Saturday Shorts (late Sunday edition) – 4-20-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Easter Heroism: How Many Great Stories Did the Greatest History Launch? ~ Citing various examples from Dickens to J.R.R. Tolkien, Marvin Olasky discusses the ways in which Western literature has been influenced by the example of Jesus’ sacrificial love ~

Christ’s death on the cross offered healing to billions over the past 2,000 years — and it also inaugurated a different kind of storytelling. The hero no longer had to be a Hercules whose strength moved huge stones. He could be one who gave his life for another – and then God would roll away the stone.

How did Bernie Sanders make his money? A look at his wealth and assets ~ looks like capitalism has been very, very good to Bernie ~

According to (tax) returns, the Vermont senator’s adjusted gross income was $561,293 in 2018 and paid a 26 percent effective tax rate. In 2017, his adjusted gross income was $1,131,925.

Marijuana and Psychosis ~ More evidence that pot legalization is probably not the best of ideas ~

A just-published study in The Lancet involving, among others, researchers at King’s College London, compared 900 people who had been treated for psychosis with 1,200 people who had not. Sample participants were drawn from across Europe and Brazil […]
Both groups were surveyed on a host of factors, including their use of marijuana and other drugs. The study’s authors concluded that “people who smoked marijuana on a daily basis were three times more likely to be diagnosed with psychosis compared with people who never used the drug. For those who used high-potency marijuana daily, the risk jumped to nearly five times.”

A List of Sanctuary Cities and States ~ This compilation from the Center for Immigration Studies should come in handy for President Trump’s relocation of border crashers.
The Party May Be Over For Burning Man, Thanks To The Federal Government ~ The Bureau of Land Management is not thrilled with the annual paganfest’s economic and environmental impact on the Nevada desert ~

At first, the Burning Man organizers raged, vowing not to take BLM’s advice to heart — even though it seems they, themselves, solicited it — and refusing to adopt BLM’s recommendations, which included drive-up dumpsters at the entrance and exit to the festival, a temporary fence around the festival to keep garbage and other debris from blowing off into the desert, improvements to the festival’s water and sewage systems, and hiring independent security forces to keep Burning Man from becoming a target for terrorists.
Now, though, it seems Burning Man, which has been held in the same area of the Nevada desert since the mid-1980s, may be facing a crisis, and this year’s event could be the last.

Children as young as nine are talking about suicide in class, teachers’ survey reveals ~ This heartbreaking story is from the U.K., but similar trends have been noted in the U.S. ~

Children as young as nine are talking about suicide in class, a teachers’ survey has revealed as they warn that mental health issues are on the rise.
Four in five teachers said they have seen a rise in pupils experiencing mental health problems, according to a poll conducted by the National Education Union (NEU).

SPLC’s ‘Hate Group’ Accusation Outed As a Scam, More Than 60 Groups Considering Lawsuits ~ Might the SPLC may finally be forced to stop promoting hate? ~

The SPLC has dodged defamation lawsuits by claiming its “hate group” accusations are merely a matter of opinion, protected as free speech under the First Amendment. Yet demonstrably false statements leveled with malicious intent to destroy someone’s reputation constitute defamation, and these new admissions bolster a legal case against the smear factory, (Daniel Schmid, litigation counsel at the falsely accused Christian law firm Liberty Counsel) argued.

Irish Bacteria Could Stop Dangerous “Superbugs” ~ Science is continually discovering new ways that God has provided for our needs through the vast resources of His creation ~

Biomedical researchers have constantly been on the lookout for species (or strains) of bacteria that are antibiotic producers and can combat other multi-resistance bacteria. Recently a new strain of Streptomyces (a well-known antibiotic producer) has been discovered in the alkaline grassland soils of the Boho Highlands of Northern Ireland.5 Interestingly enough the area is noted in folk medicine for its healing properties. The newly-identified strain is called Streptomyces sp. Myrophorea. It’s important because it’s effective against four of the top six “superbugs” resistant to antibiotics, including the dreaded methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Researchers are seeing benefits of investigating traditional and folklore medicines.

NYTimes busts itself… Mount Rainier glacier melting not due to CO2 ~ Oops. Someone at the Times needs to fact-check their own previous issues.

Notre Dame Fire: A Tremendous Gift to the French People ~ Firewall host Bill Whittle has a message for the non-elite French population ~

“You are not obligated to commit cultural suicide in order to atone for crimes that you did not commit […]
“Do not allow the politicians that are allowing your country to burn to the ground every single day to continue to use your kindness, your decency and your generosity against you in the pursuit of personal political power.”

Also see: THE ROOSTER of NOTRE DAME: Omen for Europe ~ Michael Matt of The Remnant comments on the tragedy and “the Holy Week symbolism of the French rooster, which the whole world saw plunge into the flames of Notre Dame.”

Virginia coach Tony Bennett says his faith in Christ is the ‘greatest truth’ he knows ~ This was from an interview almost 4 weeks before the Cavaliers won the NCAA championship. Priorities :) ~

“I have great things in my life — my love for my wife, my love for my family, my love for coaching, my love for basketball,” he said in 2014. “Those are wonderful things, but when you line them up in comparison to Christ and the relationship you have with Him, with what He’s done for you and with what He’s given you, they don’t compare. That’s the greatest truth I know.”

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Wishing you a very blessed Easter!

[This is a re-post from 2011]
Jesus-HolyLand-smlestI “borrowed” this great quote of Ronald Reagan’s from the Patriot Post – because Jesus “really was what He said He was”:

“I still can’t help wondering how we can explain away what to me is the greatest miracle of all and which is recorded in history. No one denies there was such a man, that he lived and that he was put to death by crucifixion. Where … is the miracle I spoke of? Well consider this and let your imagination translate the story into our own time — possibly to your own home town. A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father’s shop. One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father’s shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside, walking from place to place, preaching all the while, even though he is not an ordained minister. He never gets farther than an area perhaps 100 miles wide at the most. He does this for three years. Then he is arrested, tried and convicted. There is no court of appeal, so he is executed at age 33 along with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see who gets his clothing — the only possessions he has. His family cannot afford a burial place for him so he is interred in a borrowed tomb. End of story? No, this uneducated, property-less young man has, for 2,000 years, had a greater effect on the world than all the rulers, kings, emperors; all the conquerors, generals and admirals, all the scholars, scientists and philosophers who have ever lived — all of them put together. How do we explain that — unless He really was what He said He was?” –President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

I know that my Redeemer lives!

N.T. Wright on the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus:
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How a very BAD Friday became “Good Friday”


Video from the JOHN 10:10 PROJECT

Through the resurrection of Jesus, God transformed the worst event the world has ever known into the greatest possible good – the salvation of humanity. Featuring N.T. Wright, Peter Kreeft, Greg Koukl, J.P. Moreland and Lee Strobel.

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The collusion jig is up…

… But deep into their reality-free zone, Democrats and their media sock-puppets just refuse to let go of their delusions ~

The Mainstream Media Are Not Handling The Zero Collusion Conclusion Well
The Full Mueller Report Was Just Released. Read It Here

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The World’s War on Christendom – Latest Dispatch from the Front

Usually when I post under this category I’m writing about persecution in the direct form of physical violence, incarceration, even genocide. That’s the type of religious oppression we find in totalitarian countries, or in those with significant numbers of religiously-radicalized populations. Think Nigeria, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea and increasingly, China.
But most recently, in western nations, the progressive thought police favor the scarlet letter approach when it comes to marginalizing dissidents and oppressing Christians.
Throughout human history, most societies have occasionally shunned certain individuals for various reasons, generally because the person didn’t conform to the group’s acceptable mores. In the last few years, the devious Left has revived that time-worn practice to intimidate their political opposition. Five years ago, Jack Cashill at American Thinker dubbed this reconstituted version of social ostracism, “Neo-Puritanism” ~

Neo-Puritanism is unforgiving. It shows sinners little mercy and offers them no path to absolution. Indeed, like Hawthorne’s Hester Prynne, the sinner is publicly branded with her sin.


The latest victim of this tyrannical, social – and financial (in many cases the “offender” is deprived of their primary means of earning a living) – oppression is professional rugby player Israel “Izzy” Folau ~ Australian Rugby Star Gets Sacked, Multi-Million Dollar Contract Canceled, After Posting a Christian Message on Instagram. Folau is an unabashed Christian who refuses to hide his faith in public. This behavior can no longer be tolerated by today’s Neo-Puritans ~

Australian star rugby player Israel “Izzy” Folau has done it again. He’s offended people by posting a Bible verse about sin and advising readers to repent. In 2018, Folau posted a similar message. This time, it cost him his multi-million dollar contract with Rugby Australia.
Earlier this month, Folau posted a statement on Instagram that is based on 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It stated “Warning. Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters. Hell Awaits You. Repent! Only Jesus Saves.” […]

Oops. Of course this is much too much Truth for our progressive friends in our libertine Rainbow Era ~

AU Rugby issued a statement about terminating Folau’s multi-million dollar contract. “[Folau] had committed a high-level breach of the Professional Players’ Code of Conduct warranting termination of his employment contract.”

But Izzy is an inspiring example of a steadfast Christian. He understands that we will all answer to God in the end – not to temporal rulers, governments – or Neo-Puritans ~

Although Folau loves the sport and wants to continue playing, he made it clear that Jesus Christ and his faith comes first. “First and foremost, I live for God now. Whatever He wants me to do, I believe His plans for me are better than whatever I can think. If that’s not to continue on playing, so be it.
“In saying that, obviously I love playing footy and if it goes down that path I’ll definitely miss it. But my faith in Jesus Christ is what comes first.”

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Sundown on the West

 In a weird twist of fate, less that 18 months ago, France was commemorating the armistice of World War I and celebrating the 850th anniversary of Notre Dame with a 5-night light show. It was a stirring reminder that the seemingly invincible cathedral had survived revolutions, rioting, vandals, and two world wars.
There were no celebrations yesterday (well, except for these folks). Rod Dreher (The Benedict Option) offers some insightful commentary on the disaster ~

What we lost today is one of the great embodiments of Western civilization. It is impossible to overstate what this means. It will take some time to absorb. Notre Dame de Paris is at the heart of France’s identity. All distances in France are measured from kilometre zéro, in front of the cathedral. Though most (but not all!) of the French have turned away from their baptism, Notre Dame is the symbolic heart of the nation. And now, it’s gone, though firefighters may have saved its bones. It took 200 years to build, and now it was made a holocaust in one terrible afternoon.


… I cannot see this as anything other than a sign. The only church in all of Western civilization more important than Notre Dame de Paris is St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The consuming fire is likely to have been started from a construction accident. I hope that is the case; if this was terrorism, then France is in for unimaginable spasms of violence. Nevertheless, if this was an accident, it still symbolizes what we in the West have allowed to happen to our religious and cultural patrimony. What happened in Paris today has been happening across our civilization.
It happens whenever we fail to live out our baptism, and fail to baptize our children. It happens by omission, by indifference, and it happens by commission, from spite. It happens in classrooms, in newsrooms, in shopping malls, in poisoned seminaries and defiled sacristies, and everywhere the truths that Notre Dame de Paris embodied are ridiculed, flayed, and destroyed in the hearts and minds of modern men. The fire that destroyed Paris’s iconic cathedral made manifest what we in the West have been doing to ourselves for over 200 years.

Dreher’s article is a somber reflection on the decline of the Christian west. Read the rest HERE.


The November 2017 light show, “Dame de Coeur,” featured 3D mapping and the latest in video projection, an impressive testament to our amazing 21st computer technology. The architects and various guildsmen who spent two centuries creating the cathedral would no doubt have been very impressed. And yet, when compared to 850 years, a light show that lasted 100 minutes total (5 nights x 20 minutes) – despite the dazzling special effects – is a mere blink in the vast expanse of history.
NotreDameFire5The artisans and craftsmen who gave the world Notre Dame believed in transcendent, eternal values. Imagine the vision, devotion and faith that propelled the creation of such a magnificent edifice. The men who began construction knew that they would never live to see it completed. Think of that. At best their great, great grandchildren would still be around to worship in the completed structure.
Such commitment and dedication, which says “I do this not for myself but for my God, and for my posterity,” is almost inconceivable to today’s modern, self-absorbed, cell phone-clutching secularist.

Further, while contemporary techno-wizards may be able to re-create spectacular 3D images of an 850 year-old cathedral, there is simply no one alive today with the knowledge and incredible skill required to re-create the structure itself. As Dreher points out ~

There is no way to replace what Paris, what France, what Christendom, and indeed what humanity, has lost today. It is irreplaceable. For example, we literally cannot recreate the windows, which date from the time of Dante. We do not know how to do it. As a friend said to me, “You can rebuild the World Trade Center. You cannot rebuild Notre Dame de Paris.”

The tragic destruction of this venerable symbol of Christendom only serves to expose what the west has lost – long before the first flame was sparked yesterday – a firm faith in the eternal God, creator, sustainer and savior of the universe.

Au revoir France?
Catholic France surrenders to Islam
Macron’s France: Average of Three Church Attacks Per Day ~

Some have actively spoken out against the rise in anti-Christian acts in France, such as Cardinal Robert Sarah, who said: “They are the sad reflection of a sick civilisation that lets itself be swept away in the nets of evil. The bishops, priests, and the faithful must keep up their strength and courage.”


Up-dated: 5-10-19

Added: Notre Dame: An Omen ~ I just happened upon Dennis Prager’s insightful commentary on the double loss, of the cathedral – and the Faith ~

The symbolism of the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral, the most renowned building in Western civilization, the iconic symbol of Western Christendom, is hard to miss.
It is as if God Himself wanted to warn us in the most unmistakable way that Western Christianity is burning — and with it, Western civilization.

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Q. Why are illegal aliens rushing our borders?

A. Because the West has been so successful.
Q. Wouldn’t it be easier – and a whole lot less expensive for everyone – if the countries they’re fleeing just adopted Western Civilization’s traditional worldview?
A. Yes.
Here’s another great video from PragerU, featuring Ben Shapiro with some fun facts about Western Civilization (Share with a clueless progressive) ~


[Note: This particular video in de-monetized on YouTube, i.e., no up-front ads –
preventing it from making any $$. Which begs the question, what exactly is it
that YouTube has deemed offensive about this? The Truth?]

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Answering to a Higher Authority

bonhoefferDietrich Bonhoeffer was executed by the Nazis on this date – April 9th – 74 years ago.

His life and death are an inspiration to those of us who understand that we are all accountable to a Higher Authority. A stark reminder that – especially as Christians – we are called to oppose temporal authorities when they advance evil in any form.

The Left is currently attempting to marginalize Christians by re-writing history and claiming religion as no part in government. This is a lie. We wouldn’t have a Constitutional Republic if America were founded by secular atheists. (Even a cursory reading of the founders’ own views plainly reveals their Judeo-Christian worldview and how it influenced their actions in establishing a government.)

Bonhoeffer’s example reminds us that we must firmly resist progressive attempts to distort the past and steal our liberty.


In her book, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Called by God,” Elizabeth Raum summarizes the possible actions that the theologian felt the German churches could take with respect to Nazi tyranny, as he expressed in a 1933 paper titled “The Church and the Jewish Question;” obedience, suffering, resistance ~

First, he suggested that the church can require the state to answer for its behavior – are its actions legitimate? Second, the church can assist any victims of state action. “The church,” he wrote, “has an unconditional obligation (my emphasis) to the victims of any ordering of society, even if they do not belong to the Christian community.” Finally, he suggested a third possibility, “not just to bandage the victims under the wheel, but to jam a spoke in the wheel itself.”


In Hitler’s Germany, Bonhoeffer didn’t have the benefit of our First Amendment freedoms. But he knew that as a Christian it was his responsibility – as in all times and places – to obey God before government.



“If I see that a madman is driving a car into a group of innocent bystanders,
I as a Christian cannot simply wait for the catastrophe and cover the wounded and
bury the dead. I must wrest the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver.”
~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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No AOC, the world as we know it isn’t ending in 12 years

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘The World Is Going to End in 12 Years if We Don’t Address Climate Change’ ~

“I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and Gen-Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change,’ and your biggest issue is–your biggest issue is, ‘How are we going to pay for it?’” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And, like, this is the war; this is our World War II.” ~ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Jan. 21, 2019


Why should AOC and her fellow climate alarmists be scorned, mocked and/or ignored? (Beyond, like, the obvious.) Because her ridiculous claim is just about as valid as these previous doom and gloom forecasts ~

Peddlers of the Green New Deal know that the only way for their radical agenda to become reality is if Americans buy into the wildest claims of climate extremists. Here are the top 3 most extreme claims made by leftist climate alarmists ~


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Just for laughs!

Laughter is God’s Rx, a prescription for your heart, immune system, pain, stress, mental acuity and more. So says an interesting article I read not long ago from Samaritan Ministries ~

In Proverbs 17:22 we are told, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Nehemiah 8:10 says, “… the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Modern science is confirming what the Bible has always told us. Laughter is good for what ails you.

So here are some laughing babies to get you started 😀 😀 😀

Via Barnhardt

Laughter is a gift from God that can bring healing to our bodies and souls. In fact, it is prescribed in Ecclesiastes 8:15, which says, “I commend mirth.”

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Saturday Shorts – 4-6-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Media Owes An Apology For Dividing Country With Collusion Hate ~ But don’t hold your breath. They wasted our time, our money and our patience ~

“[T]he American people… did not receive the full attention of their government while political points were being scored [and] were not told of important world events because they were crowded out of the news by the persistent insistence that Trump was working for Russia.” – Sharyl Attkisson
Americans also deserve an apology for the way that the aforementioned biased media coverage stoked the hate that turned us against one another.
For the past two years, while the media criticized the president for his alleged proliferation of intolerance and hatred, the media self-righteously spewed endless vitriol at the president and his supporters.

Related: The Media’s Russia ‘Bombshells’ Look Even Worse Now That Mueller Found No Collusion ~ The Daily Caller lists 16 different occasions that the mainstreams were gleefully convinced Trump was finally going down, while they cheered from the sidelines. Pathetic.

Muslim Asylum Seeker Imprisoned For Killing Wife Who Converted To Christianity ~ Religion-of-Peace strikes again ~

Iranian asylum seeker Dana Abdullah stabbed Avan Najmadiein, his estranged wife and 32-year-old mother of four, 50 times in October and left her to die after discovering that she refused to support his application to stay in the U.K., according to the BBC.
Abdullah, 35, returned illegally to the U.K. after being deported in 2013 for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl and he previously threatened to kill his wife because she “dishonored” him by converting to Christianity, authorities said.

Coexist? California man threatens to kill First Baptist Dallas pastor ‘in the name of Allah’ ~

A federal grand jury returned a seven-count indictment Thursday against a California man accused of mailing threats across the country, including a letter to First Baptist Dallas threatening to assassinate pastor Robert Jeffress […]
“I will assassinate your pastor in the name of Allah,” said a portion of the letter quoted in federal court documents. “I will burn down Christian churches … this is a threat.”

Meanwhile, in France ~ Macron’s France: Average of Three Church Attacks Per Day

A report from the Central Criminal Intelligence Service (SCRC) of the gendarmerie noted that from 2016 to 2018 there had been thousands of cases of church vandalism, peaking in 2017 with 1,045 cases, Le Figaro reports […]
Last September, French authorities arrested a pair of Romanian migrants who were suspected to be behind a number of church thefts in both Paris and the suburbs of the city. The pair had allegedly stolen up to 70,000 euros worth of property.
Some have actively spoken out against the rise in anti-Christian acts in France, such as Cardinal Robert Sarah, who said: “They are the sad reflection of a sick civilisation that lets itself be swept away in the nets of evil. The bishops, priests, and the faithful must keep up their strength and courage.”

Unfortunately, anti-Christian sentiment is growing right here in America ~ Yale Law School Yanks Stipends From Students Who Work For Christian Firms ~ More collegiate intolerance in the name of tolerance. Yale is punishing conservatives (Yale Federalist Society) for having the nerve to invite…

… an attorney from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a prominent Christian legal group, to speak about the Masterpiece Cakeshop case […]
Yale has already caved to one progressive demand by restricting financial support for conservative students. Who is to say that the school will not cave again and start denying admission to conservative applicants? There were certainly calls among the student body to do so. Progressive students are attempting to shrink the Overton Window of reasonable public discourse, and Yale seems all too willing to comply.

Baltimore Auditor Quits After Officials Pressured Her To Cook The Books ~ Wow. Good to know there’s at least public official in that city with some integrity! ~

The Baltimore Brew has learned that Baltimore City auditor Audrey Askew resigned from her post after officials told her to cook the books.
The numbers in question are federal grants to city agencies as well as cash and investments, which Askew pressed officials for a “qualified” opinion to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

We Have A Crisis Of Civics. Start Teaching The Constitution In Elementary School ~ I honestly don’t believe people who don’t understand and appreciate how our form of government is supposed to function should even be allowed to vote. There, I said it.

If conservatives, who properly cherish the unique governing structure that the U.S. Constitution provides, wish to have any sincere hope for salvaging the republic from a century of sustained leftist assault, then it is indispensable that we work to turn the tide on the crisis of civics afflicting the nation. With anti-free speech activists wreaking havoc on public universities — where the First Amendment governs — across the nation, it is abundantly obvious that pro-Constitution education must begin far, far sooner than when 18-year-old freshmen first set foot on campus. There is no compelling reason not to begin civics education as early as elementary school.

Second Child Sex Offender Unmasked at Drag Queen Story Time ~ Seems to be a bit of “intersectionality” between drag queens and pedophiles ~

According to local MassResistance leader Tracy Shannon, a drag performer with many aliases has sexually assaulted children and publicly recounted his history as a transgender dominatrix and prostitute for hire. His name has been redacted here because he was allegedly convicted for sexual assault against children at age 16, so his record has been sealed.

Related: Organizers announce they’re abandoning Houston “Drag Queen Story Hour” after MassResistance exposé

Catholic Priests Burn Harry Potter Books in Poland ~ A bit drastic, but ~

Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP, a theologian and exorcist in the United States, has said “the spells in the [Harry Potter] books [apparently] are actual spells,” and that many of the names in the books reportedly are the names of actual demons expelled during real exorcisms.
“So, I tell people, avoid it” the books, he said. “All the other exorcists I know that are experienced, are very clear, stay away from it.”

Trump Foe Turkey’s Erdogan Loses Big in Local Elections ~ Finally some good news out of Turkey. Lori Lowenthal Marcus at provides a good recap of what’s been happening in that country for the last several years ~

Local elections took place in Turkey on Sunday (March 31st). There was a stunning change in the political landscape which bodes well for Turkey’s citizens, for U.S. relations with Turkey and maybe even for the rest of the world.

Stephen Moore’s Nomination to Federal Reserve Board Challenges Beltway Groupthink ~ John Fund explains why Stephen Moore is an excellent Trump pick by for the Federal Reserve Board ~

Moore would be an “independent” voice challenging the Fed bureaucracy. He has certainly not kowtowed to it in the past, as so many bankers have. “Donald Trump wanted to drain the swamp. The Fed is the swamp,” Moore has said.

Stellar Superflare Reminder: Our Sun Is Special ~ Our sun does not behave like similar stars in the observable universe. Maybe that’s because it was uniquely created by God?

Astronomer Galen Gisler (Los Alamos National Laboratory), who was interviewed for the New Scientist article, said, “I think a consensus is emerging that our Sun is extraordinarily stable.”3 Astronomer Donald Brownlee concurs: “People say the Sun is a typical star…That’s not true…. Almost all environments in the universe are terrible for life. It’s only Garden of Eden places like Earth where it can exist.”

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Judge decrees: Obama’s decrees are irreversible


In this week’s episode of “Disorder in the Court,”
We learn that the edicts issued by Emperor O are apparently
carved in stone, never to be reversed ~



Days before leaving the White House in 2016, Barack Hussein Obama decreed via executive order that large portions of the Arctic would be permanently off-limits to oil drilling ~

In the late December 2016, just a few weeks before his term of maladministration and race-baiting ended, Barack Obama decided to take one more shot at the country he despised above all others. By executive order, he banned drilling in large swaths of the Arctic. This had been done by past presidents, but always with a time lime. Obama, being the Lightworker, desired his decisions to have immortality and he banned drilling in perpetuity.

[Source: RedState]

Shortly after taking office, President Trump had the temerity to undo that E.O. with one of his own, re-opening drilling in Arctic areas and smaller parts of the Atlantic Ocean.
Well, BHO-appointed U.S. District Judge Sharon Gleason was having none of it. Everyone knows Obama’s decrees were meant to be permanent. (He was after all, fundamentally transforming America.) Gleason decreed last week ~

(B)ecause Obama had intended for his ban to last forever, it could not be changed by any other president, but only by act of Congress.


Red State points out the absurdity behind this authoritarian ruling ~

The implications of this are rather stunning. The judge is saying that Obama’s decision, unlike any other president’s executive order, unlike even a regulation issued under the APA, exists in perpetuity because Obama so intended […]

The idea that presidents have the power to establish policies which last beyond their administration is a concept utterly foreign to American jurisprudence until January 20, 2017. I would submit that a 1953 law that is silent on the ability of one president to overturn the decisions of his successors does so because in 1953 there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that the authority of a president ended when his successor was sworn into office. His policies survived only to the extent that his successors agreed with them. If that is not the case, the president has changed from “chief magistrate” to an “imperial presidency” right on to the status of Caligula Caesar who declared himself a god.

Alaskans say yes to drilling in ANWR ~ Even the native American Iñupiat people support drilling ~

Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat, an organization with 21 members from across the Arctic Slope region, including members from Kaktovik located inside ANWR, have voted unanimously to pass a resolution supporting oil and gas development in the 1002 area. This is an unprecedented show of unity by community leaders of the North Slope — those who live in and around the coastal plain of the refuge — and should send a clear message to America that we support development of a portion of the coastal plain.

‘You Completely Disregarded Us’: Native Alaskan Criticizes Democratic Lawmaker Over Closing ANWR
Up-dated: 4-6-19
From a constitutional perspective, the consensus seem to be that Gleason’s decision won’t stand, but it will probably need to go all the way to SCOTUS. Brett Smith has a better solution ~ Mr. President, disregard judge’s oil-drilling ruling ~

(What the judge…) neglected to mention is that presidential executive orders, whatever their intention, once issued, remain in force until they are canceled, revoked, adjudicated unlawful, or expire on their own terms. At any time, a sitting president may revoke, modify, or make exceptions from any executive order, regardless if the order was made by the current president or a predecessor.
In fact, should he wish, President Trump has the authority to revoke any and all executive orders, from the first to the last, without reason or explanation.
His order could simply have read, “By the authority vested in me as president by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby revoke, in their entirety, Executive Orders 13689 and 13754.”
As this is the right of every sitting president, a revocation cannot be challenged by some district court flunky judge, or any other.

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