Tyrannical Administration Dumps on Vets

Update: 10-2-13

“Barrycades” ~ Obama barricades Lincoln Memorial unlike during 1995 “shutdown”

President Obama is one heartless bastard. There, I said it.
I’m sure you’ll agree after hearing about this story (if you haven’t already).
First, the GOOD news:
WWII veterans storm D.C. memorial closed by government shutdown!
The WWII Veteran’s Memorial in Washington D.C. was one of those national park sites vindictively closed by the arrogant autocrats running the federal government, as “punishment” for the congressional impasse (blamed on Republicans of course) that’s temporarily shut down the government. Thank God, the men who sacrificed for their country all those years ago were still up to the challenge of defending freedom. In this case, their own freedom to visit their own memorial ~

Wheelchair-bound elderly veterans pushed aside barricades to tour the World War II Memorial Tuesday morning, in defiance of the government shutdown which closed all of the memorials in the nation’s capital.
The four bus loads of veterans — visiting from Mississippi as part of a once-in-a-lifetime Honor Flight tour — ignored National Park Police instructions not to enter the site as lawmakers and tourists cheered them on.
“We didn’t come this far not to get in,” one veteran proclaimed[…]
Several Republican lawmakers were on hand to greet the Mississippi Honor Flight veterans at the memorial on Tuesday and nodded thoughtfully as the greatest generation representatives voiced their displeasure at being turned away from their own memorial.
Organizers said the trip took months of planning and nearly $100,000 in donations for airfare, food and buses. A dozen more are scheduled in the next week.
“It’s great to be here, but it’s really disappointing that we can’t get closer to see it,” said Gene Tolley, a Marine Corps veteran who served in the Pacific during the war. “I came through the city back in high school, but I was looking forward to coming back and seeing this.”
He got his wish. :)


As Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, distracted a Park Police representative, other lawmakers and their staff helped topple the metal fences. A bagpiper on hand for the event led the men past the crowd and into the heart of the memorial, attracting a large, applauding crowd.

Read the whole story (at Stars and Stripes by Leo Shane III) HERE.


Here’s where the Tyrant-in-Chief comes into the story (from the Daily Caller, early this evening) ~
Obama admin. knew about WWII veterans’ request and rejected it

“We got the heads up that they will be barricaded and specifically asked for an exception for these heroes,” (Rep. Steven Palazzo MS-R) told TheDC. “We were denied and told, ‘It’s a government shutdown, what do you expect?’ when we contacted the liaison for the White House.”
Palazzo’s office was in touch with the heads of the National Park Service, the Department of the Interior and the Capitol Police. He says all these officials rejected his request to allow the veterans, many of whom are octogenarians and some of whom are in poor health, to attend.
Palazzo, a Gulf War Marine veteran who has participated in all five of the Honor Flights, blames the White House for making it harder on veterans and playing politics. “At first I thought it was a huge bureaucratic oversight,” Palazzo told The Daily Caller, “but having talked with the officials I can’t help but think this was politically motivated. Honor Flights, which bring WWII veterans to the nation’s memorials, are planned a year in advance and cost anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000. How low can you get with playing politics over our nation’s veterans?
In a statement, Palazzo noted that he is introducing legislation to ensure that all Honor Flights are granted access this week. “This is an open-air memorial that the public has 24/7 access to under normal circumstances — even when Park Service personnel aren’t present,” Palazzo said in the statement. “It actually requires more effort and expense to shut out these veterans from their Memorial than it would to simply let them through. My office has been in touch with NPS officials and the Administration to try to resolve this issue.”

I’m really at a loss for words here…
Barack Obama is simply a disgrace to the office of the president – and one miserable S.O.B..

Tactless, Heartless & Soulless

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