Saturday Shorts – 3-23-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

The Rise and Fall of the Southern Poverty Law Center ~ Devolving from a force for good to one for wickedness, this group outlived their usefulness long ago ~

The SPLC will certainly come down because it has grown fat, proud, deceitful, and hateful, calling evil good and good evil. Because it has become the voice of the oppressor rather than the voice of the oppressed.

Related: The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center

NJ Governor Signs “Rain Tax” Bill; Residents’ Property Rates Rise “Based On The Weather” ~ The latest progressive lunacy, from the “Garden State” ~

Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips has said the “rain-tax” bill permits local communities to tax “based on the weather,” and allows unlimited bonding and debt to be placed on the backs of property taxpayers. Not that bonding and debt aren’t already on the backs of the taxpayer, it is, but now New Jersey gets to carry the financial burden when it rains. “The last thing this state needs is more debt and another runaway tax. Especially one that taxes the weather” said DePhillips.

Mark Meadows: US ambassadors conspired with DOJ to take down Trump ~ According to Rep. Meadows (R-NC) ~

“(A)dditional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down,” Meadows told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We talk about the ‘Deep State.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”

Italy: Muslim migrant bus driver rams bus full of children into cars on highway, sets it on fire ~ When you import a pathology…

An Italian bus driver of Senegalese descent was arrested on Wednesday after hijacking his own vehicle and setting it on fire, allegedly threatening to kill more than 50 children on board whose hands he had bound.
The 47-year-old man said he was acting in revenge for the thousands of migrants, many of them African, who have drowned in the Mediterranean in recent years while trying to reach Europe from Libya.

Luckily there were there were no critical injuries. Twelve children were treated for bruises, smoke inhalation or because they were suffering from shock.

Jeanine Pirro’s Right – Sharia Law Incompatible With U.S. Constitution ~

Everything we stand for as Americans, free speech, freedom of religion, equal rights for women, are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, the ultimate protector of our rights and Western values Sharia law is incompatible with our values and our democracy.

Why banning “conversion therapy” is more dangerous than you think ~ “Rebel Priest” (Anglican) addresses a law currently under consideration in the U.K. ~

It would prohibit any effort to help someone who suffered with gender dysphoria to accept and live as their biological sex, even if they wanted such help. It would require everyone to affirm people’s claims about what their ‘gender identity’ is and make it a criminal offence to take any action (even if requested by the person themselves) aimed at bringing their psychology in line with their biology […]
(I)t wouldn’t just ban trying to change a person’s sexual orientation, it would ban any expression of moral or religious teaching that counselled against engaging in gay sex.

Obama Admin. Ignored Public Health Experts Seeking Fentanyl Crisis Declaration ~ How did the mainstreams miss this? They probably don’t care about the opioid crisis either ~

In May of 2016, 11 public health experts wrote a private letter to six Obama administration officials—including the heads of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Centers for Disease Control—asking for a public health emergency to be declared so that the federal government could better respond to the surge of overdose deaths.
But, in what the Post characterized as “one in a series of missed opportunities,” the administration declined to declare an emergency. Instead, fentanyl overdoses continued to grow unabated, with Congress and President Donald Trump not taking action for another two years.


Blame Climate Change for stupid British Voters choosing Brexit says ABC ~ Climate change is such a useful bogeyman, we can even blame it for Brexit ~

If only we had built more windmills, and changed more light-globes we could have prevented the British voting to control their own nation. It all makes sense — if you are insane, or a broadcaster paid one billion a year to promote Big Government.

CBN News Reporter Attacked, Nearly Kidnapped by 3 Maduro Thugs on Venezuela Border ~ On the Columbian border; it’s a wild west show down there ~

As I was filming along the riverbank, I was attacked by three men who tried to drag me into Venezuela. There were several signs that these attackers were tied to the regime – for example, they were smoking cigarettes which most Venezuelans can’t afford since they’re struggling to survive. And this wasn’t a robbery attempt since they didn’t take my camera and they were literally trying to drag me across the border.

The Case for Jexodus ~ How much anti-Semitism it take to wake up liberal Jews and get them to leave the Democrat party?

The Democrats are not a political movement with good ideas that happens to be troubled by anti-Semitism. The anti-Semitism is the direct result of those ideas on the domestic and foreign policy front. Rep. Omar sits on the House Foreign Relations Committee spewing anti-Semitism because the Democrats believe that Islamic terrorism is justified […]

The Democrats can’t be reformed with pleas and arguments about tolerance. Expecting them to disavow anti-Semitism is also a demand that they abandon their domestic and foreign policy ideas.

Media Touts ‘Clear Sign of Human-Caused Climate Change.’ Here Are the Facts ~ Marc Morano straightens out AP reporter Seth Borenstein on the not-really-changing climate ~

Borenstein, the chief climate reporter for the Associated Press, has a long history of promoting dubious climate claims and essentially lobbying the public to “believe” that man-made climate change is a dire emergency and that government “solutions” are needed.
He has repeatedly recycled Antarctic melt fears despite contrary evidence, and unscientifically claimed that “climate change” has made the Earth “weirder” and “downright wilder.”

Trump greets kids with Down syndrome at White House on World Down Syndrome Day ~ This is the Donald Trump you rarely see on the network news ~

“All people are endowed by their Creator with dignity and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Despite some persistent myths and stigmas, even within the medical community, our Nation strongly embraces the undeniable truth that a Down syndrome diagnosis is an opportunity to embrace God’s gifts. I stand for life — in all of its beautiful manifestations — and I, and my Administration, will continue to condemn the prejudice and discrimination that Americans with Down syndrome too often endure.”

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From now on the Left will do all the judging


Remember decades ago when “intolerance” was the worst sin progressives could pin on you? Every time we conservatives tried to push back against their radical social agenda they demanded to know “Who are you to judge? You bigot!” Well, once they started down that road – misapplying Scripture and bastardizing the English language – it was inevitable: the Left has turned into the very scourge they accused the Right of being: INTOLERANT.



Updated: 3-30-19 [See below]
Chick-fil-A has been judged by the “compassionate” San Antonio City Council, and been found wanting. Their Christian faith will not be tolerated ~

Chick-fil-A banned from San Antonio airport over alleged ‘legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior’ ~

Wayfarers passing through San Antonio International Airport will be out of luck if they’re craving Chick-fil-A’s crispy chicken or waffle fries, as the city council has banned the chicken-centric chain from opening up shop in the air hub due to the company’s alleged “legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.”
On Thursday, six members of the San Antonio City Council rejected the inclusion of Chick-fil-A from the new Food, Beverage and Retail Prime Concession Agreement for the airport, KTSA reports. The seven-year contract for concession management at the terminal is expected to create $2.1 million in revenue for the Texas city; the motion that passed gave the green light to food shops including Smoke Shack and Local Coffee.

“With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion,” Councilman Roberto Treviño said of the vote, as per News 4 San Antonio. “San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.”


Pardon me, but belief is not behavior. And holding that marriage was instituted by God as a lifelong union between one man and one woman is not “anti-LGBTQ.”

“Everyone has a place here, and everyone should feel welcome when they walk through our airport,” (Treviño) continued.

Everyone should feel welcome – except traditional Christians.

Updated: 3-30-19
Good news ~ looks like Texas is going to stand up for Chick-fil-A’s First Amendment rights (That would never happen in New York or Texas – or Michigan) ~ Texas AG Ken Paxton Officially Launches Investigation Into Chick-Fil-A Ban ~

The city of San Antonio may have violated federal law and Transportation Department regulations by denying a contract to Chick-fil-A on religious grounds after voting to remove the franchise from a new airport concession contract […]
The (council’s) prohibition came after a report noted that in 2017, Chick-fil-A donated nearly $2 million to the Salvation Army, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Paul Anderson Youth Home. The report asserted that the three charities were discriminatory against LGBTQ individuals […]

“Targeting individuals, organizations, or corporations for carrying out their deeply-held religious beliefs in accord with our laws and consistent with many Americans’ similarly held religious beliefs is hardly making San Antonio a ‘champion of equality and inclusion,’” Roy said. “I hope this matter can be resolved, as it would be unfortunate if the council’s decision negatively impacted our ability to effectively advocate for San Antonio in Congress due to such rampant discriminatory action against a well-regarded business with such a significant presence in our communities in central Texas and across the nation.”



“Evil talks about tolerance only when it’s weak. When it gains the upper hand,
its vanity always requires the destruction of the good and the innocent,
because the example of good and innocent lives is an ongoing witness against it.
So it always has been. So it always will be.”

~ Charles Chaput, archbishop of Philadelphia~ G.K.Chesterton

Posted in Cultural Erosion, Unvarnished | 2 Comments

Stalin would have loved the “Green New Deal”

I’m not sure if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her cronies and their audacious Green New Deal were inspired by Stalin’s grand scheme to transform nature – or if it was just a predictable coincidence. But since contemporary progressive ideology has so much with common with soviet-style totalitarianism, it was inevitable that their grandiose proposals would be so similar.


70 years ago, at the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was essentially a devastated land; 70,000 villages, 40,000 miles of railway and half of all urban housing lay in complete ruin. (Source: “A Brief History of Russia,” Michael Kort)
Stalin apparently decided his government could restore the country to its former glory in part, through an ambitious environmental recovery program; the Great Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature ~

On October 20, 1948, the Soviet government announced the world’s first state-centered program to reverse human-induced climate change, a grandiose plan to construct 5.7 million hectares of forest in the Russian south. However, the plan collapsed upon Stalin’s death in 1953 because of a fundamental contradiction at the plan’s heart.
At first, the Stalin Plan advanced a basically conservative vision of restoring the steppes to an imagined prehistoric state, but soon a group of radical scientists advancing untested silvicultural theories managed to take control. The resulting struggle between the old approach and the new brought about the plan’s collapse.

Reality always wins in the end.
Today’s neo-totalitarians (aka-Democrat Socialists) share several common beliefs with the communists of the Soviet era. First, most are agnostic, if not outright atheist. This is key, because once God is out of the way, man is free to remake the world in his own image.
Second, they are the ones uniquely qualified to do the re-making. In totalitarian societies there is a tiny ruling class of elites – and there are the teeming masses. The common rabble is simply not capable of self-government.
The elites of course, with their godlike abilities, believe they are fully capable of re-engineering society, controlling every aspect of their subjects’ lives, even altering the climate.
But, my final point – they refuse to accept that human nature is essentially immutable. This wrong-headed belief is also arises out of their atheism. They reject the fact that we were created in God’s image, each a unique, special and worthwhile individual. They can’t stand that our innate affections and loyalties are attached first to our nuclear family, then our “tribe” – rather than the collective. Nor that we humans naturally yearn for freedom and independence.
Further, progressive socialists don’t seem to realize that were are all inherently flawed – and thus can never be molded into some utopian model of the perfect comrade.

This warped way of looking at the world is what led to Stalin’s annihilation of some 20 million souls. When you are a god, you create your own reality; destroying anything that gets in the way. And then you can perfect whatever’s left; society, individuals, the economy – even the climate. Why quibble over the human cost?


Another one of the ill-fated projects under the Great Plan was Stalin’s attempt to conquer the Arctic via his deadly railway to nowhere. It ended as tragically as all his other crazy schemes ~

The system was supposed to link the eastern and western parts of Siberia with a 1,000-mile (1,609km) railway stretching from the city of Inta, in Komi Autonomous Republic, through Salekhard to Igarka, on the Yenisei River […]
The labour force was almost entirely made up of “enemies of the people” – prisoners convicted of “political” offences […]
Other prisoners had already endured German prisoner-of-war camps. When they eventually returned home to the Soviet Union, the authorities branded them traitors and sent them to the Arctic […]
According to some estimates 300,000 prisoners were enslaved on the project and nearly a third of them perished in the process […]
By the time Stalin died in 1953, over 370 miles (600km) had been built but it was never completed. Cold War Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev transferred responsibility for the construction from the Interior Ministry to the Ministry of Transport, which lacked money and workers to continue the project.
The tracks sank back into the tundra. The railway to nowhere, with its huge cost in human lives, became known as the Dead Road.


This is exactly where the Green New Deal will take America, should we ever be unfortunate enough to fall prey to AOC and the neo-totalitarians. An arrogant, futile attempt to alter reality.

GND unintended consequences?

Exposing the reality-free GND

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Hijrah* heats up in the U.K.

Well I’ve been wondering when this inevitable clash of opposing worldviews would occur ~

Furious Muslim parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row~

(March 3, 2019) Furious Muslim parents reportedly withdrew 600 children from Parkfield Community School today after claiming they were being ‘brainwashed’ over gay lifestyles.
The pupils were taken out of classes as the row surrounding LGBT lifestyles being taught openly in the classroom escalated. Some reports suggest as many as 80 per cent of the children at Parkfield Community School in Saltley have been removed – around 600.
Kids have been withdrawn over the school’s “undermining of parental rights and aggressively promoting homosexuality”, according to Alum Rock Community Forum.
The forum adds: “Dialogue, petitioning and protests by parents have been repeated and arrogantly ignored.

It goes without saying that conservative Christian parents in either the U.K. or the U.S. would have automatically been dismissed and marginalized as hateful bigots for even thinking that promoting homosexuality was not the role of the public school system. But, if you are a member of an entitled class, exceptions will be made.
What this recent event did was reveal the current (when it comes to progressivism, nothing is ever settled) entitled class hierarchy. Muslims are now officially a notch above the LGBTQ crowd, as evidenced by the outcome in this case; the parents’ actions achieved the desired results ~ Birmingham school stops LGBT lessons after parents protest ~

A primary school that taught pupils about homosexuality as part of a programme to challenge homophobia has stopped the lessons after hundreds of children were withdrawn by parents in protest.
Parkfield community school in Saltley, Birmingham, has been the scene of weekly protests over the lessons, which parents claim are promoting gay and transgender lifestyles […]
Children from reception age through to year six were being taught five No Outsiders lessons a year, each one covering topics to meet requirements in the Equality Act. Books being read by the pupils include Mommy, Mama and Me, and King & King – stories about same-sex relationships and marriages.


Now this cultural conflict begs the question of course -– why, knowing that Western values would directly conflict with their own, did these Muslims move to the west in the first place- if not to radically remake our societies? It’s all part of the Cultural Jihad, or Hijrah.


*Hijrah (or Hijra):

An insidious, 1,400-year-old proscription for Muslims that originates in the Koran and the Sunnah, the deeds of Mohammed. It is the Hijra or doctrine of immigration. Modeled by Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina, this immigration is not to a romanticized melting pot wherein newcomers gratefully search for opportunities for a better life in liberty and freely offer their talents and loyalty to benefit their new homeland. This is immigration for Islamic expansionism employing ethnic separatism to gain special status and privileges within the host country. Hijra is immigration designed to subvert and subdue non-Muslim societies and pave the way for eventual, total Islamization.

[Source: Sam Solomon and Elias Al Maqdisi at American Thinker]

Islam is a totalitarian philosophy. It can only war with other worldviews. “Coexistence” is not an option.


Here’s an excellent, related video from Rebel Media which further illustrates the new cultural hierarchy ~


The Muslim Migrant Invasion and the Collapse of Europe
Up-dated: 3-22-19
Added: Interfaith ties fracture as Church of England won’t stand with Muslims opposing gay sex in school ~ What? – Not complying with the privileged class hierarchy? Oddly enough, as this article points out, on previous occasions, the Diocese of Birmingham has supported Muslims to the point of upsetting secularists.
These bishops are a pack of cowards. Their Holy Bible (which I presume the Church of England still purports to follow…) calls sodomy a sin, yet they side with the sodomites. This worldview showdown could get interesting.

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GND unintended consequences?

It’s no wonder the radical enviros had to organize the kiddies for their save-the-planet theatrics last weekend, only the young and/or the ignorant are gullible enough to fall for the ongoing climate change charade.


Here’s another enlightening video from CFACT that the young green crusaders should be shown before undergoing any further indoctrination from the alarmist crowd. (As an added bonus, it’s short – to match their attention spans 😀 ) Their utopian dreams of rainbows and prancing unicorns will be shattered by the sobering reality: if it’s ever instituted, the Green New Deal will be a global nightmare ~

Just 12 Years Left? Let’s Break Down The Alarmist Talking Point Fueling Kids’ Climate Change Strikes
1.5 Trillion Reasons Why the Kids’ Climate Strike Is Dishonest, Stupid, Pointless
Eco-Activist’s Sordid Criminal History Sheds Light On Parents’ Role In Children’s Climate Crusade

New Records Expose Children’s Marches as Long-Planned Component of Climate Litigation Campaign ~ There’s nothing spontaneous about progressive protests. They’re all part of a master strategy to bring down western civilization.

Posted in Fantasyland, Mendacity, Unvarnished | 1 Comment

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.

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Saturday Shorts – 3-16-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

First, some commentary on the New Zealand mosque murders ~
New Zealand shooting’s a social media wake-up call — YouTube, others, must stop amplifying violent crimes ~ Harmeet K. Dhillon, partner Dhillon Law Group in San Francisco (and frequent Fox News guest), takes the tech giants to task for not doing more to discourage tragedies like this ~

(W)e have seen a disturbing trend in recent school, church and other mass murders. The rise of social media and the ability to live-stream an attack give sick killers an added incentive to do their deeds with a huge, international audience of transfixed viewers. And there is no intermediation to soften the blow.

New Zealand murders: repercussions and perspective ~ Very few media types are comparing this event to the ongoing murders of Christians, worldwide, on a daily basis. It was bad four years ago. And it’s only grown worse since then. This is from Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles, via Jihad Watch ~

Terrorist attacks against Muslims in the Western world are extremely rare. This morning’s carnage in two mosques in New Zealand, with the death toll currently at 50, is the first major event of its kind since the Quebec City mosque shooting—over two years ago – which killed six persons.
(As for the alleged “Islamophobic incidents” in general, overwhelmingly they are either unverifiable or too trivial to be taken seriously.)
While 56 dead in two years is 56 too many, this regrettable incident will dominate the headlines infinitely more than any comparable carnage involving Christians, notably the 2017 Palm Sunday church bombings in Alexandria; it killed 45 people, and was all but ignored by the Western media and politicians.

3000 Yazidi sex slaves missing and feared dead ~ Here’s a story the mainstreams apparently don’t think worthy of mentioning ~

Are the lives of Yazidi girls and women so valueless in the eyes of the Western media? Add to that the fact that thousands of other Yazidi sex slaves who were tortured and murdered. Where also are the human rights activists? Why do they ignore these victims of jihad terror and abuse (ISIS)?

World’s Thermostat Is in the Creator’s Hand – Always Has Been, and Always Will Be ~ Common sense commentary from Charlie Daniels, acknowledging the valuable role ecologists originally played in cleaning up the environment, while calling out today’s disingenuous climate-changers ~

This “the world will end in 12 years” brand of tactic is a farce, an attempt at a power grab that has a lot more to do with election than environment.
It is designed to scare the people of this country into giving up convenience and personal freedom so that a bunch of radicals can control every facet of life from cradle to grave […]
I firmly believe that we should do our best to clean up our environment and try to persuade China, Russia, India and the other real polluters to clean up their act, but even if it’s done to the “Nth” degree, it will make for a cleaner, more healthy, pleasant world, but it will affect the temperature of the earth, not one jot, nor one tittle […]
When mankind tries to take over the things that belong to the Creator, and the temperature of this and all planets are controlled by the hand and will of Almighty God, he finds himself at odds with an eternally implacable force, the results of which are not pretty.

Amazon Crosses a Very Dangerous Censorship Line ~ The planet’s largest bookseller is now engaging in book banning. Shades of Hitler ~

With the news last week that Amazon has banned Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, co-authored by British activist Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin, Amazon has crossed a very dangerous and precarious line […]
When McLoughlin, who helped expose the “grooming” crimes committed by some British Muslims, received word that the book had been removed from Amazon, he wrote, “This is the twenty-first century equivalent of the Nazis taking out the books from university libraries and burning them.
“Can you think of another scholarly book on Islam that has been banned by Amazon? Mein Kampf is for sale on Amazon. As are books like the terrorist manual called The Anarchist Cookbook.”

This is what true Islamaphobia looks like. (Cowering in face of totalitarian ideology.)

POLAR BEAR Habitat Update: Abundant Sea Ice Across The Arctic, Even In The Barents Sea ~ Despite dire predictions from the alarmists that the ice would have melted by 2012, 2013, 2014… And we’re supposed to believe the same doomsday prophets about “climate change?”
Beto O’Rourke, Climate Change, and the End of the World ~ Will Beto’s crazy hyperbole catch on with the young, ignorant and gullible? ~

The scary thing is not that this new presidential candidate believes this timetable (the world will end in 12 years unless…) to be true.
It’s that today’s intellectual environment is such that he can say these things without being laughed to scorn. Worse still, he believes that this kind of rhetoric will help his campaign rather than hurt it. And he might well be right.

It’s already started ~ Birthstrikers – cancelling their future kids to advertise climate change? ~

Two hundred years from now anthropologists will marvel at a bizarre cult at the start of the third millennium that were so terrified of climate change that they vowed not to have children until the weather got perfect, or climate change “ended” or the Yeti appeared at their press conference.
This is the logical end point of where the self-hate civilization gets us.

Actually, it’s probably best that these clueless folks don’t reproduce.

These 3 videos from CBP show EXACTLY why there’s a crisis on the southern border ~ Videos from U.S. Customs and Border Protection operations in the San Diego area illustrate how out-of-control this situation has become. The illegals are even throwing little kids over fences as decoys. Just the sort of immigrants America needs eh?

Bible Was Right #529: Springs of the Sea ~ The more we discover about our amazing planet and its unique ecosystems, the more credible the Bible’s descriptions become.
Scientists never would have guessed we’d find hot springs on the ocean floor ~

“Have you entered into the springs of the sea,
or walked in the recesses of the deep?” ~ Job 38:16

Only 40 years ago, J. B. Corliss found the first hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the sea near the Galapagos Islands. Nature recounts the anniversary of that surprise, and the concurrent discovery of complete ecosystems around the hot springs, thriving in total darkness.

Why Did Obama Import a Somali Muslim Congressional District for Ilhan Omar to Represent? ~ John Zmirak at The Stream isn’t afraid to point out the obvious ~

The Obama administration imitated the strategy of leftist governments in Europe. They too, imported distant Muslims to their countries, precisely in order to disrupt and divide the populace. And to liquidate what traces of a common Christian culture the nation might have.

The plan is clear. It applies wherever leftist globalists wield power. Use arguments of “compassion” as needed to get the Muslims across the border and safely resettled. Then use their presence in Italian schools to demand that the classrooms take down their crucifixes. Use their presence in Britain to suppress criticism of Islam as a potential “breach of the peace.”
Weaponize them as reliable voters for the radical left. Never mind how they differ on issues of sexual politics. What matters is liquidating the old, common Christian culture. The trans activists, the gay libertines, and the Islamists will settle their differences later. For now they’re united by a common goal, as the U.S. and the Soviets were up through 1945.

Dozens of K9 Officers Visit Terminally Ill Girl Who Loves Dogs ~ It was dream come true last week for a young Wisconsin girl ~

Emma Mertens, a seven-year-old diagnosed with a rare inoperable brain tumor in January, got to see dozens of real-life canines after police officers and K9 officers visited her home on Saturday morning.

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“Easy Street:” a tragic illusion peddled by deceitful Dems

An oldie but goodie.
70 years later, progressives are still pushing the same utopian fantasy ~


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Build the Wall? This could work…

Now here’s a creative suggestion for our southern border that actually makes a lot of sense ~ 1,954-mile ‘energy park’ would pay for border wall, create economic boom ~

A new plan to undertake the largest infrastructure project in world history would build a 1,945-mile “energy park” that would pay for itself, deploy sophisticated security to the sometimes dangerous area and turn a largely deserted area into an economic engine.
The plan just released would also build on the cooperative relations between Washington and Mexico City to have both countries build the energy wall.
“Just like the transcontinental railroad transformed the United States in the 19th century, or the Interstate system transformed the 20th century, this would be a national infrastructure project for the 21st century,” said Luciano Castillo, Purdue University’s Kenninger Professor of Renewable Energy and Power Systems.

This plan is super-ambitious, would be a massive undertaking – but hey – we did put a man on the moon.
Conceived by a group of 28 prestigious engineers and scientists from across the country, the energy corridor would consist of ~

… a complex train of solar energy panels, wind turbines, natural gas pipelines, desalination facilities that together would create an industrial park along the border unlike anything found anywhere else in the world.


The facilities would provide the desired border security, the researchers say, because utility facilities and infrastructure must be well-protected. The connected energy parks would also be an economic driver, both in the construction of the facilities themselves and in the businesses that would be attracted to the region by cheap electricity and plentiful water resources.

Sounds like a win-win doesn’t it? A uniquely-American, inventive, solution to a decades-old, very complex problem.
So of course The Swamp will never let it happen :(

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Reality-deniers accuse president of climate-denial

So – CNN’s Brian Stelter and Jim Sciutto tore into Fox & Friends on Tuesday for airing false information about global warming that feeds into President Donald Trump‘s climate change denial.
They think if they repeat the lie ad nauseum, with just the right tone of arrogant superiority, their ridiculous assertions will magically become true. They won’t ~

Fox & Friends were speaking with Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore who should certainly have more credibility on climate science than a couple of CNN talking heads

• The science isn’t settled

The Green New Deal is based on a scam

• CNN will never watch this video much less share it with their low-information viewers ~

Video via: PragerU

Are droughts, hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters getting stronger and more frequent? Are carbon dioxide emissions, global temperatures and sea levels putting us on a path for climate catastrophe? Bjorn Lomborg, Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, breaks down the facts about the environment and shows why the reality of climate change may be very different from what you hear in the media.

Trump calls climate change crisis ‘fake science’, Greenpeace goes berserk, gets caught in a lie

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The non-racist “racist” in the White House

How much longer are the Leftists and their media puppets going to peddle this farcical Trump-is-a-racist narrative? As some point a majority of Americans will have seen through the charade and their credibility will be less than the zero it already is.
As it is, only those with a true animus toward the president – for whatever reason – are convinced he’s a racist. And how do we know they’re delusional?
First of all, before he ran for president, no one ever accused Donald J. Trump of racism, as Joseph Farah at WND points out ~

He was a major celebrity, one of the most well-known businessmen in the world, a best-selling author, a major donor to Democratic politicians, a media star, the billionaire prince of New York City.
Trump was the toast of the town in New York. He was the toast of Hollywood. He was the toast of the Democratic Party.
In all the years before he ran for president, guess what no one called Trump? A racist.
Why? Because there was no evidence to support such a malicious accusation.

During the campaign, and since the election, there’s been absolutely NO indication that Trump has contracted sudden-racism-syndrome. The one event that seems to have been a catalyst for that phony narrative was the riot in Charlottesville 19 months ago. The Left has cunningly managed to twist his comments on that tragedy into some sort of approval of the KKK. In case you’re tempted to believe the faux-account, here are the exact remarks the president made on August 12th, 14th and 15th. He rightly condemned both sides.
Furthermore, in 2017 the GOP tax plan that he signed included tax breaks for inner-city “opportunity-zones.” And this past December, Trump signed bipartisan criminal justice reform into law. Both these actions were aimed at positively impacting urban areas, largely minority communities.
In a barely-reported move last summer, the president met with more than a dozen faith leaders from urban centers across the country to discuss issues and concerns. After the meeting Pastor Darrell Scott, who happens to be black, predicted that Trump would be “most pro-black president in our lifetime.”


What the heck, even Joe Scarborough of NBC’s “Morning Joe” – no fan of the president – declared in January: ‘I’ll Say under Oath: Never Once Heard Trump Say Anything Racially Insensitive’ ~

Given how Joe Scarborough has vilified Donald Trump for years, the Morning Joe host could be the world’s least likely character witness for the President.
But ironically, Scarborough’s overt animus toward Trump makes him that much more credible when he says something positive about the President—as he did on today’s Morning Joe. Scarborough swore that—having known Trump for 12 years—he had never in private heard him utter a racially-insensitive word.


But the Left isn’t particularly interested in the truth. They have to keep pushing the lie – or risk losing a large chuck of their voter base.

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Meanwhile, in another part of the world…

OK, it’s not really another part of the world, but the mainstreams’ generally treat it as such. With their myopic vision focused solely on Trump-Trump-Trump, they rarely bother to glance across our northern border.
Luckily, there are a few outstanding Canadians – who frankly, have more in common with honest, freedom-loving Americans than with many of their fellow citizens (particularly the elite ruling class) – resolute enough to report on the latest debacles wrought by progressives’ reality-free policies in their country. One of these is Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media, along with his gang of fearless journalists.

For the last few weeks the website has been covering an emerging scandal involving SNC-Lavalin, a Canadian engineering and construction company (and one of the most corrupt according to Rebel). Seems the Trudeau regime may be guilty of pulling strings to help the Montreal-based corporation evade prosecution for bribing the Libyan government under its former dictator, the brutal Moammar Gadaffi.
[As an aside, notice how our partisan media in the U.S. is frantically searching for mythical evidence that Donald Trump abused his executive power to collude in some nefarious undertaking or other? Well, across the border, Canadian mainstreams are scrambling to cover up this SNC scandal for Justin Trudeau.]

While there’s much more to this story (search “SNC-Lavalin” on their site for all the messy details), here’s an excellent re-cap ~

(Note: Be prepared to slog through YouTube’s annoying new “ad-slamming” strategy
which seems to be aimed at squelching conservative voices.)


Also newsworthy at present, is the country’s troubling financial picture. While the U.S. economy is ~ Canada’s economy teeters on recession. Levant cites numerous reasons for his assessment, in no particular order ~

• President Donald Trump’s new “Buy American” executive order, shutting out Canadian companies from hundreds of billions, probably trillions of dollars worth of U.S. construction projects.[The order encourages federal agencies to “Buy American, Hire American” and is, in part, a reaction to Canadian tariffs imposed on imports on dairy, eggs, and poultry products (up to 270 percent on dairy products).]
• The three pipelines Trudeau has killed.
• Scratch the auto industry, too (Plant closings…)
• The overpriced housing market in Vancouver and Toronto
• Alberta is broke — and heading back into a second NDP (New Democratic Party) recession
• Canada’s terms of trade — a comparison of the prices of exports versus the prices of imports — saw its biggest drop since early 2009, the report said. It fell 3.6 percent in the fourth quarter, which was mostly due to a 34.3 percent decline in crude exports.”
• The lower GDP figure for all of 2018 reflected a slowdown in most categories, including weaker results for household consumption, business investment and housing investment, which contracted 2.3 percent. The agency said the drop in housing investment coincided with rising interest rates and stricter mortgage rules came into force.
• In December, economic growth contracted 0.1 per cent for the second consecutive month and the third decline in four months.”


But hey – on the bright side – the Canadian pot market is booming ~

Household spending on marijuana, at an annual rate, totalled $5.9 billion in the fourth quarter — with illegal pot accounting for $4.7 billion of the total and legal weed representing $1.2 billion.
“Cannabis accounted for 0.5 per cent of total household spending,” the report said of the quarterly numbers. “And non-medical cannabis accounted for 11.2 per cent of spending on alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.”


So eat, drink and smoke dope. And tomorrow you go broke. No joke.
And with our massive debt, the party’s probably going to be over in the U.S. pretty soon as well.

Amazing Polly ~ Canadian vlogger swimming against the tide of relativism through a soup of gaslighting & lies, smear campaigns & psychological warfare. Subscribe to her YouTube channel (before she’s de-platformed)

[Hat-tip: JAB]


Is Canada Still a Country? How Canada’s Identity Crisis Could Threaten the US ~ They’ve embraced multi-culturalism to such a degree, Canadian culture is being erased ~

Canada is in the midst of what one writer called a “civilizational experiment in which a western nation is being transformed into a post-western nation. And this revolution is centered around the cult of diversity.” […]
The culture that is under fire here is traditional Canadian Christian culture. Ottawa resident Alexandra Belaire grew up behind the Iron Curtain in communist Czechoslovakia, and she sees some disturbing parallels between life under communism and politically correct Canada.
When asked, “What do you say to someone who says ‘That (comparison) is preposterous. I can say whatever I want in Canada. How can you compare it to the Soviet world?'”
The former dissident’s daughter said, “But you can’t say anything you want.

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