My bad feeling about Bernie

Eight long and painful years ago, I remember distinctly my early reactions to hearing that a junior senator named “Barack Obama” was being considered as a potential presidential candidate: Seriously? Who? I mean the oddball moniker itself should have been a disqualifier, especially with “Hussein” stuck in the middle.
As time went on, I still wasn’t worried. The man had accomplished little to nothing. And the more we learned more about his leftist views and “present” voting record in the Senate, the less I thought of his chances. I figured the American people still had enough common sense to know better than to elect a relatively unknown progressive who actually supported partial-birth abortion. Obviously, I figured wrong.
bernieSandersSo these days I’m getting an eerie sense of déjà vu when I hear about the senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. Granted, the name isn’t nearly as weird, but his positions are every bit as radical. And unlike Obama – who tried to hide his true colors – Sanders is “out and proud” with his leftism. He’s an unapologetic Democratic Socialist. Yet – especially as Hillary battles her way through one scandal after another – old Bernie is gradually gathering momentum.
Howard Kurtz, at Fox News, expresses some surprise at Sanders’s growing popularity ~

After all, how could a 73-year-old self-described socialist, who hasn’t even been a member of the Democrat Party, be a viable contender?
Yet the signs of Bernie-mentum are forcing the press to treat him with more respect: the huge crowds, the sense of excitement, the fact that in the last quarter he raised $15 million, a third of Hillary’s haul.

Concerning the senator’s recent bounce in the polls, Kurtz cites Politico’s tone of mild shock ~

“Democratic primaries have always featured liberal insurgent candidates, but perhaps none quite so liberal or insurgent as the socialist senator from Vermont. Sanders’ comments are a reminder of just how far the second-place Democratic presidential candidate stands from the American mainstream on some issues, and the looming reckoning Democrats face with their party’s leftward drift.”


Well I’m not too sure the Dems are going to need “a reckoning.” Seems to me most of their voters are happily drifting down that lazy river of leftism right along with Bernie.
Allen West thinks maybe Americans just don’t realize what an unabashed socialist government would really mean for America and offers some insight: 5 facts you MUST share with every Democrat you know (before it’s too late) ~

1. First of all, socialists believe in wealth redistribution.
2. Socialists believe in nationalizing the economic production of a country, they do not believe in the private sector, the free marketplace of ideas.
3. Socialists believe in the creation and expansion of the welfare nanny-state.
4. Socialists actually believe in social utopianism — they call it social justice.
5. Lastly, Socialists embrace the secular society.


“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

~ Winston Churchill

Conservatives like Allen West, like our founding fathers, like Winston Churchill, understand human nature. And because socialism runs contrary to that nature, we know it will eventually fail. It inevitably leads to totalitarianism because, over time, the state greedily assumes control over every aspect of the citizens’ lives.
Unfortunately, it appears that a large swath of the population has already succumbed to the socialist mindset: Why work when I can get paid to do nothing? We must demand equal outcome – not equal opportunity – through redistribution; make life “fair” through “social justice.”
This development doesn’t bode well for America’s future…


While Hillary Clinton is still the leader in this Democrat nominee contest, it’s a good bet that the fickle mainstream media will eventually tire of carrying her water. They really aren’t enamored with her anyway, she was simply all they had – until now. Soon I predict, they’ll stop tying to hide all her baggage from the sheeple and veer left towards Bernie. And most Americans – “takers” now, rather than “makers” – will follow.
Bernie Sanders Is The Democratic Party’s Id

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  1. Pingback: A vote for Bernie; a step closer to Venezuela | Designs on the Truth

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