering and averting the worst terrorist attack on the American homeland – the 9/11 al Qaeda plot.

The crippling of the DEA is just another tarnished piece of the regrettable Obama legacy. And it’s one we need to remedy as soon as possible. Marshall recommends that President Trump start by installing Mike Braun, a former US Marine and retired DEA Chief of Operations, as new permanent Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration ~

(Braun) possesses the perfect resume for the job. He is a rock-solid American patriot whom the rank-and-file of DEA think the world of. DEA has not had a fully confirmed Administrator since 2015. Under Barack Obama and since, the agency has been operating under ineffectual, political lawyers, kowtowing to the opioid pushers.

Marshall concludes with this ~

This is a national security and humanitarian crisis of near epic proportions. As noted above, in addition to the profiteering pharmaceuticals manufacturers, Mr. Braun will take on the usual suspects in the cartels south of the border, but also ISIS and the Islamic Hezbollah drug-traffickers, the investigation of which Barack Obama killed in order not to offend his beloved Iranian interlocutors so he could gift America with his absurd “Iran nuclear deal,” as detailed in an amazing piece of investigative journalism in Politico – hardly a bastion of conservatism.
The Democrats in Congress and their allies on the rabidly anti-Trump Mueller investigative team have prevented President Trump and AG Barr from focusing on the critical drug crisis through their phony “Trump-Russia collusion” scam. It’s time to finally put that lunacy to rest and confront the real problems facing our country.

It will take decades – and vast amounts of fortitude – to undo the damage Barack Hussein Obama inflicted on this country. But we owe it to future generations to make the effort. Let’s fix the DEA.

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Venezuela has had it with socialism

As Venezuelans fight to take back their country, never forget that the Left wants to Make America Venezuela ~


It’s difficult to find any mainstream media interest in today’s uprising (they’re still in denial about the evils of socialism) – much less the facts about what’s really going on. Venezuela, as I’ve written about numerous times, is in the midst of a meltdown – no food, medical supplies, electricity – and yet dictator-for-life Nicolas Maduro continues to rule with an iron fist (even turning away humanitarian aid at his country’s borders).

Last May, Venezuelans went to the polls to vote for a president and somehow Mauduro managed to come out the winner yet again. Funny how that always works out for tyrants. Amid widespread reports of fraud, the U.S., and 50 other countries, recognized Juan Guaido as Venezuela‘s legitimate president. In response to the rigged election, the Trump administration imposed sanctions hoping to dislodge Maduro.
With millions of Venezuelans behind him Guaido is spearheading today’s offensive against the socialist regime, Operation Liberty ~

CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido said on Tuesday he had begun the “final phase” of his plan to oust President Nicolas Maduro, calling on Venezuelans and the military to back him to end Maduro’s “usurpation.”


Additional country-wide protests are planned for tomorrow – coincidentally the date of international May Day celebrations.

Trump “monitoring” uprising led by Juan Guaidó in Venezuela

Operation Liberty: Venezuelans Fight to End the Communist Dictatorship

Putin sends military technicians to Venezuela to support Maduro dictatorship’s Russian missile system ~

Russian military personnel flying into Venezuela in recent weeks were likely sent to ensure the nation’s sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles remain a credible deterrent to any U.S. military action against the government of socialist President Nicolas Maduro, according to defense analysts in Latin America, the U.S. and Russia.

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NYT, still as anti-Semitic as ever

The newspaper that infamously covered up the horrors of the Holocaust – in real time – are showing their true colors once again, publishing this disgusting political cartoon last Thursday ~

Just two days after this offensive image appeared in the New York Times, another crazy with a gun burst into a San Diego synagogue, murdering one woman and wounding the synagogue’s rabbi (along with two others, one an eight year-old girl) ~

POWAY, Calif. — The suspect detained (in connection with) the shooting at the Congregation Chabad in Poway has been identified as John T. Earnest.
Earnest, 19, has posted anti-Trump and anti-Jewish messages on social media and has created a manifesto. The San Diego Sheriff’s Department believes this to be the manifesto and are reviewing it […]
Earnest is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday on the following counts: One count of murder with a hate-crime special circumstance and gun allegations, three counts of attempted murder with hate-crime and gun allegations, and arson of a house of worship. The last charge stems from a fire set as an Escondido mosque last month.

Source: CBS8 News

Did you catch that? “Anti-Trump” and “anti-Jewish” messages? And yet, true to form, the deceitful mainstreams are absurdly trying to pin the attack on the most pro-Israel president ever. Of course there’s absolutely no evidence to back that ludicrous assertion.
But what about the New York Times’ responsibility? While I’m not suggesting any such thing, isn’t it much more plausible that their anti-Semitism inspired Earnest – rather than the man who declared that the Golan Heights belong to Israel?

The Left just can’t help themselves though. The “pro” in progressives stands for projection, as Rachel Alexander at The Stream explains ~

The reality is, the left has a problem with pointing a finger at the right over the very things it’s doing itself. The left may claim it’s not anti-Semitic, but the incidents linking the left to anti-Semitism are increasing. Jerusalem getting booed at the 2012 DNC convention was the canary in the coal mine. The BDS movement against Israel, which has overrun many of our campuses, is another clear call of danger. Democrats are currently blocking anti-BDS legislation.
Brandon Straka, the leader of the #WalkAway movement fleeing the Democrats, is now starting a #WalkAway plan for Jews. Given the party’s growing open hostility toward the Jewish people, he will very likely have some success.

Let’s hope so. At the very least, they should walk away from the New York Times!

There’s also JEXODUS: Jewish Millennials Launch A ‘Liberation Movement’ From The Democratic Party ~

We are proud Jewish Millennials tired of living in bondage to leftist politics. We reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left. Progressives, Democrats, and far too many old-school Jewish organizations take our support for granted. After all, we’re Jewish, and Jews vote for Democrats.
Until today.
We are determined and we are unafraid to speak for ourselves. As combatants and veterans of the campus wars, we know the threat progressivism poses to Jews. We’ve had front row seats witnessing anti-Semites hide behind the thin veil of anti-Zionism. We know the BDS movement harbors deep hatred not only for Israel, but for Jews. We’re done standing with supposed Jewish leaders and allegedly supportive Democrats who rationalize, mainstream, and promote our enemies. We’d rather spend forty years wandering in the desert than belong to a party that welcomes Jew-haters like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


‘Disgusting’: Donald Trump Jr. Slams NY Times over Anti-Semitic Cartoon

Protest Erupts Outside New York Times Offices Over Anti-Semitic Cartoon ~

The Times has apologized (for the cartoon) but for many New Yorkers that just wasn’t good enough. Monday evening, they staged a protest outside the lavish offices of the Gray Lady and demanded the firing of those involved with publishing the offensive cartoon.

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Thought for the week


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Saturday Shorts – 4-27-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Updates from the Sri Lanka bombings–on-the-ground reports from our field ~ From Open Doors, who ranks Sri Lanka #46 on their list of countries where Christians experience serious persecution. Until now the threat was primarily from radical Buddhist movements, but as we know, theReligion-of-Peace is everywhere these days ~

More information has been slowly trickling out about the bombers themselves. The person who is thought to be the ringleader of the National Thowheeth Jama’ath group responsible for the bombings was a hardline Muslim radical who preached jihad so publicly that he’d been reported to the Sri Lankan authorities many times. The New York Times reports that the group likely has links to ISIS, a disturbing reminder of so many atrocities against Christians in Iraq and Syria.
The BBC reports that the Roman Catholic Church has canceled church services this weekend because of continued threats—the government suspects there may be more terrorists who have additional attacks planned.

Jihad Watch has another perspective in the aftermath of this tragedy which seems to confirm the government’s perfunctory treatment of Christians ~ Sri Lanka protects mosques, shuts down churches ~

“Sri Lanka deployed thousands of security forces on Friday to protect mosques.” That’s because Sri Lanka is worried about retaliatory attacks. One can understand this, but rather than protect the churches from further jihad attacks, Sri Lankan authorities have “ordered the country’s religious leaders to keep all Catholic churches closed and not to hold prayer services” until further notice. Then why not order the same closure for mosques?
One must also remember that “Indian intelligence officials warned their Sri Lankan counterparts of the attack just hours before the first bomb was detonated, but the Sri Lankans failed to act,” and they continue to fail the country’s Christians. Also, the Sri Lankan archbishop Malcolm Ranjith believed Muslim envoys from jihad sponsoring states who assured him that the jihad bombings had “no connection to Islam.” How shameful that Ranjith would believe this, given the pervasiveness of Christian persecution in Islamic nations.

Rosanna Arquette: I Feel Terrorized ‘Living Under a Fascist Regime’ ~ Will someone please get this woman the professional help she so desperately needs? ~

Actress Rosanna Arquette melted down in a social media screed, wishing she could wake up without feeling “terrorized” by President Donald Trump’s “fascist regime.”

“I just want to wake up and feel some peace and love in the world,” Rosanna Arquette said, “and not feel terrorized that we are living under a fascist regime as of today.”

Scientists develop swallowable self-inflating capsule to help tackle obesity ~ Interesting. A safer, easier alternative to expensive surgery?

Called the EndoPil, the prototype capsule contains a balloon that can be self-inflated with a handheld magnet once it is in the stomach, thus inducing a sense of fullness. Its magnetically-activated inflation mechanism causes a reaction between a harmless acid and a salt stored in the capsule, which produces carbon dioxide to fill up the balloon.

The Top Ten Evilest People of All-Time ~ While many in our current crop of angry leftists are pretty bad, in terms of death, destruction and human suffering the folks on Larry Alex Taunton’s list were truly wicked.
Why Relocating Illegal Aliens To Sanctuary Cities Is A Brilliant, Win-Win Idea ~ I don’t think J. Michael Waller at The Federalist is even being tongue-in-cheek here, it really is an excellent proposal ~

First, the illegal immigrants would be sent only to progressive locales that celebrate diversity and inclusion with official sanctuary policies. This is means the poor, huddled masses wouldn’t be trucked to hurtful, bigoted, and racist communities in red states and other places with more respect for the nation’s laws. And they can stay as long as they like.
Many of those sanctuaries are among the nicest places in America. Foreign law-breakers can relocate to the posh and overwhelmingly white Nassau County, New York, or the Washington, DC suburb of Montgomery County, Maryland. Or much of the Pacific Northwest.
Trump’s political opponents would win bigly, too. The president’s plan would instantly expand his top opponents’ base of minorities to cultivate and aggrieve. Trump would instantly make sanctuary cities and states more ethnically, linguistically, and socially diverse.

Kenney wins landslide in Alberta against carbon tax: vows War Room against energy activists ~ Average voters everywhere have had enough of the Green scammers ~

Yet another big win against carbon taxes: Abbott, Trump, Ford and now Kenney ~
Alberta is a conservative province of Canada with 4 million people. It’s wealthy from oil, gas and agriculture. (It’s not that different to Queensland and WA.). Jason Kenney is on a mission to get the province back from environmental zealots: fergoodnesssake, he even vowed to set up a ‘War Room’ against energy activists.
The greens were the main target and the people said “Yes”.

An Open Letter to Organic Crusaders: Please Save the Poor! ~ I honestly don’t know much about GM crops but Vijay Jayaraj does, and it sure sounds like they’ve been a huge boon for billions ~

The world’s farmers harvested 5.8 billion acres of genetically modified (GM) crops over the last 22 years. More than half are in developing countries. In 2017 alone, GM cultivation accounted for 469 million acres — nearly double the average rate of the prior 22 years.
Advances in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) extend Borlaug’s work. Recent additions include GM Golden Rice, BT cotton, brinjals, and mustards. Before the 1960s, none of these existed.
Countries like Mexico, Pakistan, India, and China remember the dark days. Organic crops and underdeveloped agricultural systems caused frequent famines. Entire populations depended on agricultural imports. Often they were barely enough to prevent famine […]
Have anti-GMO lobbies or a few well-crafted books or flawed studies made you skeptical of GM crops? If so, I hope you’ll take the challenge and do some more research. You might begin with Megan Norris’s “Will GMO’s Hurt My Body? The Public’s Concerns and How Scientists Have Addressed Them.”
In reality, GM foods prevent undernutrition, malnutrition, and starvation for millions of people every day.

IRS recognizes Satanic Temple as ‘church’, grants tax-exempt status ~ Whoa. Either America’s days are numbered – or the Bible is a total hoax. Both cannot be true. (With the growing worldwide persecution of Christians, the Notre Dame fire, the legalization of post-birth abortion, the increasingly-unhinged Left, this and THIS – I’m going with option 1) ~

On Thursday, the Satanic Temple announced on Instagram that “for the very [first] time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church.”


I Fought In The Battle Of Mogadishu. Here’s What Rep. Ilhan Omar Gets Wrong About ‘Black Hawk Down’ ~ Kyle Lamb straightens out the anti-American Minnesota representative. A very educational piece for Omar and other ignorant progressives

Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can’t even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf […]
Earlier this week, a 2017 tweet from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) surfaced in which she attacked the men who helped defend from starvation and civil war the country she abandoned in the early 1990s. In her tweet, Omar blasted “American forces” for killing “thousands of Somalis” during the Battle of Mogadishu in October 1993. “#NotTodaySatan,” Omar wrote.
I take special exception to Omar’s disgusting comments because I served in the Battle of Mogadishu, which was later portrayed in the movie “Black Hawk Down.” If you aren’t familiar with the real story behind “Black Hawk Down,” let me set the scene for you […]
The purpose of American involvement in Somalia was to protect the peacekeepers tasked with the near-impossible mission of delivering vital food and medical supplies to the starving, war-torn population. As the aid grew, so did the opportunities for graft from warring clans who saw the humanitarian crisis as a way to cement their power throughout the country.

On the bright side, this is rather encouraging ~ Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO) Shuts Down Rep. Omar; Won’t Remove Trump 9/11 Tweet ~

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) didn’t get her way after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called her to let her know that the company would not remove a tweet from President Trump featuring a video of her casually dismissing the 9/11 terrorist attack as “some people did something.”


Netanyahu wants to name part of Golan Heights after Trump ~ The Israeli Prime Minister was touring the Golan on Tuesday (April 23rd) ~

“I’m here on the beautiful Golan Heights. All Israelis were deeply moved when President Trump made his historic decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” Netanyahu said. “Therefore after the Passover holiday, I intend to bring to the government a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Donald Trump.”

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Whack-a-Drone #30

Here is another cogent, concise and convincing
example of the rightness of Conservatism.
Whack your favorite drone(s) with the TRUTH:

[There’s a high probability it won’t penetrate their thick
armor of denial – but hey, it’s worth a shot.]


It should be self-evident to any reasonably thoughtful individual that “diversity” divides. In personal relationships, both at home and at work, we naturally seek to find common ground with each other. Focusing on our differences, emphasizing areas of disagreement, only causes discord.
Which of course is exactly why the Left has been pushing the destructive concept for the last 30 years. They’ve managed to convince the last two generations that diversity is the highest good. They’ve been employing this highly successful strategy precisely to balkanize American society; divide and conquer.
This excellent video from Dennis Prager addresses more than just the destructive concept of diversity, but his wise advice to school principals is rooted in common sense and provides the anecdote to a divided country ~


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Finally Spring

Spring officially began on March 20th. But unofficially it just arrived here in SE Michigan last week. After long months of slumber, nature is suddenly waking; birds are singing, grass is greening, and trees are budding out seemingly overnight ~

Each year the arrival of spring triggers an explosion of color, energy and life as our planet awakens from the dormancy of winter. This extraordinary season of renewal also serves as a powerful reminder of the most important event in history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


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OBITUARY — Jesus of Nazareth

Just ran across this clever take on the Easter story (posted at The One Door, March, 2014). Written from a contemporary perspective, the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ become all the more real through this creative account.


Jerusalem, Israel — Nisan 16, A.D.33

Jesus Christ of Nazareth died on Friday Nisan 14 on Calvary, also known as Golgotha, the place of the Skull, just outside of Jerusalem, capital of Israel. The causes of His death were extreme exhaustion, severe torture, and loss of blood caused by crucifixion by order of Pontius Pilate. He was betrayed by one of His disciples, Judas.
Jesus Christ, a descendent of Abraham, was a member of the House of David. He was the son of the late Joseph of Nazareth, a carpenter, and Mary, a devoted mother. He is survived by His mother, His brothers and sisters, His disciples, and many other followers and friends.
Jesus was educated at home and spent most of His life working as a carpenter, then as a traveling teacher-preacher. Up until the time of His death, the last three years of His short life were spent teaching and sharing the Good News (about salvation through Him), healing the sick, ministering to the lonely, feeding the hungry and helping the poor.
He was most noted for His sharing of many parables about His Father’s Kingdom. He performed numerous miracles, such as feeding over 5,000 people, healing a man born blind and raising a dead man from his tomb. On the day before His death He celebrated the Passover meal with His disciples, at which time He foretold of His death.
The body of Jesus was quickly buried in a garden tomb near Calvary which was donated by a friend named Joseph of Arimathea, himself a committed believer in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. By order of Pontius Pilate, a huge stone was rolled over the entrance of the tomb. A group of sixteen Roman soldiers was placed on guard at the tomb.
In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that all truly study His teachings, consider His basic message — “Repent and Believe the Gospel” — and seek to live as He lived. Donations may be sent or given to anyone you know who is truly in need of food, clothes or help.
UPDATE — Something very unexpected happened on the third day after the death and burial of Jesus Christ! The stone was rolled away, His tomb was empty, and His body was gone. Several eyewitnesses (some women, the soldiers there guarding the tomb and two disciples) verified this fact. And some of these witnesses reported to having seen an angel at the tomb.
FURTHER UPDATE — The body of Jesus was found – alive! Amazingly, miraculously, He had arisen bodily from the dead. The day of His resurrection He was seen alive, and He talked with several people. Some of those who saw Him and talked with Him included Mary Magdalene, some other women, a man named Cleopas and his wife, the Apostle Peter and the other disciples.
No other person has ever been known to have risen from the dead, displaying power over death! Jesus Himself had predicted He would rise from the dead. It remains to be seen how this man’s death and resurrection will, in days to come, impact this city, the nation or even the whole world.

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“Some people did something”* to “Easter worshipers”

Last month, the deaths of 49 Muslims in New Zealand at the hands of a couple crazed anarchists, dominated the news cycle for more that a week. Yesterday – Easter Sunday – in Sri Lanka, nearly 300 (mostly Christian) people were murdered by radical Muslim suicide bombers. Today the media has pretty much moved on.

A radical Muslim terror group called National Thowheed Jamath was blamed Monday for the devastating suicide bombings that killed at least 290 and injured 500 in Sri Lanka.
Cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said that seven suicide bombers from the domestic group were behind the coordinated attacks — but insisted overseas terrorists likely helped […]


The attacks on three churches and three hotels were carried out by individual bombers, with two striking the Shangri-La Hotel in the capital Colombo.
The bombings killed at least 290 people with more than 500 wounded, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekara said Monday.

Source: NYPost

In the wake of the New Zealand shootings, Westerners practically prostrated themselves to apologize for the Muslim deaths. The reaction to this slaughter in Sri Lanka is markedly different. Rather than respect the Christian faith and acknowledge the ongoing jihad against believers, many media sources replaced the word “Christians” with “Easter worshipers” in their reports.


So just who gets to decide which lives are worthy of our collective attention and mourning? Who is in charge of framing the narrative surrounding every new tragedy? Muslims? The mainstreams? Our elite ruling class?
Certainly not Christians.


Praying for the survivors of yesterday’s horrific attacks. May the Lord comfort, heal, strengthen and sustain those who are injured and have lost loved ones. (Those who died in Christ truly know now that their Redeemer lives!) May He transform the hearts of those who continue to believe that violence like this justified, and lead them to His saving grace.

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet, because you
are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore
the world hates you.”
~ John 15:18-19 ~

* “Some people did something,” was Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) dismissive reference to 9-11 a couple weeks ago.
Updated: 4-25-19
Added –

Why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Tweeted About ‘Easter Worshippers’ Dennis Prager reflects on the Sri Lanka massacre and leftist obfuscation ~

The reason neither of them mentioned Christians or churches is that the left has essentially forbidden mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa, and anywhere else […]
Essentially, the left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.

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