Saturday Shorts – 10-24-15


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

All scientists should be militant Christians ~ Karl D. Stephan rebuts Lawrence Krauss, a cosmologist, and his New Yorker piece titled: “All Scientists Should Be Militant Atheists” ~

Christianity is based on eyewitness accounts of objective physical events […]

Atheism, like Christianity, can’t be “proved” like the Pythagorean Theorem can be proved. So in that sense, a government based on atheistic assumptions is based on something that goes beyond empirical facts, just as much as the Islamic State is. A government whose policy is that there is no such thing as religion would be based on the “religion” of atheism, which is precisely the problem Krauss wants to avoid.


Detroit Public Schools Debt Increases By $1 Million Every School Day ~ And of course our RINO governor’s solution? Snyder pitches $715M bailout plan!
Gun Control: Fashionable Prohibition for Modern Lawmakers ~ Pointing out the illogic behind the arguments for gun control. For instance, guns are less deadly than alcohol ~

Nowadays, 88,000 deaths per year are attributed to alcohol abuse, and thirty people per day in the United States die in alcohol-related auto accidents. Heavy drinkers are more prone to violence, suicide, and risky sexual behavior.
In fact, if we compare these statistics, we find that alcohol abuse is significantly more deadly and problematic than misuse of guns. There were 36,000 gun-related deaths (including suicides and accidents) in the US in 2013, and as a percentage of all causes of death, alcohol-related deaths are more than twice as common as gun deaths.

Why Christians Should Care about the Attack on Joseph’s Tomb ~ In the Bible Joseph’s remains, including his final resting place, are mentioned three different times. If they were significant to God, they should also be to us ~

The desecration of Joseph’s Tomb is not an event to be taken lightly in the spiritual realm, and it should be widely condemned worldwide. This is only the latest in a number of attacks, not only on the site itself, but on faithful Jews who come to pay homage there.

Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences ~ This article by Nicolai Sennels was actually written in May of 2010, but it’s very timely in terms of understanding why Dr. Ben Carson is right about Islam being incompatible with our Constitutional Republican, and why the current massive Muslim migration represents an existential threat to the western societies of Europe (and eventually to the United States) ~

We need to understand the Muslim culture much better if we want to be able to stop such a catastrophe. We need to understand that it is not possible to integrate masses of Muslims into our Western societies. We need to understand that our non-confrontational Western ways of handling conflicts make us look weak and vulnerable to Muslim leaders. We need to understand that Muslim culture is much stronger and more determined than our guilt-ridden, self-excusing Western culture. We need to understand that Muslims will only feel at home in a Muslim culture and this is why their religious demands for Islamization of the West will never end.

Case in point ~ VIDEO: Working-Class Germans forced from their homes to make way for Muslim migrants who are unsatisfied with the accommodations

How the Kardashians exploit and destroy for reality ratings ~ Because I know next-to-nothing about this circus of a family I just read this piece out of curiosity when the story about former NBA star Lamar Odom popped up. Now I want to know even less! These people are pure EVIL.

“Minion of Satan” asks to give devil invocation at Florida county commission meeting ~ As Christians become more timid in their faith it’s no surprise that the “dark side” is getting bolder ~

… Chaz Stevens, 51, who calls himself an atheist and a “minion of Satan,” has requested to give a satanic invocation before a Florida Lake County Commission meeting.
Stevens said his request is part of his “Satan or Silence Project” aimed at persuading elected officials to either drop prayers before meetings or allow him to lead a prayer and ask for blessings from the devil.

Thankfully, here’s one guy who’s fighting back against the anti-Christian crowd ~ Coach Kennedy Defies Bullies, Resumes Praying After Football Games (Washington State)


Should you happen to have an hour or two to kill some evening, put on your tinfoil hat and head over to Sandy Hook Massacre, a page at Fellowship of the Minds blog. (Or Sandy Hook Justice) I’m not sure I’m buying the whole hoax idea – but there is some really compelling evidence, too many weird details that just don’t add up. Give it some consideration before scoffing. ~ A wonderful little site I recently discovered that offers suggestions for sharing our Christian faith through small actions every day (free app to download includes daily reminders) ~

We equip Christians to care, share and connect people to Christ worldwide through Christian kindness. In other words, we equip and train churches, groups and individuals to reach out and show God’s love to others through Christian kindness […]
We believe that God desires to have a relationship with every person on earth. Equipping and training Christians is our way of following God’s command in Acts 1:8 and accomplishing the Great Commission.

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