Yippee! Another big-government-as-usual pseudo solution to a crisis! Let’s all celebrate the wonderful bi-partisan compromise! Aren’t you just giddy with delight?
No….? That’s because we “little people” actually live in the real world.
The only winners in this new debt deal are the msm propaganda machine and the beltway ruling class – pompously congratulating themselves for their tenacity (they’re working so hard for us!) and brilliant negotiating skills.
And shouldn’t we just be thrilled…
We’re still headed for the cliff – But wow! They’ve managed to slow the train’s speed from 150mph to 149mph.
“What’s that? Change direction? Nah, just settle down, watch the country pass by in a blur and enjoy the ride!”
Conservative HQ sums up the truth of this “deal” perfectly:
The deal to raise the debt ceiling is the death of reality in Washington, D.C. Everyone involved in this deal knows that it does not solve the real crisis that the American people want solved — the unsustainable spending, deficits and debt that has created the need to raise the debt ceiling.
The same Wall Street-Washington axis that demanded and benefitted from TARP is now demanding that Congress raise the debt ceiling. The Capitol Hill insiders who put this deal together are either so corrupt they no longer care about the truth or the future of our country, or they are so entirely unhinged from reality that they actually think the spending can go on.
Either scenario is a serious problem that only the Tea Party and constitutional conservative movements have had the sense and courage to challenge, yet are dismissed as “extremists” by the corrupt (or clinically crazy) Washington establishment. The American people will not stand for it and the economy and the taxpayers cannot sustain it.
Related: Pat Buchanan with a reminder of the fallacy of the “Big Deal” and the futility of compromise: What ‘Big Deals’ Did to America