The innate arrogance of our elite ruling class

peasants-revoltingBack in 2010 when we knuckle-dragging, racist-sexist-bigot-homophobe-xenophobes were actively trying to prevent congress from enacting the single most freedom-killing legislation ever foisted on the American public, I carried this ➡ sign at several anti-ObamaCare protests. I thought it nicely portrayed the contempt and disregard the D.C. oligarchy regularly displays for we-the-people.
Initially we rubes were optimistic enough to believe that if we petitioned our representatives loud enough and long enough they would do their jobs and actually represent us. Ha! Were we ever naive!
And now – you’ve probably seen the viral video – one their own actually admits to their elitist bigotry… on camera ~

While the fact that the Left constantly lies as a means to an end comes as no surprise to conservatives, it should be a revelation to low income voters. I wonder, do they care that the O’Ministration takes them for fools? Considers them useful idiots?


Doug Powers, writing at Michelle Malkin’s site, has an excellent take on “GruberGate” ~

Gruber’s admission sums up the liberal policy-maker mindset: They know what’s best for everybody so much that they have to lie to earn support for their caring efforts, because people are generally too stupid to know what’s best for them. And hey, Obama was elected and then re-elected based on that philosophy, so it isn’t difficult to understand why Gruber, et al, believe in it so. […]
Gruber probably doesn’t regret making the remarks as much as he regrets they were recorded. It was, however, considerate of Gruber to go on MSNBC to explain his remarks to the very ilk he was referring to as “stupid” and gullible. 😀 Funny that nobody at MSNBC or any of Gruber’s media apologists seem to realize that.




They think we’re stupid

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