ObamaNet – the fix was in

Well, you were warned. And not just by me.
Doesn’t matter. The fix was already in.

Get ready for further erosion of our First Amendment rights…
As Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Mag explained, “Net Neutrality” has always been about the very things that every evil dictator craves: power and control ~

What Obama wants isn’t an open or transparent internet. He wants a cable monopoly for a terrible internet run by a friendly company (Comcast-Time Warner) that depends on government regulation and bribes. He wants control of the internet not for the benefit of the public, but to centralize power over it.
Obama doesn’t support an open anything. This is the man that a New York Times reporter called the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation. This is the man who put a filmmaker in jail for making a YouTube video. This is the administration that bugged reporters and threatened critics […]
The best way to maintain an open internet is to prevent a cable monopoly. And the cable monopoly does not exist because of the free market. It exists because a lot of politicians have been bribed to make it happen.
With a monopoly on the market end and government control on the regulatory end, the internet dies. And it dies to the sound of idiots cheering net neutrality that will be tailored to whatever Obama’s Comcast pals want it to be.



The biggest red flag yet
~ According to several sources, George Soros has reportedly thrown a lot of money behind Net Neutrality – which is pretty much all you need to know about this nefarious new policy.
FCC Net Neutrality rules worst example of government intervention… ever. ~

Make no mistake. The greatest tool for freedom of expression to come along in our lifetime is in danger. One cannot have genuine freedom of expression with a government monitor, an overseer, a censor prepared to immediately shut down any “threats” to the state. This is Orwellian, even if even opponents are reluctant to say it. But they must remember that the greatest miscalculations in history are those that underrate the determination of the power hungry to grab even more power.

Net Neutrality: The gullible and ignorant have no idea what they’ve just unleashed ~ Rush Limbaugh’s take on this disaster via Allen West’s site. Scary.

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