Our new gender-confused armed services

“While Russia invades Ukraine, as Islamic terrorist factions plot the West’s destruction, our service members at Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan, are being treated to a ‘gay’ and lesbian drag show.”
~ Greg Campbell at TPNN

That’s correct. Between purging the ranks of honorable officers, the repeal of don’t-ask-don’t-tell, and the imposition of a distinctly anti-Christian agenda, it’s becoming painfully obvious that the Obama administration is determined to turn what used to be the world’s greatest military into a circus sideshow. Or, as Matt Barber puts it: U.S. Military (is) Becoming Global Joke.

klinger1Those of us over 40-something will remember the iconic Corporal Klinger from the M.A.S.H. TV series. Determined to get himself booted from the army under a Section 8 discharge, he regularly dressed in women’s clothing to prove he was unfit for service. In our new upside-down America, the military has been “Klingerized.”

The next brave new social engineering feat to be imposed on our troops will probably be the incorporation of transgendered people (as recommended in a newly-released report from ex-Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders).
Barber’s blunt assessment of these disturbing developments:

No wonder Putin and other tyrants abroad no longer fear America. We’ve got Blustering Barry and a bunch of pansy-bummed “progressives” in charge of our national defense. These social Marxists are hell-bent on gutting the military from within.
Coming “out”? That’s for sure. Out with integrity, honor and strength – in with perversion, shame and weakness.
I served 12 years in the armed forces and can’t decide where my heartbreak begins and my disgust ends. I know the vast majority of military personnel – active and retired alike – are both grieving and hurling right along with me.
Between Obama’s suicidal defense cuts, the purging of the most qualified high-ranking military officials, the targeting of Christian service members for harassment and systemic intimidation, and the godless LGBT-ifying of every facet of American life – it’s little wonder that America is swirling clockwise down the toilet bowl of international esteem.

Klinger never did get his Section 8. I’m fairly sure even he would be disgusted by Obama’s new gender-confused military.
Military Under Attack on all Fronts
Air Force: Christians’ Religious Speech Not Legally Protected Right

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  1. Pingback: Reversing Obama’s trans-formation of the military is a good thing | Designs on the Truth

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