Saturday Shorts – 3-14-15


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

New memories implanted in mice while they sleep ~ Yikes. Shades of “Total Recall.” How long before they start experimenting on humans?
Makes me kind of glad to be playing on the back nine.

IG Audit: 6.5 Million People With Active Social Security Numbers Are 112 or Older ~ Wow! Who knew there were so many centenarians running around the U.S.? Ha!

Some of the numbers assigned to long-dead people were used fraudulently to open bank accounts.
And thousands of those numbers apparently were used by illegal immigrants to apply for work […]
“It is simply unacceptable that our nation’s database of Social Security numbers of supposedly living people includes more than six and a half million people who are older than 112 years of age, with a few thousand having birth dates from before the Civil War.” 😯 – Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE)

Just more evidence of the corruption and/or ineptitude running rampant in our federal government.

Defector: North Korean Troops Starving; No improvements in life under Kim Jong-Un ~ Is this the utopian vision the progressives envision for the whole planet?

SEOUL—North Korean soldiers, including elite special forces troops, are facing severe food shortages along with the rest of the population, according to a recent defector from the Korean People’s Army, the North’s communist army […]
“I was taught in North Korea that South Korea was a deplorable country, sick with capitalism,” he said. “But after I came here it was vice versa.
North Korea was sick country with a nonsensical system.”

Indeed. When the government runs everything, the people get nothing… but equal misery for all.

Inspired by Murder of Jordanian Pilot, Yemeni Children Light Village Boy on Fire ~ Apparently the Religion-of-Peace likes to get them started early. Barbarians.

Taking Christ’s name in vain, Biden blasts biblical marriage ‘bigots’ ~ How tolerant of the vice president to judge Christians as “ridiculous” and “bigots” ~

The vice president (resorted) to name calling, insinuating that Carson and others who ascribe to the biblical view of homosexuality should be eradicated from the planet in the name of “equality” and “tolerance.”

Barack Obama: A man for the ages! ~ Ann Coulter has some fun substituting Barack Obama’s empty rhetoric in place of some pivotal speeches in American history.

Majority of Biology Teachers Hesitant About Evolution ~ Could it be the dearth of evidence for Darwin’s theory?

Darwin’s “one long argument” was a tentative suggestion only. 156 subsequent years of evidence-hunting (exemplified by Darwin’s finches and other shady icons) has failed to justify it, while the evidence for intelligent design in cosmology, the earth, and life has been booming with strong evidential support.

VICTORY! U.S. District Judge Dismisses American Atheists’ Attack on a Ten Commandments Monument on the OK Capitol Grounds ~ Great to see the Truth win out against the godless for a change!

The legislation establishing the monument recognizes:
1. “That the Ten Commandments are an important component of the foundation of the laws and legal system of the United States of America and of the State of Oklahoma;
2. That the courts of the United States of America and of various states frequently cite the Ten Commandments in published decisions; and
3. Acknowledgements of the role played by the Ten Commandments in our nation’s heritage are common throughout America.”

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