According to the Census Bureau, for the first time in history, less than half of all Americans now live in married-couple households – vs. almost 80% in 1950. This does not bode well for the future, especially for the younger generation.
Considering our narcissistic lifestyles over the last several decades, Linda Chavez at should have titled her article “Putting Children Last” instead of “Putting Children First”.
As long as our contemporary culture views selfishness as a higher good than selflessness, this trend will continue. Despite the futility, and despite the facts:
Myriad studies have documented that children who grow up without two parents are more likely to do worse in school, drop out, commit crimes, and earn less during their lifetimes than those who are raised with both parents, even adjusting for economic status and race. They are also far less likely to have stable relationships and marriages as adults, thus fueling the cycle of marriage breakdown.
And even:
According to researchers Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin, the children of divorce had an average lifespan five years shorter than those whose parents stayed married.
How have Americans become so self-centered and irresponsible that we refuse to value our children – their emotional, spiritual and physical well-being – over our own temporary gratification?