Good grief! Is there really not enough evil present in the world already?
Let’s see…
• ISIS is imposing a reign of terror in Iraq and adjacent countries
• Hamas is continually lobbing rockets at Israel trying to kill as many civilians as possible
• Russia seems intent on stealing back Ukraine and subjugating her people
• Ebola is threatening to reach epidemic proportions
• Anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide
• Our southern border is being overrun, in large part by teenage MS13 gang members, now headed for cities all over America, courtesy of our tyrannical federal government
• Ferguson, MO is overrun with lawlessness…
I could go on and on. But the point is, do we really need any more darkness?
Apparently Oklahoma City thinks so: Civic Center OKs Satanic Black Mass Despite Mass Protest ~
The longstanding notion that America is “one nation under God” is under attack in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, after city officials gave the OK for a satanic black mass at the Civic Center on Sept. 21 […]
“The black mass is an attempt to rip God out of the fabric of our nation. That’s why more and more people are joining the protest,” says TFP (American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property) Student Action Director John Ritchie. “The sole purpose of the black mass is to attack God, the Catholic Mass and the Holy Eucharist in a most obscene, indecent and hateful manner. Satanists typically steal a consecrated Host from a Church to desecrate in unspeakable ways.
This outrage is made possible by moral relativists among us. Jennifer Lindsey-McClintock, the music hall’s public information manager, invokes their signature admonition is her pathetic defense of the event ~
… she is not in a position to say “whether it is appropriate or not.”
“That’s not for us to judge,” she told CNA July 3, citing the music hall’s neutrality policy.Source: Catholic News Agency
And yet, our progressive friends do judge. Of course they do. John Ritchie challenges their stark duplicity ~
Although Civic Center manager Jim Brown claims the “Black Mass” is part of free speech, Ritchie disagrees: “Don’t fall for it—sacrilege is not free speech. And I find it so strange how children in America can’t pray to God in school, but satanists are apparently free to attack God in this government-run venue.
“It’s also highly unlikely that the Civic Center would rent space for events that might feature, for example, the burning of a Koran,” he continued. “You think the Civic Center would welcome the likes of Hitler, or host a production that extols Nazi gas chambers? I really don’t think so.”
Please register your righteous indignation over this travesty by signing this petition ➡ Against the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma City.
Archbishop Condemns Satanic ‘Black Mass’ at Okla. City Civic Center as ‘Sacrilegious’
“The Satanic ritual that is scheduled to be performed at our Civic Center is to invoke those dark powers, which I believe are very real and call them into our city, into our community.” […]
“I call on all Catholics in central and western Oklahoma – as well as all men and women of good will – to pray for a renewed sense of the sacred and, in particular, to pray that the Lord might change the hearts and minds of the organizers of this event.”
~ Archbishop Paul Coakley, head of the Catholic archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
OK Gov. Fallin: ‘Black Mass is a disgusting mockery of the Catholic faith’ ~ from KFOR – NewsChannel 4, Oklahoma City (with video)