Saturday Shorts 12-8-12

Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Vetoes Bill To Create Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange ~ This Huffington Post article says that makes 19 states now, but being a Leftie news source, they miscount states the same way Obama does. I get 23 states currently opposing the HHS mandate.. And so does FreedomWorks.
1 in 4 British Families Going Hungry Due to Green Energy ~ Fuel costs are through the roof, causing a new phenomenon: “electric poverty.” Guess those wind farms really aren’t working out too well.
Anti-Gun Democrat Gets Arrested For Trying To Take HIS Gun On A Plane ~

(Illinois) state Senator Donne Trotter had to go to court yesterday because he was charged with bringing his .25 caliber Beretta (in his garment bag) onto an aircraft. He was arrested at O’Hare International Airport this past Wednesday, when security saw the gun via the airport’s x-ray.

Oddly enough;

(Trotter) opposed concealed carry legislation in the state and worked to outlaw so-called assault weapons.

The Left is nothing if not hypocritical. As long as they got theirs’ – everyone else can go swing.
What the Budget Impasse Is Really About ~ Excellent article at National Review Online by Mona Charen. It’s not just the fiscal cliff… it’s what’s at the bottom.
Think Mad Max.

When governments cannot pay their current employees because they’ve gone broke paying pensions to previous employees (among other obligations), you don’t get a “fiscal cliff” or even a bad recession, you get the unraveling of civilization.

The Grinch of 2012/2013 and the Theft of a Nation’s Spirit ~ A fitting analogy between America and Whoville ~ You can guess who plays the role of the Grinch.

[Cynthia E. Ayers at Family Security Matters]

Major Victory in Case to Safeguard Religious Liberty Against Abortion-Pill Mandate ~ Good news! ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) won an injunction against the HHS mandate for their client, a St. Louis business owner, claiming that it’s a blatant violation of the Constitution’s protection of religious freedom:

Nobody froze with Washington at Valley Forge to secure the right of government bureaucrats to coerce free men and women to violate their consciences. Nobody died on Omaha Beach so that someday all Americans would have the right to force their boss to buy them birth control pills.


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