Rejection of a Higher Authority doesn’t “augur” well for America

George Washington, in his first Inaugural Address on April 30, 1789, had this to say about America’s future:

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never
be expected on a nation that disregards
the eternal rules of order and right,
which Heaven itself has ordained.”

Back in 2009 Barack Obama was still pretending that he actually believed in a higher law – at least when it came to marriage – an Heaven-ordained union of one man and one woman.
Four years later he’s “evolved,” along with the rest of the secular Left; now completely unmoored from Biblical morality.
It’s painfully obvious that he now intends to completely disregard the eternal rules of order and right that President Washington was referring to. Particularly revealing in this regard was the brush-off given to Atlanta pastor Louie Giglio. Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., summarized this snub in a January 10th article: The Public Inauguration of a New Moral McCarthyism ~

… a Christian pastor has been effectively disinvited from delivering an inaugural prayer because he believes and teaches Christian truth.
The Presidential Inaugural Committee and the White House have now declared historic, biblical Christianity to be out of bounds, casting it off the inaugural program as an embarrassment. By its newly articulated standard, any preacher who holds to the faith of the church for the last 2,000 years is persona non grata.

Which really makes God Himself persona non grata.
In fact, Lawrence O’Donnell , host of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” thinks Obama should just drop the pretense of deferring to a higher authority and chuck the Bible entirely from the inauguration ceremony ~

“As I’ve pointed out … no one accepts all of the teachings of the Bible. No one. … Still, the president, following one of our most absurdest traditions in the government that invented the separation of church and state, will put his hand on this book filled with things he does not believe — filled with things that no one in the United States of America believes — and with his hand on this book he will recite the oath of office.”

[Source: Daily Caller]

(“No one” Larry, you arrogant Leftist? If you say it’s so – it must be? Nice try.)
Considering today’s events in Washington D.C., and the Left’s rejection of the eternal rules of order and right, it’s interesting to note where the term “inauguration” came from. It actually goes way back to Roman times as I learned recently while reading an informative little book; “Ancient Rome: How it Affects You Today”* ~

In Rome’s early years, around 600 B.B., the kings claimed to have divine or magical powers, one of which was the power to make up laws. Kings were chosen by a group of soothsayers called augurs. In a kind of black magic, the augurs would talk with the gods and get their advice about who to make king. Thus the king was “inaugurated” – given magical powers – a process still used today.
Inauguration is the ceremony in which a government official is put in office either to make up laws or to enforce these laws.

The belief that there is no law higher than the government’s law, that the state is supreme, is a feature of all fascist regimes. And now that we know it’s Roman roots, “Inauguration” seems a totally appropriate beginning for the Emperor Obama’s second term. Unfortunately, with his “magical power” to make up laws, it won’t end well.

* “Ancient Rome: How it Affects You Today” is part of a series called the “Uncle Eric” books written by Richard J. Maybury. Written to be easily absorbed and understood by most anyone in middle school and beyond, taken together these 11 slim volumes are a crash course in world geo-political history and economics, topics sorely needed but rarely covered in today’s public schools. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn more about Western Civilization – and where we’re headed.

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