What’s a “Brexit?”

BrexitUkipSo what exactly is a “Brexit?”

• a basket used for gathering Brussels sprouts?
• the off-ramp on a chair-lift?
• a new breakfast snack?

None of the above. But given our partisan, hopelessly inept mainstream media, you’re easily forgiven for not knowing.

Turns out that less than a month from now (on June 23) the British people will have a chance to vote themselves out of the European Union – “BR(itish) EXIT.” Those who want some semblance of self-government, who want to retain their unique British identity and sovereignty, will do so. The easily bamboozled sheeple won’t.
The following video is over an hour, but it’s very well-done, informative and definitely worth the time investment, because we may be next. While you watch, keep in mind that what’s happening with the unaccountable oligarchy of the EU is our Washington Cartel writ large – it’s the people vs. the ruling class elite. Where once in Europe there were more than two dozen representative democracies, there is now one huge leviathan; self-serving, unchecked, all powerful.
Watch and wake-up. It’s coming here too…

Video via JoNova ~
“This movie is excellent, ominous, frightening — how did this bizarre
faceless elite layer of unaccountable power come to be?”

It is hard to imagine how these unelected Eurocrats wwere able to destroy democracy with hardly a whimper from the disenfranchised. Everywhere across the globe there are more and more signs that this international ruling class is consolidating power, running their own agenda (world-wide wealth redistribution), exclusively pursuing their own interests, utterly dismissive of the peoples’ will ~

“Their role on the planet is to direct the lives of the rest of us.” ~ Mark Littlewood, Institute of Economic Affairs
“They think that the world needs to be ordered from above and that they should be the ones doing the ordering.” ~ Dr. Eamonn Butler

Brexit may be the last chance in decades to depose these arrogant elitists. As the movie sums it up, for the Brits the Brexit vote comes down to ~

Do we want to be governed by an organization we don’t understand, run by people we haven’t elected, who have the power to impose on us laws that we haven’t debated and have little or no chance of blocking or repealing?

Let’s hope they still have enough yearning for freedom and independence that the British answer “No!” “No!” and “No!” – and vote “YES!” on Brexit!


We think our pending election has America at a fractious crossroads – and it certainly does. But our cousins across the Atlantic are facing an existential crisis – if they don’t choose Brexit.

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4 Responses to What’s a “Brexit?”

  1. Pingback: Saturday Shorts – 5-28-16 | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Saturday Shorts (late Sunday edition) 6-19-16 | Designs on the Truth

  3. Pingback: Hope springs eternal! | Designs on the Truth

  4. Pingback: Happy Brexit Day! | Designs on the Truth

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