“Resist we much”

As if Detroit doesn’t have enough problems these days, race-baiter Al “Resist-we-much” Sharpton was in town today, NAN thugs in tow.

Al Sharpton flanked by Rev. Charles Williams III, president
of the Michigan Chapter of National Action Network (on left)

And what, you may be asking, brings Al to Motown on a lovely March morning? Well, to paraphrase the Rev., he’s here to offer support on the grounds of voting rights. Now, I don’t recall Detroiters going to the polls to vote for bankruptcy but to hear Al talk, that’s apparently what they did. And, “what Gov. Snyder has done is nullified(sic) the voters of this city.” 😯

Rather than give the city a chance to recover under the emergency manager that most Detroiters – including the mayor – seem to support, Sharpton and his NANites want to let the city council continue to drive the Motor City off the cliff.
Star Parker had a great post a couple days ago; Urban problem bigger than Detroit, talking about Sharpton and his ilk protesting those who are legitimately trying to solve the city’s financial woes ~

… they cry foul when adult supervision is sent in to take on the formidable rescue task.
The man Gov. Snyder has put in charge, Kevin Orr, is a high-powered Washington, D.C., black attorney who, according to USA Today, “has extensive experience in municipal finances, public infrastructure projects, public pension matters and litigation.”
Al Sharpton’s man in Detroit, Rev. Charles Williams III, has called Orr an “Uncle Tom.”
The travesty now taking place in Detroit should be carefully watched by all Americans. This is not a one off exception to the rule, but is just the latest case study of a pathology dragging down the whole nation. And it’s a pathology for which low-income minority Americans are paying the dearest price.

Economist Dr. Walter Williams has noted that the common denominator of the nation’s 10 poorest cities with populations over 250,000, of which Detroit is No. 1, is that they all have been controlled by liberal, Democratic mayors for decades, the majority of which have been black.
Detroit’s former mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, son of former congresswoman and Congressional Black Caucus member Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, is now in jail awaiting sentencing after being convicted on 24 counts for running a criminal enterprise out of the mayor’s office.
The point is that we need to discern a rule of thumb here: the more that human lives are governed by compulsion and entitlement rather than freedom, choice and personal responsibility, the more that outcomes are uniformly undesirable.

If Sharpton actually cared about improving things in Detroit, he’d stop looking in all the wrong places to assign blame, and support people who are actually trying to get something positive done…
On the day that Michigan’s emergency manager and right-to-work laws took effect amid intensifying controversy, the city’s mortgage mogul makes it clear he’s doubling down on Detroit ~


While researching NAN (Sharpton’s organization) I was listening to Deneen Borelli who happened to be filling in for Sean Hannity today. Now here’s another black woman (like Star Parker) that I really wish more blacks had a chance to hear. This afternoon she was speaking with the great Col. Allen West. They were discussing a new website that Borelli is involved with called Empower.org. It’s a FreedomWorks Outreach Program aimed at getting black Americans to hear the conservative message – before it’s distorted by race hustlers like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Sounds really promising.

Look to Detroit & You’ll See Where Obama’s Policies Will Take Us
EM protesters leave Detroit City Hall, say unrest will continue Apparently, Sharpton and his NANites are just getting started. Sounds like he’s planning on busing in a bunch of rent-a-protesters. Can’t wait.

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