Who will hear their cries?

“Does anybody hear our cry?
How many atrocities must we endure before
somebody, somewhere, comes to our aid?”

These questions were posed by Fouad Twal, the Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, in 2011. He was speaking during a conference in London, addressing the crisis facing Arab Christianity in the Middle East.
Obviously no one in a position to do anything did hear – or cared. Because two years later, the situation has gotten measurably worse – both in the Middle East, across Northern Africa, and throughout large chunks of Asia.

Now I’m sure I don’t need to remind anyone of the other cultural phenomenon currently marching through these very same countries. And not coincidentally,
it’s the very same force behind the majority of the persecution; yes my friends, the Religion of Peace.
David Wood (Answering Muslims) can attest to recent horrors being carried out in the name of Allah in eastern Africa ~

A couple weeks ago the Spectator (UK version) published a piece titled “The war on Christians; The global persecution of Christians is the unreported catastrophe of our time.”
To their credit, they are sounding the alarm but – like Fouad Twal – are also wondering why no one hears or cares ~

Why are the dimensions of this global war so often overlooked? Aside from the root fact that the victims are largely non-white and poor, and thus not considered ‘newsmakers’ in the classic sense, and that they tend to live and die well off the radar screen of western attention, the global war also runs up against the outdated stereotype of Christianity as the oppressor rather than the oppressed.

They speculate that it’s a combination of ignorance (with, I believe, a large measure of historical revisionism thrown in) and media malpractice.
Probably. But I think that western churches’ silence (apathy?!) is a huge factor. They are (rightly) at the fore-front of the pro-life movement. But are rarely heard from on this life-threatening issue.
Sen. Rand Paul Shames Media For Ignoring Islam’s ‘Worldwide War On Christianity’ ~ It was great to learn that Sen. Paul spoke about the persecution crisis today at the Values Voters Summit ~

“You won’t hear much about it on the evening news because the answer is not convenient and does not fit the narrative we have been told about radical Islam,” Paul added.
Paul also said President Obama “tries to gloss over who is attacking and killing Christians.”
“But the truth is, there is a worldwide war on Christians by a fanatical element of Islam,” Paul said.
“Ever since 9/11, commentators have tried to avoid pointing fingers at Islam,” he said. “While it is fair to point out that most Muslims are not committed to violence against Christians, this is not the whole truth and we should not let political correctness stand in the way of the truth.”


Thank you Senator!

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