CNN helps promote Obama’s anti-2nd Amendment Agenda

Now that POTUS has launched his latest war on weapons, part of the White House ground game will be an aggressive propaganda push. Happy to do their part, tomorrow night CNN will be hosting the “Barack Obama Anti-Gun Indoctrination Session.”
Aaron Goldstein at the American Spectator explains ~

The aim of the program will be to persuade the public to bring pressure to bear upon Congress to enact gun control measures. During his weekly address, Obama stated, “We know that we can’t stop every act of violence. But what if we tried to stop even one? What if Congress did something — anything — to protect our kids from gun violence?”
Of course, no act of Congress can stop a single shooting and Obama knows it. None of this will prevent Obama from claiming that Congress can wave a magic wand and yet another opportunity to vilify the Republican Congress, GOP presidential candidates and law abiding gun owners in one fell swoop.
In the meantime, Obama will continue to enact executive orders which will no have no more effect in stopping gun violence than any legislation which Congress may pass. The only people who will be punished are law abiding gun owners who would never entertain the idea of harming a soul unless their life or that of their family was imminently threatened. It is a full fledged assault on the Second Amendment. This assault will be that much more vigorous should, heaven forbid, another mass shooting take place between now and the town hall meeting.

The deliberately misnamed “townhall” will be anything but the honest Q & A session that most Americans associate with that term ~

In other words, CNN will give President Obama a full hour of prime-time television to pitch his policy proposals, with no opportunity for his opponents to respond. This “town hall meeting” will be a mainstream media perfect storm involving both Obama and gun control, the two things CNN loves most.

Source: American Thinker

In the end, CNN will simply be providing a free national bully pulpit for our despotic Bully-in-Chief to lecture us on the evils of guns – and Americans who cling to them.
Don’t Cry for Me, Gun Controller

MRC: Media complicit in Obama’s ‘contrived’ act
Showman-in-chief ~ Thomas Sowell’s take on Obama’s anti-gun melodrama.

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