Obamus Lex

As I wrote about on Monday, in his never-ending quest to overturn almost four centuries of western civilization’s legal tradition(Lex Rex), Obama once again took extra-Constitutional action – with regard to Lockheed Martin’s pending layoffs (advising them to disregard the WARN Act because their compliance would negatively impact his reelection chances and further, promising taxpayer dollars to assist with any subsequent court costs). Yesterday Blaze TV’s “Real News” held a panel discussion about the President’s stunning contempt for the rule of law:

As the commentators explain, this action is especially outrageous and hypocritical when you consider Obama’s past legislative actions.
While acting as state senator, Obama supported Illinois’ version of the federal WARN Act, and as a U.S. senator he co-sponsored a toughened-up version of the law; the Forewarn Act (which luckily died in committee).

Had the (Forewarn) legislation passed, it would have applied WARN to employers of 50 or more employees rather than 100 employees. It also would have required employers to provide employees and certain governmental officials with 90 days written notice of plant closings or mass layoffs rather than 60 days notice. The legislation also defined a “plant closing” to include a shut down affecting 25 workers. The legislation increased the penalties under the WARN Act to require an employer to pay two days’ pay for each calendar day the employer was short of the required notice rather than one day’s pay.
Although the legislation did not pass out of the 110th Congress, it should be noted that one of its co-sponsors was then Senator, now President Barack Obama.

[Source: PerkinCoie Law Seminar]

This story should be at the top of every national newscast, along with being a topic at tonight’s presidential debate. Don’t voters deserve to know the truth about Obama’s blatant disregard for the Constitution?
Or do American’s really want to go back to the 17th century when Rex Lex (The King Is the Law) prevailed?

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  1. Pingback: Obamus Lex II | Designs on the Truth

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