
As you may have heard, our ever-growing federal leviathan is now greedily eying the internet; the weird, wild, worldwide web, as their next entity to devour. In typical Orwellian “Newspeak” they’re referring to their take-over plan as “Net-Neutrality.”
Of course it’s anything but “neutral.”

Here’s a brief warning from Ted Cruz: ‘If You Like Your Internet, You Can Keep Your Internet’ ~

As with most progressive legislation, what we’re getting under the guise of “Net-Neutrality” is simply another nefarious solution to a non-existent problem. The whole endeavor is wrapped in leftist buzzwords, “fairness,” “equal” internet access for all users. But where are the nefarious restrictions on access or usage now that desperately call for new FCC rules and regulations? Nowhere.
Furthermore, as Protect Internet Freedom explains, regulating the Internet as a public utility ~

… takes power away from consumers, website developers and small business owners and puts it in the hands of Government. This will drive up costs, slow down innovation, and put unelected political appointees in charge of picking winners and losers.

Specifically, what the proposed FCC expansion would mean is:

• $11 billion+ in new taxes
• massive new regulations; 332 pages so far (the government has to “pass it to find out what’s in it”)
• federal government gets to control information, and regulate free speech (shades of communism)

But if it’s that bad, why are so many large internet companies like Google and Netflix getting behind this effort? Simple corporate greed.
As Glenn Beck has explained, it’s a sneaky way for these large tech providers to spread out the bandwidth costs ~

“We’re talking about a sewer,” Beck analogized. “You’re on a regular street, and everybody is using sewers the way everybody uses sewers. But then a giant hotel comes in and it’s packed all the time. And those little, teeny pipes that were there made for your one-family home … are not big enough to handle all of the sewage that is coming from that hotel.”
Beck said companies like Netflix are the hotel in the analogy, and they are signing on to support net neutrality because they don’t want to pay more for the disproportionate amount of bandwidth they are using.

Bottom line: We should have learned our lesson after being “Grubered” with Obamacare. If Obama and his gang of progressive power-grabbers are for it… get the flock out of there!


“The internet was not created by the government. Nowhere in The Constitution is there a provision allowing the government the power to regulate the free flow of information. In fact The First Amendment directly flies in the face of internet regulation.”

~ one of the commenters on

This year’s net neutrality debate has completely missed the point ~ This Washington Post article is six months old and rather lengthy, but it does an excellent job of explaining an extremely confusing issue.
Online petitons to sign, opposing “Net Neutrality” ~

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