Rallying to protect our religious liberty

So I spent a chilly 90 minutes in front of the Michigan State Capitol Building this past Wednesday, with a few hundred like-minded folks – all for a great cause – religious freedom. The temperature never rose above the mid-30’s, but it was heart-warming to spend time with so many like-minded patriots ~

We were there primarily to support a Michigan House concurrent resolution* submitted by Rep. Tom Hooker (R-Byron Center).
His proposal essentially says that in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, the Supreme Court acted outside the bounds of the U.S. Constitution; that it was not within the purview of the judiciary to create a new “personal identity” liberty.
The Court’s sole duty is to rule on the constitutionality of laws – not to make new laws. Yet that’s exactly what they did by magically inventing a new right to homosexual “marriage” last June.
A portion of Hook’s resolution states ~

Whereas, The Supreme Court’s decision neglects the restrained conception of the judicial role, seizing for itself a question the Constitution leaves to the people, at a time when the people are engaged in a vibrant debate on that question. The decision is a naked judicial claim to legislative — indeed, super-legislative — power; a claim fundamentally at odds with our system of government. The Supreme Court is not a legislature. Courts do not substitute their social and economic beliefs for the judgment of legislative bodies, who are elected to pass laws;

It goes on to say that, in the face of extra-constitutional decisions by the Court, it’s the duty of our elected officials to preserve and protect constitutional governance under the rule of law, and;

…reclaim this state’s sovereignty by not recognizing or enforcing the United States Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision as a rule of law;


Listening to the various speakers, those at the rally clearly understood what so many of our fellow Americans haven’t quite grasped yet, as Rep. Lee Chatfield (R-Levering), a co-sponsor of the resolution, stated so well ~

“Make no mistake, when government destroys God, government becomes God.” said Chatfield, whose father is a Christian minister. “And that should be a frightening thing for the United States of America and the state of Michigan.”

Source: MLive


We’re blessed in Michigan to have several representatives who stand willing to defend our religious liberty. Gary Glenn (R-Midland) is one of them. ➡
*A “concurrent resolution” applies to and reflects the positions of both houses of the legislature; but it doesn’t have the force of law.

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