Here’s an immigrant from Saudi Arabia who, thank the Lord, won’t be blowing up Americans any time soon. A devout Muslim who lead prayers in his mosque, and admired Osama bin Laden, Al Fadi came to the U.S. hoping to convert others to Islam.
What he found – instead of a prophet who demanded jihad – was a personal Savior who willing died for him.
Pretty amazing stuff! But then, we have a pretty amazing God
Video via Answering Muslims
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who in thy goodness hast caused
the light of the Gospel to shine in our land; Extend thy mercy,
we beseech thee, to the nations of the world that still walk in darkness.
Enlighten the Moslems (and the leaders of our republic) with
the knowledge of thy truth; and grant that the Gospel of salvation may
be known in all lands, that the heart of the peoples may be turned
unto thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer For the Conversion of Mohammedans and all who know not Christ
~ from The Book of Common Prayer ~