“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.”
~ St. Paul, 1st century
Philippians 4:8 ~
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in
heavenly places.”
~ Ephesians 6:12 ~
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: 'Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'"
~ Ephesians 5:11-14 ~
"Blessed is that man who makes the LORD his trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies."
~ Psalm 40:4 ~
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables."
Here’s a brief educational video from Campus Reform for curious young people, wherein several college students suddenly realize that maybe redistribution isn’t such a wonderful idea after all ~
If someone would just challenge these kids’ skewed views with real-world analogies a little more, maybe we could save America for future generations.
[As an aside, isn’t it rather disconcerting that so many millennials have been taught to begin the answer to every question with “I feel…”? Not only have they been programmed to not offend anyone, but by feeling something they’ve internalized the lie that all truth is subjective.]
Seems the Left just refuses to quit playing their annoying obstructionist games. (You know, the same shenanigans they always accuse Republicans of engaging in whenever there’s a Democrat in the White House.) The Russian collusion investigation turned out to be a scam – but never fear – they’re tenacious. They’re doggedly determined to continue the endless witch hunts.
Why won’t they give up trying to destroy the Trump presidency by any means possible? Because his administration keeps doing great things that really infuriate them, like this ➡ Pompeo Offers Export Analysis on Abortion.
(G)roups like International Planned Parenthood panicked. After all, they’d spent eight years lapping up the pool of taxpayer money that Barack Obama made available. They’d gotten used to Congress paying for organizations like theirs to take the culture of death on the road.
So, like the devious subversives they are, they tried to do an end-run around the prohibition ~
They’d sign the government certification promising not to promote overseas abortion, only to turn around and pass that money onto subcontractors or other groups who weren’t bound by the same rules.
Well last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that gig was up ~
(On March 26th) held a press conference to announce that the days of cheating the president’s system are over. From now on, everyone is subject to the same rules. The loophole that the abortion industry has been exploiting is officially closed.
“Two years into our administration,” Pompeo told reporters, “the vast majority of partners have agreed to comply with the policy, and they continue to work with us. This administration has shown that we can continue to meet our critical global health goals — including providing health care for women while refusing to subsidize the killing of unborn babies.”
As before, he explained, “We’ll continue to refuse to provide assistance to foreign [non-governmental organizations] NGOs who perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning. Now, as a result of my decision today, we are also making clear: we will refuse to provide assistance to foreign NGOs that give financial support to other foreign groups in the global abortion industry. We will enforce a strict prohibition on backdoor funding schemes and end-runs around our policy.” What’s more, he went on, the State Department has a warning for NGOs trying to advocate for abortion behind the administration’s back: it won’t work. “We are fully enforcing federal law prohibiting U.S. funds — including foreign assistance — to lobby for or against abortion.”
As long as The Trump administration continues to be so staunchly pro-life, we can expect the rabid pack of Democrat dogs to continue their attacks. But, as the Family Research Council article concludes ~
Fortunately, President Trump and his team are just as relentless in ensuring that Americans aren’t forced into a partnership with the abortion industry overseas.
Pope Francis has asked Christians in Morocco not to actively seek converts to their faith.
In a headline-grabbing homily in Rabat’s Cathedral of Saint Peter this Sunday, the Bishop of Rome told the congregation that although they found being a minority uncomfortable, he did not see it as a problem, suggesting that Christians are meant to be a minority in the Arab world […]
Francis stated that the Christian mission does not consist in baptizing more Christians but in generating “change” and awakening “wonder and compassion.” He said that Christians do this by the way they live with their non-Christian neighbours.
In Morocco, a Muslim-majority country (#35 on Open Doors’ list of the top 50 countries where Christians face persecution), it is a criminal offense to “shake the faith” of a Muslim ~
This law puts many Christians who talk to others about their faith at risk of criminal prosecution and arrest. Advocates for Christians’ rights have also been targeted for violent attack by Islamic militants. While the law only punishes proselytization, converts to Christianity can be punished in other ways, such as loss of inheritance rights and custody of their children.
Although what Morocco is doing is evil and based on an illegitimate belief system, Francis meekly accepts this. What he is essentially saying ~
1. Either what Moroccan Christians believe is a lie, or the eternal souls of Moroccan Muslims aren’t worthy of saving; which implies that,
2. For the last 2000 years, all the saints and martyrs who sacrificed everything for the faith, died in vain; and ultimately,
3. Jesus is just some nice guy – not God incarnate.
Jesus’ last words to His disciples, before He ascended into heaven, were these ~
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am
with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”
~ Matthew 28:19-20 ~
Simply put, if you reject this “Great Commission” you reject Jesus Christ. Time for Francis Bergoglio to end the charade and resign.
If Brunei were a non-profit organization in the United States they’d be prosecuted for LGBTQ hate-crimes. This week the oil-rich sultanate in the South China Sea will be moving forward (or backward, according to western standards) with the second phase of sharia law implementation (the first stage was adopted in 2014) ~ Brunei Imposes Sharia Law: Homosexuals May Be Imprisoned, Tortured, and Executed ~
Brunei’s already strict Islamic criminal code will enter an even tougher new stage next week with the introductions of laws mandating lengthy prison terms, whipping, and even execution for homosexual behavior. Brunei is set to become the first Asian country to punish homosexuality with the death penalty, as several Arab countries do.
The sultanate disregarded five years of criticism from international human rights groups and quietly issued court orders to proceed with Stage Two on April 3. Gays will be whipped, imprisoned for much longer sentences, and could be executed by stoning, although Brunei has recently been lax about actually carrying out death sentences.
Another perennial sharia favorite, cutting of the hands of thieves, is included in the upgraded legal code. According to Amnesty International, many of these harsh penalties with be applicable to children.
“Brunei must immediately halt its plans to implement these vicious punishments and revise its Penal Code in compliance with its human rights obligations. The international community must urgently condemn Brunei’s move to put these cruel penalties into practice,” Amnesty International researcher Rachel Chhoa-Howard said on Wednesday.
(If this is only Stage Two, one wonders what Stage Three might mean.)
Brunei is already a miserable place to live if you’re a Christian (approximately 57,400 out of a population of 434,000). The country is 36th in Open Doors ranking of oppressive nations ~
In Brunei, conversion from Islam is illegal, which results in pressure for Christian converts to return to their former faith. When one family member converts to Christianity, families are forced to split up, making expression of the Christian faith an incredibly difficult decision. All of society is impacted by the continued introduction of Sharia laws—including Christians who are forced to adhere to Islamic customs and rites.
Oddly enough our progressive media types haven’t had much to say about the latest developments. David Wood of Acts17Apologetics wonders whether American proponents of sharia law (such as Linda Sarsour, Illan Omar) will be pleased with Brunei’s move towards Allah’s punishments, or will they finally see a problem with the teachings of Muhammad?
It certainly is odd the way modern western societies react to the slaughter of innocents these days. Seems it’s all a question of one’s faith.
In a place called Christchurch, New Zealand, 49 Muslims are killed by a couple lunatics. In response, the prime minister dons a hijab, confiscates all guns (leaving the population vulnerable to other lunatics), and the whole country practically converts to Islam.
• The thought police are out in full force and people are being scrutinized for “hate speech”. Green ribbons are being worn as a symbol against hate.
• Vigils are being held all over the place in solidarity with the victims. These seem to have morphed into what amounts to support for the Islamic religion.
• Whitcoulls, one of our book stores, probably the oldest, has removed Jordan Peterson’s book “12 Rules for Life” from its shelves because he was photographed with a member of the public wearing an anti-Islamic t-shirt while he was in New Zealand recently. Apparently, that’s being construed as him having something to do with the madman’s agenda.
• On Tuesday a Muslim prayer was said in Parliament. Just recently all Christian prayer in Parliament was removed.
• On Friday March 22 at 1:30pm New Zealand will be called to prayer…Islamic prayer that is. And we will be expected to keep 2 minutes silence after they read the Muslim prayer acknowledging Allah as “great” and Muhammad as his “prophet.” The call to prayer will be broadcasted on national radio stations and TV as well.
Islamic terrorists killed more than 120 Christians and burned dozens of homes in northern Nigeria in a series of attacks they have waged since February.
ISIS-affiliated Boko Haram militants and Muslim Fulani tribesmen have hammered Christian villages in the Kaduna, Benue and Borno state, spurred on partly by Kaduna Gov. Nasir El-Rufai’s dubious claims that 133 people, mostly Fulani, were murdered on the eve of Nigeria’s presidential elections. The Nigerian Emergency Management Agency refuted his claim, calling it “a rumor to instigate violence.”
Nigerian Christian leaders and advocacy groups like Save The Persecuted Christians have repeatedly urged President Donald Trump to intervene and help bring an end to the attacks, specifically by appointing a U.S. special envoy to Nigeria. Father Peter John Wumbadi, who leads St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Michika and witnessed Boko Haram’s March 18 attack on the village, also pleaded for help, claiming Nigerian government sources spread misinformation about the attacks.
“I appeal to President Trump to be proactive in urging our country’s government to alleviate the Boko Haram problem. That means to listen to the masses who are at the level where the violence is happening. Because most of the time there is not enough sincere information coming from the government,” Wumbadi said, according to Washington Examiner […]
Muslim Fulani militants killed 52 Christians and burned at least 100 homes in villages in the Maro district of the Kajuru Local Government Area in Kaduna state March 11, according to Christian Post. Witnesses reported the Fulani attacked in three groups — one setting fire to homes, another shooting villagers, and another designated to chase down those who tried to flee.
Where were the front page banner headlines? The world-wide condemnation? The calls for weapons’ confiscation in Nigeria? You missed them too?
Father Peter John Wumbadi told (Washington Examiner Douglas Burton) he “heard bomb blasts and lots of stray bullets,” which motivated him to pack six students from the parish school into his SUV and drive past burning buildings and crowds of panicked citizens who were running for cover.
“After that attack, I came to visit the villages in the two-mile area around my church, and it was like a cemetery,” said Father Ikeh, weeping. “More than 150 people had been murdered.”
Where are the tears-prayers-vigils-ribbons for these people?
Aid to the Church in Need, in its latest “Religious Freedom Report”, warned that 300 million Christians, overwhelmingly in the majority-Muslim countries, were subjected to violence, making it “the most persecuted religion in the world.”
The Voice of Europe reports that the odds of a Christian in a majority-Muslim country being murdered by a Muslim – simply for being what he or she is – are approximately one in 70,000. Which means that a Christian living in a majority Muslim country is 143 times more likely to be killed by a Muslim for being a Christian than a Muslim is likely to be killed by a non-Muslim in a Western country for being what he or she is.
[Nov. 2018 – UK] The Home Office has rejected the asylum application of a Christian convert from Iran who said they had been drawn to the faith by its peaceful nature, due to a Government official ruling that Christianity is not peaceful.
The applicant indicated that they had converted to Christianity from Islam because of its peaceful nature, stating that “In Islam there is violence, rage and revenge. In Christianity in the contrary it is talking about peace, forgiveness and kindness.”
The incredibly dense – or extremely deceitful – official who rejected the convert’s appeal, used scripture such as Matthew 10:34, in which Jesus proclaims he “did not come to bring peace, but a sword” to claim Christianity was actually militant. (For the record, Christ meant that the gospel message – though it is essentially peaceful – is at odds with worldly ways, and would mean persecution and even martyrdom for His followers.)
“I am extremely concerned that a Government department could determine the future of another human being based on such a profound misunderstanding of the texts and practices of faith communities,” commented Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham for the Church of England.
Satan has always loved to twist God’s Word as well. But of course, he’s the one we’re really facing in this ongoing battle between darkness and light.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.” ~ Ephesians 6:12 ~
We pray that God would rescue our brothers and sisters in Nigeria from those who seek to kill them. We pray that God will give the Nigerian Christians boldness to love God in the face of this intense persecution. We pray for an end to the slaughter, and that the Nigerian government to do its God-given job of punishing the violent and protecting the innocent. We ask for justice, God.
A toxicology specialist has found a connection between legalized marijuana and a threefold increase in related visits to emergency rooms in Colorado for heart and other issues, confirming that cannabis poses health risks […]
The new study from researchers with the University of Colorado School of Medicine found that marijuana-related ER visits tripled between 2012 and 2016.
The study also found that people consuming marijuana edibles suffer from toxic reactions at higher rates than those who smoke the drug. These edibles typically include brownies and other baked goods.
The school had planned to leave the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference in the spring, due to the long distances their athletes would have to travel to play other teams in the conference. However, the school expedited their exit plan after the conference began allowing males identifying as girls to compete against biological females without a two-thirds vote by the league.
The authorities contacted Caroline Farrow, who writes for the U.K.-based Catholic Herald, after a September appearance on “Good Morning Britain” where she debated Susie Green, who heads the transgender advocacy group Mermaids.
During the interview Farrow argued the position that single-sex spaces in children’s schools and in other places of public accommodation should be maintained and noted, among other things, that females do not have penises.
What prompted the police action, however, was that Farrow allegedly referred to Green’s child, who is now called “Jackie,” a biological male who underwent a surgical procedure in Thailand several years ago to remove his genitals, with incorrect pronouns on Twitter […]
Meanwhile, Farrow has been regularly harassed and threatened by transgender activists. One trans activist even doxxed her ex.
This miscarriage of justice is so in your face, it seems designed to rub our noses in the muck. Or else to show off just how powerful certain elite groups in America really are. They don’t even have to pretend to play by the same rules as the rest of us rubes. And that is profoundly dangerous, if the law lets it slide. It’s the kind of outrage that gives rise to violent vigilantes, or goads people to join hate groups.
According to a study published in Monday’s peer-reviewed Nature Geoscience, however, the glacier began growing at about the same rate over the past two years. That said, the authors of the study swear it’s temporary 😀
“At first we didn’t believe it,” said lead author Ala Khazendar who works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) […]
Co-author Josh Willis said that while this is “good news” on a temporary basis, it’s still “bad news” over the long term because it means that ocean temperatures are a larger factor in the growth and melting of glaciers than previously thought.
The Resistance Media Weren’t Ready for This ~ An interesting look from McKay Coppins at The Atlantic at the different ways in which the various anti-Trump factions in the blogosphere are reacting to the Russian-collusion delusion ~
Nowhere has the anticlimactic conclusion to Mueller mania been more acutely felt than in the alternative partisan media complex that services the so-called resistance.
“Evil wizards” get that title for a reason: They dominate. They control. They take away others’ freedom to see reality as it is, and to move in it freely based on their own thoughts, reasoning and volition. Humans everywhere have always known it would be horrifically wrong to abuse one’s power in that way. There are tales of good witches and friendly magicians, but never any who force their mind and their will on others.
If the internet search monopolists at Google are trying to build a case that they are a dangerous threat to democracy in need of antitrust remediation, they are doing a good job of it. We already know that Google is run by leftists for leftists and fired software engineer James Damore for political reasons – because he dared question P.C. orthodoxy. But there is an accumulating body of evidence that Google attempts to manage the public’s access to information so as to bias it in favor of Google’s friends and against those Google decides are its enemies.
New research reveals that Google built biases into its search results that influenced the 2018 midterm elections – possibly costing Republicans three congressional districts […]
Analysis of this data showed a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related Google search results as compared to competing search engines […]
According to the study, at least 35,455 undecided voters within the three California districts may have been persuaded to vote Democrat due to the biased Google search results.
That Darwin was a major influence in communist China should not surprise us. Darwin not only supported the survival-of-the-fittest ideology, but even…
“… divided humanity into distinct races according to differences in skin, eye or hair color. He was also convinced that evolution was progressive, and that the white races—especially the Europeans—were evolutionarily more advanced than the black races, thus establishing race differences and a racial hierarchy.”
March 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its “Made in China 2025” campaign, the Chinese government is embarking on a massive, state-led drive to acquire DNA from both its own citizens and the citizens of the world, including Americans. The intent? Not only to become a biotech superpower — but to have the ability to create bio-weapons that target specific DNA strands.
The city of San Antonio may have violated federal law and Transportation Department regulations by denying a contract to Chick-fil-A on religious grounds after voting to remove the franchise from a new airport concession contract.
President Trump’s approval percentage among the electorate tends to hover in the mid-40’s. Which isn’t bad at all considering the mainstreams never have a good word to say about him. Can you imagine if they suddenly stopped spinning every news story to deliberately paint him in the worst possible light? And instead focused on the positive things he’d done?
Responding to Steven Colbert’s relentless trashing of Trump, here’s Amanda Head at The Rebel Media, with a short list of the president’s many encouraging achievements. If the media mentioned even half of these facts, his approval numbers would double!
Voters here in my homestate of Michigan really hit a new low in the attorney general department when they elected Dana Nessel last November. I wonder how many of them realized they were getting a radical leftist. Perhaps they were just trying to prove what a tolerant bunch they were by electing the first lesbian to state-wide office (- the same folks who voted for BHO for the same superficial reason).
Nessel began her legal career in the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office but oddly enough has no real respect for the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the duly-elected president of the United States (and by extension, those who voted for him – including a majority of Michiganians) and quite possibly, even for the rule of law itself. The electorate should have paid closer attention to her various campaign utterances ~
• “I will sue the Trump administration, all day, every day.”
• “How about shutting down all these scam pregnancy crisis centers.”
• “I am not going to defend unconstitutional laws that are passed by the state legislature.”
• “I would like to go back to a time in our nation…where it was not legal to have assault weapons.”
• “I will absolutely not cooperate with federal authorities.”
• “Jeff Sessions, I think when he was a kid, like his father beat him with a marijuana leaf or something.
• “Have a good day, I love you, try not to get murdered at school today.”
Three months into her term, turns out Nessel is every bit the extremist her previous assertions would indicate ~ AG Nessel puts civil liberties at risk ~
[Nolan Finley- Detroit News] Combating hate crimes is a worthy endeavor. But the new campaign announced by Attorney General Dana Nessel has the real potential to morph into thought policing.
Nessel, in partnership with Agustin Arbulu, director of the Michigan Department of Civil rights, say they will create a process to document incidents of hate and bias that don’t rise to the level of criminal or civil infractions.
That could translate to speech or expressions of opinion that some may find offensive, but are protected by the First Amendment. Bias is protected by the Constitution until it infringes on the rights and freedoms of others, and hate is often in the eye of the beholder.
If what Nessel and Arbulu are targeting are words, thoughts and opinions, this could easily become a weapon to shut down groups they find abhorrent, but are operating within the law.
Sounding like a gestapo officer ~
Nessel says she’ll start her surveillance with the 31 Michigan organizations that appear on the Southern Poverty Legal Center’s (SPLC) list of hate groups.
Not only has the organization unfairly targeted Christian and other conservative groups, those who embrace traditional family/marriage values, and anyone who tries to tell the truth about radical Islam, they also consider law firms who defend the First Amendment rights of these organizations and individuals to be hate groups. Here’s a small sampling of those they have under surveillance from my 10-27-17 post ~
• The Alliance Defending Freedom, one of the most respected Christian legal firms in the world, which has successfully argued cases before the Supreme Court and was involved in arguing the landmark Obergefell vs. Hodges
• The American College of Pediatricians, “a nonsectarian medical organization whose crime is that they publish scientific facts damaging to the ideology of identity politics.” (This organization consists of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and others.)
• The America Family Association, which for several decades has stood for family values in our nation.
• Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, which simply disseminates factual information about LGBT issues.
• Liberty Counsel, another highly respected Christian legal firm which has represented Christians in major cases across the land. (The Pacific Justice Institute, yet another fine Christian legal firm, makes it onto this same list. How dare these Christian groups defend their constitutional rights!)
SPLC leader Mark Potok even boasted at a 2007 conference (in Michigan of all places – Dana was probably in attendance!), “Our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.” How noble. Here are a few more they’re watching ~
• Prager U
• Brigitte Gabriel
• Ben Shapiro
• Michael Knowles
• Dinesh D’Souza
• First Liberty Institute
• Family Research Council
• Christian Civil Rights Watch
One of the Michigan organizations on the SPLC list, Church Militant/St. Michael’s Media in Ferndale, is there because it advocates strict Catholic teachings on marriage and is outspoken in its opposition to abortion.
Nessel and Arbulu may not agree, and may find those positions personally repugnant, but the First Amendment guarantees Church Militant the right to express itself on gay marriage and other social issues, and to do so vigorously.
Now even though I’m not Catholic, I’m a regular follower of Church Militant’s articles and videos and feature them frequently on my blog. They resolutely defend the faith, and have doggedly reported on the predator priest scandals and the Lavender Mafia goings-on in the Vatican. And, as Finley continues ~
There’s no accusation that the Catholic group has ever broken the law, or committed an act of violence against those whose lifestyles it rejects. Subjecting it to a state interrogation would amount to harassing its members for their religious beliefs.
Not only has the SPLC turned into a bunch of thugs who want to bully, de-platform, subject to harassment and marginalize anyone whose worldview they don’t approve of, the organization itself is currently engulfed in scandal ~
(The SPLC) is engulfed in a scandal that is shaking it to its foundations, with charges of racial and sexual discrimination.
The resignation of senior attorney Meredith Horton, SPLC’s highest-ranking black woman, kicked off the controversy. Now the SPLC and its leadership are tangled in scrutiny after recently firing co-founder Morris Dees. So a group that was founded to fight racism is now being accused of it, along with the mistreatment of women.
And this is the detestable organization that Nessel and her ilk are using as arbiters to judge who requires surveillance for crimes against the state?!
I frankly don’t give a damn what her sexual proclivities are. But if Nessel’s relentless attack on free speech and traditional values continues unchallenged, Michigan will be unrecognizable in four years.
… the near fanatical devotion many of today’s Democrats have to their leftist ideology. They are devoid of any traces of decency or respect for the Constitution or the rule of law, as they leverage the power of their government positions to advance their agenda.
That “Hate List” may be the highest-earning public relations trick in all non-profit fund-raising. The SPLC makes a killing from donors off it, while also trying to kill off a lot of legitimate conservative people and groups. The left loves the SPLC. The media loves it, too. But now, the SPLC is showing its true colors.
All that liberal love is going to be a lot harder now. Its internal hypocrisy was exposed in reports published this week — from the very sources that have loved the group and made it so influential (and rich). There are only a few remaining faults that everyone still regards as sin, and hypocrisy tops that list. Which explains why even The Los Angeles Times was willing to criticize the SPLC this week.
Here’s a satirical take from Andrew Klavan who’s offended that he hasn’t made the SPLC Hate List 😀
On Friday (3-22-19), Agustin Arbulu, director of the Michigan’s Department of Civil Rights, admitted his office logs a list of “hate/bias incidences in the State.”
Instead of relying upon verifiable evidence, the department relies on hearsay reports from various sources including “community organizations, individuals, and media coverage.” Here, Director Arbulu expressly trusts the Southern Poverty Law Center. Likewise, Attorney General Nessel says her office plans to monitor groups based upon their designation as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center […]
The state’s list intentionally compels people with traditional conservative views to remain silent, to disassociate, or to act against their conscience. “Bias,” as undefined by Michigan’s list-keepers, allows an individual to accuse someone merely for expressing something the individual allegedly perceives as offensive […]
For example, once someone decides to perceive a political opponent’s red hat or speech as offensive, that person can report the political opponent – landing him on the state’s list […]
(T)he test of a functioning moral democracy is not whether the government protects speech with which it agrees – it is whether it will protect expression it finds offensive. Instead of censuring or punishing speech, good governance always allows more speech. Michigan’s attorney general and civil rights director should cease and desist with their Orwellian folly.
Once again the always astute Dennis Prager nails it, with 9 ways the left ruins everything that’s good about America. Think about it; they don’t elevate or build up anything – they only attack, denigrate, tear down ~
“[A] wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
~ Thomas Jefferson (First Inaugural Address, 1801)
In a move that coincided with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem last Thursday, President Trump tweeted his support for recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel ~
After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!
It has been almost 52 years since Syria lost the Golan Heights as a result of aggression from that space that began before the independence of Israel. It is 45 years since Israel repulsed the aggression of the Yom Kippur War.
It is appropriate for the world to ratify Israel’s right, not to minimal or shaky “existence,” but rather to “secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force” on the Golan.
As Trump correctly stated in his tweet, given Iran’s growing aggression toward Israel, the Golan is of strategic importance. Israel needs it as a buffer, since the Iranians, who don’t share a border with the Jewish state, will use Syria as a staging area for any attempted assault.
(For the policy’s backers,) declaring Israeli sovereignty over the Golan is a recognition of reality in the same way that Trump’s earlier decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem was a recognition that the city is Israel’s capital despite its contested status. But it’s not just that. At a joint appearance with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Jerusalem this week, Netanyahu said the Israelis had just discovered efforts by Hezbollah to “build a terror network” in the territory. “And I can say that all of you can imagine what would have happened if Israel were not in the Golan,” he remarked. “I think it’s time that the international community recognize Israel’s stay in the Golan, the fact that the Golan will always remain part of the state of Israel.”