A Matter of Faith

Although I’m so old I have no idea who Marty Sampson of Hillsong is, I was still saddened to hear about his renunciation of his Christian faith ~ ‘I’m Genuinely Losing My Faith’: Hillsong Worship Leader Rejects Christian Beliefs ~

Marty Sampson, a worship music writer, singer, and active member of Hillsong has publicly denounced his faith on social media:
“Time for some real talk. I’m genuinely losing my faith, and it doesn’t bother me. Like, what bothers me now is nothing. I am so happy now, so at peace with the world. It’s crazy.
“I am not in any more. I want genuine truth. Not the “I just believe it” kind of truth. Science keeps piercing the truth of every religion. Lots of things help people change their lives, not just one version of God. Got so much more to say, but for me, I keeping it real. Unfollow if you want, I’ve never been about living my life for others.”


Judging from his exit testimony one has to wonder whether Marty’s faith was truly genuine to begin with. And if genuine truth is what he honestly wants, either he hasn’t been doing much searching – or he’s looking in all the wrong places.
Honestly, his objections to Christianity seem disingenuous – almost childlike – and they’re ably refuted here by Dr. Michael Brown ~

I’m thrilled to hear he wants “genuine truth” as opposed to simply taking things by faith. But I must ask once more, “What Christian world has he been living in?”
Is it just me and my colleagues and the people who follow my ministry who want “genuine truth”? Who are willing to ask the hard questions? Who actually encourage honest seeking? (These are rhetorical questions. The answer is, “Certainly not! There are countless millions who want more than just a simplistic, ‘shut off your brain’ kind of faith.”)
As for science “piercing the truth of every religion,” I will simply say this. If Marty and I were standing next to wall of solid, academic Christian books responding to scientific challenges and that wall of books collapsed, we would not survive the avalanche. (Here’s a good place to start your study.)


Commenting on Sampson’s (and Joshua Harris’s) apostasy, Creation-Evolution-Headlines explains, science is the worst excuse for losing one’s faith these days ~

Potential apostates are often lured away from the Bible because of scientific claims. They are led to believe that science has proved Darwinism and that the Earth and the universe are billions of years old, casting doubt on Genesis. It’s not clear how much this was a factor in the present cases, but to the extent that Harris and Sampson (or any others) began to wobble because of science, they must have been unaware of the quicksand that their scientific ground is turning out to be. Despite scientists’ bluffing confidence and media’s triumphalism, evolution is still a theory in crisis.


In fact, all Marty needs to do is spend a few hours on CEH is discover just how implausible Darwin’s theory has turned out to be ~

If you are wobbling in your faith, please give us your attention. To begin with, everyone has problems. Everyone has questions. You should not be surprised that there are difficulties in the Bible, and questions that are hard to answer. Theologians and thoughtful laymen have wondered how God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility work together. They have struggled to watch man’s inhumanity to man, and to harmonize human suffering with a loving God. Creation scientists tackle a host of questions about fossils, adaptation, and the ages of physical processes. None of this is a secret. You should watch former atheist Lee Strobel tackle some of the big questions in his book and film, “The Case for Faith.” It’s OK to ask hard questions and seek answers, as long as you do it honestly, and are not looking for rationalizations to support a previous commitment to apostasy […]
Don’t think that apostasy will lift you from religion to science, or from the miraculous to the scientifically provable. Scientism is full of supernaturalism and miracles! Materialists see the universe and life, with all its beauty and design, as products of chance. What Biblical miracle could ever be as incredible as that? And what about the mind, consciousness, logic and reason? Those are not made of atoms. They are supernatural. If you abandon trust in the Word of God, you are jumping from a warm pan into a blazing fire. […]

(T)here are apologetics ministries in abundance that can answer any hard questions you might have. Try Stand to Reason and Cross Examined. Watch Illustra Media‘s excellent films and browse the free videos at The John 10:10 Project. Once you become convinced of the emptiness of scientism, next become convinced of intelligent design, then of theism, then of a personal God, then of Jesus Christ, and the veracity of the Bible. Follow the signposts at our Site Map. At that point, it’s up to you; will you abandon what you can see to be true (despite any remaining questions), or take a step of faith in the direction the evidence points?


There are numerous other ministries that have offered advice and resources to Sampson – if he genuinely is seeking the Truth.

Dr. Brown concludes his article with this ~

My prayer is that Marty Sampson would have the integrity of heart to seek the truth earnestly, with humility and passion, and that all others with questions will put those questions on the table.
I’ve done that for the last 47+ years, being challenged by rabbis from my earliest days as a believer and having done all my academic studies in secular institutions. As a result, I love the Lord with all my heart and with all my mind. He is the God of truth, and His Word is truth.
So, don’t be afraid to ask your honest questions and to follow the truth where it leads. Just don’t do it superficially, and be sure to seek God first and foremost.
And let’s pray for Marty’s repentance, restoration, and more,

Skillet’s John Cooper Makes Waves With Facebook Post on Christian Leaders Leaving the Faith ~ I’ve never heard of this guy either, but he’s much wiser than young Mr. Sampson ~

Cooper pleads for the church not to stifle inconvenient truths but to “hold even tighter to the anchor of the living Word of God. For He changes NOT.” He wrote, “We must STOP making worship leaders and thought leaders or influencers or cool people or “relevant” people the most influential people in Christendom.” […]
Cooper said the concept of lordship is being lost in a generation of young people. “We could be doing a much better job of preaching truth — and it’s not just the leaders. I’m talking about all of us.” He said the Church needs to say, “I don’t want to look for what is entertaining. I don’t want to look to what tickles my ears. I want to look to what is right and true. If my ideas of God are wrong, then I need to change my ideas of who God is.”

More Darwin doubters ~ A couple intellectually honest professors recently recognized the complete improbability of evolution.

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Thought for the week


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Saturday Shorts – 8-31-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

11th Mexican Journalist Murdered In 2019 ~ Maybe we should send a few mainstream media types down to investigate… Oh never mind. Not only do they not have the cojones, they’re too busy peddling fake news to deal with real tragedies ~

Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) confirmed the murder of Nevith Condez Jaramillo. The journalist was stabbed to death. Authorities recovered the victim’s body on Saturday morning in the town of Tejupilco in the state of Mexico.
The murder marks the 11th of its kind in 2019 and the 13th of its kind since Mexico’s current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador took office in December 2018. Mexico’s CNDH is reporting that Condez’s murder is the 12th of 2019.

Men Beware: Following the Billy Graham Rule Could Get You Fired. It Happened to a N.C. Sheriff ~ So men who want to avoid being #MeToo’d can’t win for losing? (Wonder if he’d still have his job if he was a Muslim…) ~

A former sheriff’s deputy in Lee County, N.C., says he was fired from his job for following the so-called Billy Graham rule and asking to be excused from spending a significant amount of time alone with a female trainee […]
Manuel Torres, 51, filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) in 2017, alleging that the sheriff’s office had “engaged in unlawful religious discrimination and retaliation against him in denying his requests for religious accommodations.” The EEOC issued a Notice of Right to Sue notice earlier this year, paving the way for Torres’ federal lawsuit.
According to the complaint, Torres “holds to Christian religious beliefs and regularly attends and serves as a deacon at East Sanford Baptist Church in Sanford, North Carolina” and “holds the strong and sincere religious belief that the Holy Bible prohibits him, as a married man, from being alone for extended periods with a female who is not his wife.”

Ilhan Omar’s Bizarre Response to Palestinian Crackdown on LGBT Group!!! ~ Illustrative video from Dr. Steve Turley explains how the Islamist card trumps the LGBTQ card in the grievance hierarchy

St Greta of Thunberg: Her Gospel Is Propaganda; Her Cause Is Evil ~ Climate change apostate James Delingpole is thoroughly irreverent 😀 ~

St Greta of Thunberg – Patron Saint of the Age of Stupid – has made landfall in the New World, there to preach to the unbelievers her gospel of imminent climate doom […]
Though St Greta has become a figure of huge influence in Europe – feted by Popes, presidents and prime ministers, lauded with uncritical coverage in the mainstream media, put forward for a Nobel Peace Prize – it seems likely that in the United States she will get a more mixed reception.
While the left will most certainly try to shoehorn her into their Green New Deal campaign, the right may be less convinced.
That’s because, unlike a worrying number of their counterparts across the pond, U.S. conservatives understand St Greta’s environmental scare narrative for what it is: a hoax.
Especially, it’s an anti-American hoax. As Rupert Darwall describes in some detail in his book Green Tyranny (listen to the podcast interview here) the global warming scare was cooked up largely by European leftists (the Swedes and Germans being the worst offenders) with the purpose of destroying Western Industrial Civilization – U.S. Industrial Civilization in particular.


Turkey: “Death to Jews” at Summer Camp ~ Don’t hold your breath waiting for representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar to condemn this hateful behavior ~

Turkey’s Jewish community is still reeling from the content of a video that went viral at the end of July. The video shows what appears to be a summer camp at which young children, with a group of burqa-clad women behind them, are being led in an anti-Semitic cheer in Turkish by a young girl or woman counselor.
In the 39-second clip, when the girl says, “The Jews,” the women and children reply, “Death!”
When she says, “Palestine,” they reply, “It will be saved.”
When she calls out, “Hagia Sophia” — referring to the Byzantine cathedral-museum in Istanbul that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced will be turned into a mosque — they chant, “It will be opened.”

Students choose Obama as greatest prez of all time ~ Ah, the tragedy of mis-education. Apparently public schools have dispensed with history class ~

Veteran conservative columnist Deroy Murdock, a member of Project 21, vehemently disagrees.
“For people of any age to think that he was not just an ‘OK’ president or a good president, but the very best president of the 45 we’ve had starting with Washington,” Murdock says, “that he would be the best, I think, is just a complete nonstarter.”

NYC police union approves ‘no confidence’ resolutions against de Blasio, commissioner ~ This is what happens when your mayor is a communist; how unfortunate for law-abiding New Yorkers ~

The city’s nearly 400-delegate Police Benevolent Association (PBA) called for Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to fire both de Blasio and O’Neill immediately or for the officials to resign.
The group also blasts the commissioner for his recent decision to fire Daniel Pantaleo — the officer accused of killing Eric Garner in 2014 — and criticizes the mayor because he “unlawfully interfered” in Pantaleo’s dismissal, according to a PBA news release […]

“Today’s votes are an unequivocal indictment of our failed leaders in City Hall and 1 Police Plaza,” PBA President Patrick Lynch said in a statement. “For years, Mayor de Blasio has demonized police officers and undermined our efforts to protect our city. For years, Commissioner O’Neill has cravenly acquiesced to the Mayor and his anti-cop allies.”

Climate Fears Fail to Keep Coal at Bay ~ So essentially, any carbon reduction by western nations (which has been quite significant over the last few years) would be a drop in the bucket ~

Despite heightened fears of climate crisis, the global coal market remains upbeat. India and China, two of the largest producers and consumers of coal, have ramped up their coal production and show no signs of slowdown.
The United States, Australia, and Indonesia follow the big two, but their production and consumption levels are far less than China’s.
Reports came in early August that there has been a surge in Chinese coal mine approvals. In the first half of 2019 alone, the government has approved the building of new coal production with annual capacity of 141 million tons. In comparison, approval for new capacities in 2018 was just 25 million tons.

Making a ‘Gunlike Hand Gesture’ Is a Crime, Pennsylvania Court Rules ~ Seriously? These people never would have survived the last three centuries in America ~

A Pennsylvania court ruled that (64-year-old Stephen Kirchner) could be charged with “disorderly conduct” for the crime of pretending his hand was a gun and pointing the “gun” at his neighbor. Another neighbor saw the gesture and became frightened enough to call 911 […]
Where is the “public risk” in making the gesture? Some snowflake neighbor couldn’t bear seeing a gun — even just the hint of a non-existent gun — and called the police like a good little Nazi…er, citizen.
This is not a Second Amendment issue. It’s a sanity issue. And the Superior Court judges who made this determination are risking “public alarm” that Pennsylvania has judges who are not in their right minds.

More fake five-alarm crises from the IPCC ~ Paul Driessen will be speaking at the Heartland Institute’s upcoming conference, replacing the climate hysteria of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with actual facts ~

Heartland speakers will explain why climate change is some 97% natural, not manmade (contrary to that phony 97% consensus that says otherwise); and why real-world evidence does not support IPCC claims about dangerously rising seas, increasingly violent storms or worsening droughts. My talk will focus on why biofuel, wind, solar and battery technologies are not clean, green, renewable or sustainable.
I will point out for example that replacing 100% of US gasoline with ethanol would require some 360 million acres of corn – seven times the land area of Utah. Replacing the more than 25 billion megawatt-hours of electricity the world consumed in 2018 would require some 100 million 400-foot-tall 1.8-MW bird and bat-butchering wind turbines that would actually generate electricity only about 20% of the time.
Assuming just 15 acres apiece, those monster turbines would require some 1.5 billion acres – nearly 80% of the entire Lower 48 United States!

Exorcists to Jesuit head: Satan is real ~ Jesuits are another confused bunch that needs to be reminded of reality from time to time ~

“The real existence of the devil, as a personal subject who thinks and acts and has made the choice of rebellion against God, is a truth of faith that has always been part of Christian doctrine,” the International Association of Exorcists said in an Aug. 22 press release.
The organization’s release came in response to recent remarks on the devil from Jesuit superior general Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, which the organization called “grave and confusing.”
Sosa made headlines earlier this week when he told Italian magazine Tempi that “the devil exists as a symbolic reality, not as a personal reality.”

Good luck with that padre. He’s pretty active in China at the moment ~ China’s Forced Sterilization of Uighur Women Is Cultural Genocide ~ Not only are these Chinese Muslims interred in re-education camps, now they’re being sterilized? Where’s the world-wide condemnation?! ~

Uighurs, a predominantly Turkic-speaking ethnic minority in Xinjiang, are being seriously repressed by the Chinese government. Since 2017, more than 1 million Muslim minorities, including Uighurs, have been taken to detention without any proper trials.
Detainees are forced to show their loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party and deny their Islamic faith. Forced labor and torture are common.
Uighur women testify to the horrors they have endured, including new reports of forced sterilization. One Uighur woman interviewed by French television said she was constantly injected with a substance during her detention that stopped her periods.

Hong Kong’s Wild Card: Spirit-Filled Christians ~ What an amazing story of God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit! It all began with a young British woman who was called by God to Kowloon’s notorious Walled City (in Hon Kong) in the mid-1960s. Wow! ~

Hong Kong’s Christians are not skilled in political activism, nor are they people of power and influence. But God’s Kingdom came, and came in power, to the darkest corners of Hong Kong. The reign of God has been established in the lives of former drug addicts and gangsters and prostitutes. 1 Corinthians 1:27 explains that “God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise” and that He “chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.” Maybe He will choose to do this again in Hong Kong.

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Extinguishing the rainforest fire hysteria

While I was researching my last post on the G7 Summit, I was looking for information on Bolsanaro and the Brazilian rainforest fires. I tried to get past the eco-alarmist propaganda on the various search engines but found it almost impossible to do so. I know better than to check with Google :roll: but even Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Dogpile mainly returned hyperbolic headlines like this ~

Jair Bolsonaro launches assault on Amazon rainforest protections

Amazon fires: Bolsonaro actively trying to devastate rainforest

Bolsonaro Defiant As Amazon Fires Raise Global Alarm


And here’s a good one, from Vox ~ The right-wing populist wave is a threat to the climate ~

The Amazon rainforest is on fire — and the consensus is that Brazil’s far-right populist leader, Jair Bolsonaro, is to blame.

(The “consensus” of the climate hysterics that is.)
So I had to fall back on my collection of climate realist bookmarks (Climate Depot, Cornwall Alliance, JoNova, James Delingpole – at Breitbart, ) – along with Free Republic, to discover the truth – or at least find some other opinions. After all, if the only option is that President Bolsonaro is guilty of maniacally torching the Amazon rainforest, then it’s a hideous crime against Gaia, and the global community must immediately invade Brazil and arrest him in the name of earth justice!
Or maybe it’s not quite that clear cut.
I stumbled on one link that – surprisingly – corrected some misconceptions. Seems CNN had a flash of journalistic integrity last week and admitted that “some of the most-shared images of the Amazon rainforest fires are old or are not of the Amazon”

Social media helped increase coverage of the wildfires, but it’s also contributing to misinformation.
There’s no question that several parts of the Amazon rainforest are on fire, and humans are likely the cause of the blazes.
Satellite images are helping show just how many fires there are, and how much of their smoke has spread across the country.
But photos on social media are conflating the current crisis with previous fires.

Here was one of the wildly inaccurate tweets that CNN corrected ~

What a doofus.

The two photos on the right aren’t even of an Amazon wildfire. The top image is from a 2018 wildfire in Sweden; the bottom is of a wildfire in Montana on August 6, 2000.

[The other two are from 2018 – and 1989!]
The “earth’s lungs” is one of the colorful myths that the enviro-nuts have been peddling about the Amazon rainforest. According to Dan Nepstad, (President and Founder of Earth Innovation Institute and the co-founder of The Amazon Environmental Research Institute, a scientific, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization that has worked for the sustainable development of the Amazon since 1995) it’s a phony description ~

“It’s bullshit. There’s no science behind that. The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen but it uses the same amount of oxygen through respiration so it’s a wash.”

That particular article at The Daily Wire was discussing the convenient timing of the rainforest fires for the purposes of pushing the climate change agenda, and demonizing Bolsanaro. It also referenced a conversation with Leonardo Coutinho, a leading Brazilian environmental journalist ~

“What is happening in the Amazon is not exceptional. Take a look at Google web searches, search for ‘Amazon’ and ‘Amazon Forest’ over time. Global public opinion was not as interested in the ‘Amazon tragedy’ when the situation was undeniably worse. The present moment does not justify global hysteria.”

The Myth of Ecocide at Spiked was especially enlightening ~

So now we know: the idea that the Amazon rainforest is burning on an unprecedented scale and that these fires will rob humanity of one of its key sources of oxygen is fake news. It is hard to think of any other global event this year that has been as awash with misinformation as the rainforest fires. We’ve been told these fires are a calamity, an act of ‘ecocide’; they’re proof of humanity’s contempt for the environment; they will blacken and possibly even destroy ‘the lungs of the world’, as the rainforests are referred to, given they produce 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen. It’s all untrue. We are being misled […]
The idea that millions of glorious, oxygen-producing trees are been burnt to a cinder by evil humans is nonsense, too. To the extent that there has been an increase in fires in the Amazon – and this itself is a deceptive claim – many of this year’s new fires are of dry scrubland, where trees have already been felled.
It is untrue that the fires are historically huge or unprecedented. NASA says the Amazon fires are ‘slightly below average this year’ […]
More broadly, it simply isn’t true that mankind is at war with forestland. As made clear by a substantial report in Nature, published last year, the world’s tree cover has increased over the past 35 years. In three decades, 2.24million square kilometres of trees – an area the size of Texas and Alaska combined – have been added to the world’s already existing tree-covered land. The study, involving satellite analysis of the Earth from 1982 to 2016, found that while there has been some tree loss in subtropical areas, this has been ‘outweighed by tree-cover gain in subtropical, temperate, boreal, and polar regions’.


So now we do know. The truth is still out there, somewhere in the vast reaches of the internet. But the progressive, authoritarian science settlers are making it increasingly difficult to find it.

Beware. And bookmark for future reference.
What everyone gets wrong about the Amazon ~

The first thing people need to understand is that there has been a huge decline in deforestation since its peak in the early 2000s. Deforestation is still 75 to 80 per cent lower than at this peak. Deforestation has been going up in recent years, but that rise didn’t start under the current Brazilian government. Clearly, much of the response from the Western media is a reaction to Bolsonaro – it’s not just about what’s happening on the ground.

Amazon Fires – A Big, Fat Nothingburger of a #FakeNews Scare Story ~ James Delingpole with some inconvenient facts, figures and charts ~

• The fires are mainly on agricultural land – not virgin rain forest
• There is nothing abnormal about this fire season
• Even NASA admits this
• Deforestation is getting better, not worse
• The Amazon rainforest does NOT produce 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen
• It wasn’t always rainforest

Updated: 9-1-19
Brazil’s Bolsonaro HUMILIATES Macron over Amazon Fires! ~ (Video)

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Gee, whatever happened at the G7?

Google “Trump G7 Summit” and you’ll find giddy headlines from the mainstreams hoping for a big fail on the the president’s part as he headed off toward Biarritz in south-west France last weekend ~
Will Trump blow up the G7 summit?
G7 diplomats cringing at weekend with Trump
Trump at G-7: President denies behind-the-scenes discord
With Trump behaving bizarrely, a lot could go wrong at the G7 summit
G7-Trump&MelaniaThe G7, a group of seven nations, U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Italy, Germany and Japan – along with several top E.U. bureaucrats – meet annually to discuss global challenges involving foreign policy, the economy and the environment. The official gathering was held August 24-26 and while there was a good deal of interest in Melania’s attire, not much else seemed to catch the attention of the network news.

Now that the event is over you’ll find numerous links to various versions of – Trump Wants to Host Next G7 Summit at His Resort – the Left of course outraged over the mere hint that POTUS might personally profit from such an international gathering of foreign leaders (not realizing he’s trolling them yet again 😀 ).

But strangely enough you’ll find very little reportage on the Summit itself and what actually occurred there. As usual with the feckless media, any lack of coverage on something President Trump was involved with, means they couldn’t find a way to spin it against him, so they just ignored it.
In contrast, the New York Post was paying attention, and was actually impressed by ~ Trump’s G-7 statesmanship ~

President Trump took French President Emmanuel Macron’s Iran gambit in stride as the G-7 Summit wound to a close — probably because Trump saw that Macron’s real game was pure politics […]
Macron, this year’s host, originally wanted the summit to center on climate change and inequality. But those are the very issues killing him with French voters, hence his shift to pretending to try to resurrect the Iran deal on the sidelines.
Whatever heads-up the French president gave the American one about his invitation to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zarif, the stunt was never going anywhere: Macron and his allies have already consulted to death with Tehran about ways to salvage the accord, even as Washington has shown it can keep tightening the screws despite the appeasers’ best efforts.


While CNN was peddling their new, ludicrous the-president-is-certifiable narrative (now that the Russian collusion hoax has been exposed), Trump was sounding quite lucid regarding the former Soviet Union. Responding to a question during his Monday press conference ~

“(A) lot of people” felt that having Russia in the room could be better than having Russia outside the room, adding, “There were numerous people during the G7 that felt that way. And we didn’t take a vote or anything but we did discuss it, and my inclination is to say yes, they should be in.”
The president then turned to former President Obama, pointing out that Russia’s annexation of Crimea — which predicated the nation’s ejection from what was then the G8 — happened under Obama’s watch.
“President Putin outsmarted President Obama and I can understand how President Obama would feel. He wasn’t happy, and they’re not in for that reason,” Trump said. “I’m only thinking about the world and thinking about this country in terms of the G7, whether it’s G7 or G8. I think it would be better to have Russia inside the tent than outside the tent. Do we live either way? Yes, we live either way. Is it politically popular for me to say that? Possibly not. I think a lot of people would agree with me but possibly not.”

The anti-Trump media was quick to point out that the president skipped the G7’s climate session (his lack of priorities being, of course, a crime against humanity), but he did manage to evade the Amazon wildfire ambush the progressives had planned ~

European Union bureaucrats use various techniques trying to keep the EU together and keep taxpayer money flowing to Brussels. One of their favorite ploys is to propose big government solutions to huge problems—such as climate change or inequality—that will never be completely eliminated.
Such proposals translate into lifetime job security for the bureaucrats and lucrative government contracts for their “woke” corporate cronies. Bureaucrats in the U.S. government do the same thing.
In this context, it was no surprise to see French President Emmanuel Macron harp about the fires in the Amazon in the weeks leading up to the G-7. Macron started a bitter personal feud with Brazil’s new right-wing president, Jair Bolsonaro. […]
If the issue were really environmental policy, Macron and previous European leaders would have piped up long before now. After all, AccuWeather reports that fires during the dry season in the Amazon basin have been just as bad, or worse, in seven of the last 17 years (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2016).
Moreover, The New York Times reports that “most of the fires [in the Brazilian Amazon basin] are burning on agricultural land where the forest had already been cleared.”
Unfortunately, many of these fires were set by farmers to fertilize their fields. It’s an ancient, primitive, and backward Third World farming technique, to be sure. But it is not the destruction of virgin rain forest […]
Trump was right to push back against climate and the other “niche” agenda items (as the White House described them) and insist that the G-7 leaders focus on the big economic policy questions. That necessary and useful discussion to coordinate economic policies at the G-7 took place under the large shadow cast by China.


Overall, the president managed to accomplish a great deal last weekend (none of which the mainstreams bothered to mention) ~ Trump’s Magnificent Performance at G7 on Trade, Non-proliferation and Climate Change ~

Perhaps his finest moment since the second presidential debate of 2016. A trade deal “in principle” with Japan. Openings in talks with both China and Iran. Progress in talks with the EU and the U.K. The hint of normalization of relations with Russia. Hope for the de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
Oh, and the possibility that next year the G7 will meet at Trump’s resort in Doral, Florida :) All of this backed by a strong U.S. economy and a strong U.S. Dollar, versus weakness elsewhere. A vibrant U.S. energy sector. And, growing confidence of re-election.



Andrew Stiles at the Washington Free Beacon was quite impressed with Mr. Trump’s Alpha Male body language 😀 ~

President Donald J. Trump asserted an imposing physical dominance over his fellow world leaders at the G7 Summit in France, a Free Beacon analysis has found.
Using a number of advanced techniques deployed by elite negotiators, President Trump successfully demonstrated physical supremacy over his so-called peers. According to the analysis, Trump’s unapologetic display of American dominance stands in marked contrast to the supine deference of his predecessor, Barack Obama.


With French president, Emmanuel Macron


With Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau ~




As the Daily Signal pointed out (and what the mainstreams refuse to acknowledge), the 2019 G7 was actually a resounding success. Not just for Donald Trump, but for the entire country ~

Trump has reasserted American leadership in the world, most especially by taking on the increasingly aggressive and predatory actions of China under President Xi Jinping that have upended the global trading system […]
It’s lonely at the top, as Trump was reminded yet again at another summit. But it’s a fight worth fighting, for America and for the free world.

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Muslim representatives’ phony tantrum

Last weeks’ drama from representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar was nothing but a political stunt deliberately enacted to foster the Israel-is-a-bully-the-Palestinians-are-innocent-victims narrative. The theatrics began after Israel told the two anti-Semitic women they wouldn’t be allowed to visit ~

Israel turned Omar and Tlaib away because they support the anti-Israel “boycott, divestment, sanctions” (BDS) movement, which aims to choke Israel economically. The Israeli government granted Tlaib a humanitarian visa to visit her grandmother in a Palestinian village, but Tlaib canceled her trip because a condition of her visit was that she not advocate for a boycott of Israel.


The press conference the two held to express their outrage at being foiled from demonizing Israel was full of taqiyya*; Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)fact-checked their outrageous assertions. Here are a few of the more egregious examples:

Tlaib/Omar repeatedly falsely claimed that Israel occupies “Palestinian land” and demanded an “end to occupation” – their Orwellian method of calling for Israel’s destruction: In fact, Israel is not an “occupier” because Israel, Judea/Samaria (a/k/a the West Bank) and Jerusalem are all lands designated for the Jewish homeland, both historically and under binding international law. There has never been a state of “Palestine,” ever. The only way one can be an “occupier” is to occupy another nation’s sovereign land. Israel is not, and cannot be an “occupier” of her own land. Additionally, the Palestinians rejected a state 4 times in the last 19 years on virtually all the disputed lands—because it required them accepting Israel as a Jewish State and agreeing to no further claims.
Tlaib/Omar falsely claimed that they were prevented from doing their jobs: In fact, neither Tlaib nor Omar is on the Middle East subcommittee, and thus have no direct role regarding these issues. Tlaib and Omar’s real job is to serve their Congressional districts in Minnesota and Missouri, instead of abusing their positions to bash and spread falsehoods about Jews and Israel.
Tlaib/Omar falsely and outrageously compared Israel to apartheid South Africa – while calling for discrimination against Jews: Israel has absolutely no comparison to apartheid South Africa. Israeli-Arabs are full Israeli citizens, Supreme Court judges, and members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament). Israeli Arabs vote in Israel’s elections, serve side-by-side with Jews in every occupation, etc. That’s the opposite of “apartheid.”
Tlaib falsely claimed that Trump is pitting Jews and Muslims against one another, when in fact radical Jew-haters Tlaib/Omar are creating the division. ZOA has documented Tlaib’s and Omar’s repeated antisemitic anti-Israel tweets, statements, proposed legislation, and terrorist affiliations.

As representatives of the United States one would hope these two might be a bit more loyal to the country – and less inclined to cause so much friction with our closest ally in the Middle East.
In an article published at Gatestone Institute, Bassam Tawil, a Muslim-Arab based in the Middle East, offered some valuable advice for Ms. Tlaib ~ How a US Congresswoman Can Help Palestinians ~

It would have been helpful had the Palestinian-American Congresswoman made an effort to persuade Palestinian Authority officials to resume their relations with the US administration and explore ways of boosting the Palestinian economy and improving living conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
As a Congresswoman, she should be working to build, and not destroy, bridges between her people and the US. Her fierce attacks on Israel and the US administration, however, embolden Palestinian hardliners and fuel hate against Israelis and Americans.

(Exactly the intention?)
Before launching this little charade, Rep. Tlaib neglected to mention one of the terrorist-connected co-sponsors of her trip ~

Miftah is a not-for-profit organization founded by Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Miftah promotes destroying Israel through economic strangulation, such as boycotts, has referred to a suicide bombing as “Palestinian women dedicated to sacrificing their lives for the cause,” and has promoted the medieval blood libel that Jews kill Christian children to use their blood to bake matzoh. The itinerary Miftah had planned included “no meetings planned with Israeli officials of any political persuasion, including Arab lawmakers.” As the journalist Charles Sykes noted, “Praising suicide bombers and pushing blood libel is not ‘criticizing Israeli policy.'”

Oddly enough, it seems Tlaib isn’t even in touch with the average Palestinian. Many of them seem to finally be growing weary of the incessant infighting between their terrorist leaders ~

While Tlaib is using the controversy surrounding her visit as an excuse to launch scathing attacks on Israel, Palestinians seem to be more worried about failed leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This concern is not something that Tlaib seems to share with Palestinians because for her the only wrong-doing is coming from Israel.
Palestinians are more worried about the continued power struggle between their Fatah and Hamas leaders than Tlaib’s grievances over not seeing her grandmother. The Fatah-Hamas dispute, which has resulted in the creation of two separate Palestinian entities — in the West Bank and Gaza Strip — is seen by many Palestinians as proof of their leaders’ incompetence and failure to improve living conditions in the two areas.

If Rashida Tlaib had an ounce of integrity and was actually interested in advancing peace in Middle East, she would have taken a much more positive approach to this situation ~

It would have been helpful had the Palestinian-American Congresswoman made an effort to persuade PA officials to resume their relations with the US administration and explore ways of boosting the Palestinian economy and improving living conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As a Congresswoman, she should be working to build, and not destroy, bridges between her people and the US. Her fierce attacks on Israel and the US administration, however, embolden Palestinian hardliners and fuel hate against Israelis and Americans.
If Tlaib really cared about the Palestinians, she should be campaigning against the Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders engaged in a power struggle over money and power. Moreover, she should be calling for reforms and democracy under the PA and Hamas. The least she could do is demand an end to human rights violations by the PA and Hamas or demand that they hold long-overdue presidential and parliamentary elections. She could also demand an end to crackdown on freedom of speech under the PA and Hamas.


taqjyyawormpgRashida Tlaib and her scandalicious sidekick Ilhan Omar are an embarrassment to their respective districts and the entire country. They should either resign – or focus on serving the interests of their own constituents – not promote more discord between our ally Israel and the grievance-mongers in the Palestinian Territories.

*Taqiyya: Lying to advance the cause of Islam

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Rethinking college

College these days is most definitely not for everyone. While most universites are big on cost, and even bigger on indoctrination, they don’t really offer much in the way of practical real-life skills. Kids – and their parents – may want to save themselves money, time and grief by pursing other avenues of education.

Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA offers some great advice for college skeptics ~

Video via PragerU

Is college a good investment? It’s getting harder and harder to make that case – for students and their parents. Today students often graduate weighed down by debt and free of practical wisdom. Before starting down the path to college, some sober, common sense reflection is more necessary than ever.

Students choose Obama as greatest prez of all time ~ Reason #347 why most colleges are worthless ~

A recent survey of more than eight thousand college students shows that most agree Barack Obama was the greatest U.S. president ever.

Updated: 8-29-19
Added: Dr. Walter Williams Says Many College Students Should Not Be In College ~ On The Alex Nitzberg Show (podcast posted on Accuracy in Media), the George Mason University Professor of Economics believes a huge percentage of incoming freshmen aren’t even ready for college; nearly half need remedial education ~

“Well, one, I would make sure that students come to college that are prepared to do college work instead of having to dumb down courses,” he said.
Dr. Williams also said that he would want students to study liberal arts while in college. “Right now kids can go through college and not get these courses,” he said. “They just have a, a mishmash of courses that they can choose and then later on they’ll get their degree.” He noted that a lack of history education makes people susceptible to ideas like abolishing the Electoral College.
He also pointed to the problem of “leftist bias” rampant on many campuses, noting that “many professors and administrators today are really the flower children of the 60’s and 70’s and they’re using their opportunity to, to indoctrinate students.”

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Kansas judge overules 130-year immigration law


In this week’s episode of “Disorder in the Court,”
we discover that partisan federal judges are now allowed to arbitrarily
declare legislation from the 1880’s unconstitutional.



Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review reports on this latest abuse of judicial power. It involves legislation that’s been around in one form or another for 130 years, which was intended to prevent anyone from inciting or helping to facilitate illegal immigration. Of course we could probably prosecute half the Democrat party (along with all their sanctuary cities) under under such a law – which is exactly why the Left wants it nullified.
Judge whose sister heads La Raza rules 130-year law against encouraging illegal immigrants is unconstitutional ~

(Last) Wednesday, Judge Carlos Murguia of the U.S. District Court of Kansas ruled, based on a Ninth Circuit opinion, that 8 U.S.C. §1324, the law prohibiting someone from “encouraging” or “inducing” illegal immigration, is an unconstitutional infringement upon the First Amendment. In doing so, Murguia vacated the convictions of two illegal aliens, Jose Felipe Hernandez-Calvillo and Mauro Papalotzi, who were convicted in August 2018 by a jury for conspiring to encourage illegal aliens to remain here through employment at a drywall company in Lawrence, Kansas. Four others were originally indicted by a grand jury in 2015.

(N)umerous federal courts have upheld convictions based on §1324. Yet one judge, who worked for an open-borders group named El Centro Inc. and whose sister Janet Murguia is president of UnidosUS, suddenly thinks conspiring to harbor and encourage illegal immigration violates the First Amendment.

Is there any doubt this guy is incredibly biased?

The judge’s online biography acknowledges he previously worked as “the immigration coordinator for El Centro Inc.” El Centro Inc. is a left-wing activist nonprofit based in Kansas City, Kansas, that identifies UnidosUS as an affiliate on its website. UnidosUS is the new name for the National Council of La Raza (“La Raza” is Spanish for “the race”), a large organization headed by the judge’s sister, Janet Murguia.

Horowitz provides the background behind this legal precept ~

The 1952 INA (8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)) calls for felony prosecution for anyone who “encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.” Subsection (V)(I) prohibits “any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts.” The two defendants in this case were convicted on both counts. This law passed the Senate unanimously!
The forerunners to this law were the Contract Labor Law of 1885 and the 1891 Immigration Act. The 1885 law made it unlawful to “in any way assist or encourage the importation or migration of any alien” for the purpose of contract labor. Section 3 of the 1891 Immigration Act made it a felony to “assist or encourage the importation or migration of any alien by promise of employment” through advertisements.
Other circuits have long recognized this law as completely legitimate. “Harboring, within the meaning of §1324, encompasses conduct tending substantially to facilitate an alien’s remaining in the United States illegally and to prevent government authorities from detecting his unlawful presence,” wrote the Second Circuit in 1999. “Such facilitation may be attempted through a wide range of conduct.” (United States v. Kim, 193 F.3d 567, 574 (2d Cir. 1999).) The Fifth Circuit has ruled that Congress intended for §1324 to “broadly proscribe any knowing or willful conduct fairly within any of these terms that tends to substantially facilitate an alien’s remaining in the U.S. illegally.”


Sounds like common sense immigration legislation for a nation concerned about secure borders and national sovereignty doesn’t it? No wonder the authoritarian La Raza judge wants it voided.

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Barry and Michelle buy home #3 – or 4 – but who’s counting?

“At a certain point you’ve made enough money.”
~ Barack Hussein Obama ~


Apparently the O’s haven’t quite reached that magical wealth terminus yet.


The Daily Mail is reporting on the Obama’s pending purchase of this modest property on the exclusive Massachusetts’ island because of course, “there’s only so big a house you can have” (BHO, in 2018!). One has to wonder just how big that would be if 7000 sq.ft. isn’t enough ~

Barack and Michelle Obama are reportedly trying to buy a sprawling estate in Martha’s Vineyard from Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck.
The home is on the market for $14.85 million, and features seven-bedrooms and nine bathrooms inside the 7000sqft main residence.
Outside the main house, there’s 29 beachfront acres, a pool, chef’s kitchen, outdoor fireplace, and two guest wings.
Grousbeck had the property on the market for four years, first listing it in 2015 for $22.5 million.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Martha’s Vineyard Home Proves Obama Knows Global Warming’s a Hoax ~

Investing some $15 million to live on an island home that sits right on the Atlantic Ocean…? You want to know what this is… That is not just the actions of a hypocrite; what we have here is a full-blown Global Warming Denier, a Climate Denier, someone who is so sure the sea levels will never rise, he’s backing up that certainty with $15 million.

Obama Purchases California Mansion To Go Along With His Two Other Homes (Nov. 2016)
The King’s new castle? (July 2014)

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Saturday Shorts – 8-24-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Expensive climate change programs hurt the poor most ~ Not that the progressive elitists don’t already know this (they just don’t care) ~

Researchers from the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change estimate that if every country participating in the Paris climate accord actually fulfilled its greenhouse gas emission reduction pledges, more than 3 million people will be pushed into poverty. That’s on top of the 1 billion people around the world who still don’t have electricity or any of the benefits that come with it — like clean running water, refrigeration, modern medical care, and home heating.
Reliable, affordable energy has the power to lift people from poverty. Making that energy less accessible is a disservice to both the less fortunate and to the environment.

Irresponsible Dem attacks on ICE inspire violence by domestic terrorists ~ Incited by angry pro-illegal rhetoric, activists attacked ICE facilities/agents four times in the last couple of months ~

Some prominent Democrats have declared war on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), threatening the lives of federal officials in order to advance a radical political agenda and a policy of open borders.
These Democrats are showing they have no limit on how far they will go to tear at the fabric of our nation, especially the institutions created by Congress to maintain domestic peace and security.

And in their war on our borders, they really they don’t mind a little collateral damage ~ Lawsuit: Public school district allowed an illegal alien now accused of child molestation to volunteer despite red flags ~

Despite multiple red flags on a 2013 background check, public school officials in Charlotte, N.C., gave an illegal immigrant access to hundreds of young children. Now he’s on trial for child molestation, and his alleged victim’s parents are suing the school district.
In March 2018, Ricardo Mata was arrested by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department on charges of indecent liberties with a child after he was accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a seven-year-old girl.

Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard ~ Not too shabby for an illegitimate kid who may or may not have been born in Kenya. Just think how much more wealthy they’d be if America wasn’t such a horribly racist nation ~

The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer […]
As of 2018, Barack Obama’s net worth was about $40 million, from projects like speaking engagements and books as well as the six-figure pension granted to all past presidents, according to a GoBankingRates calculation.
But given Michelle Obama’s bestselling hit “Becoming” — and the lucrative book tour that accompanied it — it’s estimated the couple is actually worth more than $135 million. (Their production deal with Netflix to produce films, announced in May, is another boon to the coffers.)

Elderly couple found dead in murder-suicide, left notes about issues paying for medical care ~ So sad. Not sure if it says more about our broken healthcare system – or our broken social networks ~

“Several notes were left citing severe ongoing medical problems with the wife and expressing concerns that the couple (in their 70’s) did not have sufficient resources to pay for medical care,” the sheriff’s department’s post reads.

2 NY Women Plead Guilty to Planning Terrorist Attack Against Law Enforcement, Military ~ Odd, the mainstreams missed this one ~

Two New York residents inspired by radical Islam pleaded guilty on Friday to planning a terrorist attack using explosives against law enforcement and military targets in the United States.
Asia Siddiqui and Noelle Velentzas of Queens intended to use explosives and a weapon of mass destruction in their attack and studied the worst terrorist attacks in the country during their planning, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Maher Rips Koch Upon His Death: ‘F*** Him … I Hope It Was Painful’ ~ I only included this to illustrate how utterly devoid of decency – and simple humanity – leading leftists have become. Bill Maher has a very ugly soul ~

Liberal comedian Bill Maher didn’t mince words about the death of industrialist David Koch, ripping the billionaire on his HBO program Friday for funding “climate-science deniers” and hoping his “end was painful.”

‘God is a tourist attraction’ Anglican bishop says on cathedral carnival ride ~ Somehow I don’t think Jesus, the guy who overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple – “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations” – would agree ~

The construction of houses of worship was “not something that we’ve invented,” said (Fr. Thomas Petri, O.P., vice president and academic dean of the Dominican House of Studies) “This is something that God revealed, revealed in scripture, that there are to be sacred places where we are to worship Him and give Him praise. We don’t have the right or the option to do something other than that in those places,” he said.
“And so that’s why when you try to bring the profane, the carnival, into the church and into the place built directly to worship God and to raise the mind and heart to God, not only is it confused, it’s scandalous,” said Petri.

Can’t We All Just Get Along? Searching for Common Ground in Today’s America ~ John Zmirak, at his sarcastic best, wonders whether weak-kneed Republicans haven’t already made a few too many concessions to progressivism.

New York Times: Lawns Are Symbols of Racism, Bad for Global Warming ~ Because of course, everything about America is simply horrible ~

While most Americans are spending time this summer enjoying the sun in the comfort of their houses’ yards, the New York Times is out with a new exposé on how lawn care is problematic, once viewed through the lens of social justice.

A Sad Tale of a Wealthy Millennial’s Moral Confusion ~ What’s really tragic is how indoctrination stifles critical thinking skills ~

Adam Roberts’ confusion is sad, for it means he encourages not only envy and resentment toward many whom God has blessed but also false guilt on the part of many, including himself, who are blessed.

As ‘Unplanned’ Releases To Homes, Here’s A Look Behind The Scenes ~ Interesting account of the making of the captivating pro-life film. See it soon – if you haven’t yet.

Hope In a Small Town ~ A bittersweet but inspiring story from a regular American in eastern North Carolina ~

Hope is what I see when President Trump hugs the flag like he was a kid again. Hope is when I see manufacturing jobs returning. Hope is standing beside Israel, right when they need strong allies the most.

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David and the Pale Blue Dot

Something to ponder…
Is earth just some random, insignificant rock floating around in space? Or is this beautiful, blue planet a unique, magnificent orb, designed and crafted by an omniscient, omnipotent Creator?



On February 14, 1990, the Voyager 1 spacecraft photographed Earth from 3.7 billion miles away. The result was one of the most iconic images in history. Astronomer Carl Sagan called it the “pale blue dot”—a reflection of Earth’s insignificance in the cosmos. But, is our planet really hopelessly lost in a cold, dark universe? Or, do the Psalms of David more accurately reflect the inherent value of Earth and the human beings who call it home?
A look at two contrasting views of planet Earth and the human beings who call it home. Are we cast hopelessly adrift in a cold, dark universe? Or, are we the special creations of God?

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“What happens when you question global warming?” The Green New Dealers want to shut you up

nodeniersallowedThe climate science settlers continue to demand that we all fall in line with their agenda despite the facts. And now they’re actually calling for so-called “deniers” to be silenced ~

The Climate Mobilization, a group pushing for a World War II-scale national mobilization to fight global warming, condemned the media for pursuing “objectivity” by giving air time to “climate deniers.”
Aligned with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the organization wants the media to silence all voices opposing their climate alarmism.

Last time I checked, this was still not Stalin’s USSR. But these Green New Dealers are every bit as totalitarian as that communist regime was. If Sanders and AOC ever come to power we know they won’t be building border walls. Instead they’ll be gleefully constructing gulags for “deniers.”

“Some media outlets are sacrificing the future of our planet for the sake of appearing objective,” Margaret Klein Salamon, founder and executive director of The Climate Mobilization, said in a news release Saturday.
“This idea of equating climate deniers with scientific experts is a dangerous practice which frames the threat to our planet, our existence as an ongoing debate,” Klein Salamon added. “I don’t think sacrificing the future of our planet in exchange for a look of ‘objectivity’ is an even exchange. It’s one the coming generation will judge us on, if we don’t move with the urgency necessary to fight back against global warming and win.”

This is pretty frightening stuff, especially since the real science doesn’t support the climate changers’ position.

Here’s a new video from TFP Student Action featuring Marc Morano, who runs Climate Depot and authored “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” another “denier” who must be banned ~


YouTube must be affiliated with The Climate Mobilization. Note the vigorous effort they make to persuade you that Morano is the one misleading us on “climate change.” First, this video is de-monetized like every other one that YouTube disapproves of. But more Orwellian than that, is the helpful reference prominently displayed (if you view it on YouTube) underneath both the short and long versions of this presentation. (You really should listen to the long version.) The Thought Police want to make sure you don’t fall for the truth on climate change, so they try to direct you to an alarmist propaganda page.


Regardless of the issue at hand, anyone who demands that someone who disagrees with their view be shut up, is fundamentally not American. They might be a communist (see North Korea, China), a radical Muslim (see Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia) or a member of Antifa, but they aren’t American.
Last time I checked we still had a 1st Amendment. Americans don’t shut people up.


“The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force
to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness
of other possibilities.”
~ Dr. Allan Bloom

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