In honor of our Roman Senate’s French Republicans, who just voted to continue having We-the-Peasants pay for their Cadillac healthcare plan, here’s a catchy little ditty that tells you everything you need to know about Obamacare ~
[Yet another splendid creation from Unfortunately a
too-late entry for the government-touted Healthy Young America Video contest,
which was designed to promote the benefits of The Affordable Care Act.
Click on the small “x” to close ad box]
😀 Sing along folks!
What’s hated by unions
has businesses wary
and dropping coverage
like the ‘Skins secondary?
Causing thousands of layoffs
taking it’s toll?
What’s so good for people
that they’re forced to enroll?
What’s a law that’s so good
folks who passed and defended it
see it and got waivers
to be exempted? It’s
like Olestra, at first
it sounded hip
but we quickly found ourselves
dealing with a whole lot of sh…
Obamacare, Obamacare
Unions and businesses both in despair
So to recap, young people,
your hours get cut
and your income goes down
and your premium’s up