Saturday Shorts – 8-23-14


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

BrightSource solar plant sets birds on fire as they fly overhead ~ Death estimates range from 1,000 to 28,000 per year. First it was windmills chopping up our feathered friends, now solar installations are frying them to a crisp. Sheesh! What do these enviro-wackos have against wildlife?
[Seriously, solar power actually does look promising as a form of alternative energy – on a much smaller, individual scale. Not in the form of ginormous bird frying pans. And not on a government-subsidized basis.]

Why do you think they call it “dope?”
First there was this report in June ~Smoking marijuana as a teenager lowers IQ for LIFE, scientists warn. Here’s another warning ~ Teens risk brain damage, low IQ from weekly pot smoking ~ But incredibly, more and more states are legalizing pot and enterprising suppliers are aiming new offerings directly at teens ~ Dangerous new marijuana product looks like lip balm, packs big kick.

Actor Who Played Jesus in the ‘Passion’ Explains Why His New Football Film Is So Much More Than a Sports Movie ~ (with trailer) Looks like a great new film; true story about a legendary high school football team.

Bible and Prayer in Schools ~ An article at Accuracy in Media makes the case for bringing the Bible back to school. After all, how can you learn anything if you ignore the most widely published book in all of human history?

Imagine an ancient record—by far the most published book in humanity—quoted by Shakespeare (1,200 times) and Abraham Lincoln—a book that has inspired political movements and religious reformations and has literally changed the world time and again; imagine that book being rejected and banished from schools across America. That book is the Bible.

Beaten to Death at McDonald’s ~ Tragic deaths of two young people in College Station, TX, Feb., 2012. Wondering why Obama, Holder, and the Dept. of INjustice didn’t insert themselves into this situation? Oh, never mind. Wrong color combination.

OKLAHOMA CITY: Lawsuit filed against those attempting Satanic event with consecrated Host ~ A follow-up on my Aug. 18th post; interesting approach to prevent the black mass from taking place in September.

James Foley Went Looking to Support Terrorists in Syria, Instead They Cut Off His Head ~ As horrifying as this murder was, Daniel Greenfield reminds readers that Foley was in the Middle East as an activist-journalist, fully supporting – not America’s War on Terror, but the Islamists. Ironically, the very jihadists who killed him ~

Any human life lost is tragic, but a moral individual would have much more empathy for the Syrian Christians who suffered at the hands of Foley’s favorite Jihadists than one of their pet propagandists. For the most Foley (mentioned Syrian Christians was) when he was promoting the myth that the Sunni Jihadists were actually a secular democracy-loving force that incorporated Christians and Kurds on equal terms.

The Evil that Men Do: How Bad Governments Create Poverty – Listing several examples, this article at Creation-Evolution Headlines illustrates how skewed worldviews hurt the very populations they purport to help.

The Hell That Is The Obama White House ~ Excellent piece from David Horowitz recaps the evil emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ~

… the deepest level of Obama’s hell, (is his anti-American foreign policy.) When Obama was re-elected in 2012, the very first thought I had was this: A lot of people are going to be dead because of this election. How disastrously right I was. Since their assault on George Bush and their sabotage of the war in Iraq, Obama and the Democrats have forged a power vacuum in Europe and even more dramatically in the Middle East, which nasty characters have predictably entered with ominous implications for the future security of all Americans.

OK – this no longer qualifies as “short” – but his next two paragraphs are too profound to leave out ~

Take one aspect of this epic default: Obama’s lack of response to the slaughter of Christians in Palestine, Egypt and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been slaughtered and driven from their homes in Iraq – over half a million by some counts. This is the oldest Christian community in the world dating back to the time of Christ. What was Obama’s response to this atrocity until a group of Yazvidi along with the Christians were trapped on a mountain side, and politics dictated he had to make some gesture(?) His response was to do and say nothing. Silence. Even his statement announcing minimal action to save the Yazvidi and the Christians mentioned the Christians once in passing while devoting a paragraph to the obscure Yazvidi.
What this unfeeling and cold response to the slaughter of Christians tells us is that Obama is a pretend Christian just the way he is a pretend American. What he is instead is a world class liar. That is because his real agendas are anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish, and obviously and consistently pro America’s third world adversaries to whom he is always apologizing and whom he is always appeasing. Obama lies about his intentions and policies because he couldn’t survive politically if he told the truth.

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