Reality continues to intrude on the pseudo-science of climate alarmists

A couple recent stories bolster the case against the climate alarmist movement.

Wind Turbines take terrible toll on animals ~
windfarm-uglyNot only are they an ugly assault on rural landscapes, windmills are proving to be seriously unhealthy for animals – and other carbon-based life forms. Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh at Canada Free Press reports on a mink farmer in Denmark who observed bizarre animal behaviors and a five-fold increase in miscarriages and fetal deformities after a nearby wind farm began operation ~

You could argue that we are not mink and should not worry that low-frequency vibrations created by wind turbines are harmful to humans. After all, green energy proponents keep reassuring us that wind and solar energy is harmless to the planet and to adjacent populations. When animals such as minks, cattle, sheep, goats, and horses, exposed to wind turbines 24/7, become aggressive, die en masse, abort their fetuses, some with developmental malformations, and attack their young, it is time to ask ourselves, what are wind turbines doing to the human body? The “wind turbine syndrome” is not just hypochondria as the wind industry and the environmental lobby explained.

Animal health issues have been reported world-wide including birth defects, and strange behaviors – even death – due to sleep deprivation. Humans aren’t faring much better ~

The low-frequency sound and the constant thump-thump have caused some people to abandon their homes located in the vicinity of wind farms. Health issues such as sleep disturbance, sleep deprivation, dizziness, tinnitus, and constant headaches in humans have been ignored by the main stream media who is eager to promote “clean” solar and wind energy generation.

We should view these problems as the proverbial canary in the coal mine – and dismantle the wind farms!
NYT: Scientists ‘Startled’ at Great Lakes’ Rise; Another Warmist Prediction Is Biting the Dust ~
If they scare the sheeple enough, the “settled science” crowd figures we’ll panic and buy what they’re selling (essentially, a return to the horse & buggy days), so they’re forever forecasting climate disasters right around the corner. One of the latest “threats from global warming” was that “Lake Erie water levels, already below average, could drop 4-5 feet by the end of this century, significantly altering shoreline habitat.” Gasp!
That hyperbolic prediction turns out to be just another faux alarm. (And this story is actually from the New York Times!) ~

… after reaching historic lows in 2013, water levels in the Great Lakes are now abruptly on the rise, a development that has startled scientists and thrilled just about everybody with a stake in the waterfront, including owners of beach houses, retailers in tourist areas and dockmasters who run marinas on the lakeshore.
Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior are at least a foot higher than they were a year ago, and are expected to rise three more inches over the next month. Lake Ontario and Lake Erie are seven to nine inches higher than a year ago.
… Scientists say the reversal of fortunes for the lakes is partly a result of the most bone-chilling winter in memory for many Midwesterners. The thick and long-lasting ice cover on the lakes kept the water colder and slowed evaporation. Heavy snowfall and a rainy spring allowed the lakes to make even more gains.

Instead of issuing hysterical doomsday prophecies, wouldn’t it be nice if the alarmists would just settle down and wait for the weather to change?


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