Cuomo’s Commie Outburst

Other than on conservative web sites, the latest totalitarian tirade from New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has been pretty much ignored by the media (they’re all still too obsessed with the New Jersey governor, “Bridgegate” and Christie’s political future). Have you heard about it? ~
Cuomo: “No place in New York for pro-lifers”

In a radio interview, Cuomo said “right-to-life” individuals as well as other “extreme” conservatives “have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.” He told pro-lifers to “figure out who you are, and figure out if your ‘extreme conservative philosophy’ can survive in this state. And the answer is no.” Cuomo lumped pro-lifers together with those who are “anti-gay” and oppose assault weapons bans.

That pretty much describes Christians doesn’t it – at least those who are serious about their faith (although the “anti-gay” slur is a deliberate mischaracterization of the scriptural position on homosexuality and a subject for another day)?
The governor’s intolerant list of the unwanted would have to include – were they still with us – the Founding Fathers. The men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution gave us the Second Amendment, believed in a Creator (and by extension the first institution He established for humans: marriage between one man and one woman), and would have been horrified at the thought of abortion (at any stage of pregnancy).
Oddly enough ~

Just over a week earlier in his state of the state address, Cuomo waxed philosophically about unity amid the diversity of New York, saying, “We are Democrats and Republicans, but we are one.”

Apparently implied in that statement was; “as long as your morals are subject to evolving (kind of like the morals of the German people under Hitler) and you don’t believe in any transcendent Truths, you can stay in the Empire State.”
Emboldened by the thuggish behavior of the Obama administration, and encouraged by the lack of criticism from the mainstream media, officials like Andrew Cuomo in our state and local governments will no doubt become increasingly authoritarian.
I’m afraid we have to assume that this Big Government bullying is simply going to be the norm going forward in the new AmeriKa.
NY-theintolerantstateThe Root of Cuomo’s Intolerance ~ Cuomo and his fellow Democrat cadres do an awful lot of talking about tolerance, fairness and equality, but their acceptance only goes skin deep.
Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo: Are We Welcome in New York? ~ An excellent comeback to Cuomo’s intolerance that too-few people will read ~

…(a)nd we believe that the only moral position is to stand up to bullies and fascists of all kinds. We believe in equal rights for all and special privileges for none. We believe it’s our duty to dedicate our life and sacred honor to all American citizens, and every last one of us deserves and has a right, not from our government, but from our Creator, to be heard.

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