We’re all racists now

There she goes again…
In a recent interview with the BBC, Medal-of-Freedom recipient 😯 and chat show host, Oprah Winfrey, said Obama faces challenges because he is African-American ~

When asked if some of the challenges faced by Obama were down to the color of his skin, Winfrey, who had been a high-profile backer of his presidential campaign, said: ‘There’s no question’.
She highlighted an incident in 2009 when Republican congressman Joe Wilson called out ‘you lie’, as Obama gave a speech to Congress. (Never mind that he was lying.)
‘I think there’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs,’ she said. ‘And that occurs in some cases … because he’s African American. There’s no question about that. And it’s the kind of thing no one ever says, but everybody’s thinking.’


Because of course there couldn’t possibly be any other reason that “older white people” would be dismayed with our (incidentally, 1/2 white) president (his marxist/redistributionist/anti-Christian/anti-American/disdainful/deceitful tendencies notwithstanding).
I suppose we could give Oprah the benefit of the doubt… Perhaps Ms. Winfrey isn’t familiar with the definition of the word “prejudice” ~

prejudice n. 1) an adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts; 2) the act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions

I dunno, sounds an awful lot like what she’s doing… casually dismissing those she’s never even met as racist. Assigning nefarious motivation to people she’s never even listened to. Pre-judging…

While Winfrey may have focused on the treatment of African-Americans in the U.S. and under Apartheid, she added: ‘As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved.’

As long as people like Oprah judge people “by the color of their skin” – and their age – “problem’s not solved.”
Oh the hypocrisy of livin’ large in Oprah Land.


Frankly, this whole “racist” thing is so last century. It’s merely become an accusation to throw at people with whom you refuse to have a civil conversation. A dismissive label that the Left pastes on people who they want to shut up. A way to avoid having a legitimate discussion (because the Left will always lose in the arena of ideas).
And, if you can flashback to the schoolyard for a second, you’ll realize it’s actually the grown-up incarnation of an immature, childish response to frustration, as in; “Oh yeah? Yeah? Well – you’re a poopy butt!”
No facts, no discussion, just slander and name-calling.


Refreshingly, here’s a British dude who’s just decided to embrace the epithet ~

(Video via the Right Scoop)


“Oprah in the wrong – Obama critics aren’t ‘racist'” ~ Horace Cooper, co-chairman of the Project 21 black leadership network (who happens to be – um, black) says most complaints about Obama have to do with his failed leadership, not his skin color ~

“(I)t is infuriating when someone like Miss Winfrey, who has obtained the benefits and the success, to go there (the UK) and place these nasty slurs on the amazing American people.”

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