Soros’ role in corrupting Christianity

georgeSorosWake up church! ~ Christian Leaders Warn of Soros-Funded “Hijack” of Christian Left. A large coalition of evangelical leaders have authored “A Call to Repentance & Renewal” directed at Christian pastors, leaders and believers who have been facilitating the “anti-Christian Progressive political movement” in America ~

As recent leaked documents confirm, and as Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners eventually admitted, wealthy, anti-Christian foundations, following the lead of billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, fund and “rent” Christian ministers as “mascots” serving as surprising validators for their causes. The consequent realities include injury to countless people, the Church, the family, nation and the global Church including many martyrs.

Many Christians have watched for years with growing concern and sadness as so many self-identifying “Christians” continue to support political candidates who hold unbiblical positions on family, abortion, open borders and “social justice.” In a transformation that’s been deliberately fostered by progressives, their worldview has been gradually transformed to one that’s almost antithetical to Christianity. And George Soros has been a key force behind that transformation. Fostering global elitism, his foundation promotes social breakdown and the destruction of the middle class ~

Joining “faith” fronts, Soros also funds thousands of other collaborators and projects that suggest his goal is to demoralize America (and Europe). The list includes: film studios and hundreds of media outlets; attempts to control the internet; racial and gender agitation; euthanasia; drug legalization and “injection zones;” abortion and the “sex worker” industry; Al Gore’s Climate campaign; pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel projects; the rights of jihadists and Sharia advocates.
In the ironic rhetoric of compassion, Soros and friends also fund mass immigration followed by voting “rights” and redistricting schemes, while financing the campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. (Soros is a major donor to the Democratic Party and co-chairman of Ready for Hillary PAC.)


If it’s destructive of the civil society and true Christian faith you can bet George Soros and his minions are behind it.

“Tolerance [of evil] is not a spiritual gift; it is the
distinguishing mark of postmodernism, and sadly, it has
permeated the very fiber of Christianity.”

Rev. Dr. John Stott

Here’s an excerpt of the evangelical appeal ~

… (W)hy do those who claim to share our faith in Christ continue to advocate for politicians who will pass legislation, and appoint justices and judges who will attack Christian liberty and persecute believers? Turning our nation over to the enemies of biblical faith does not honor Christ, promote love of neighbor, or advance God’s kingdom in the world.
We ask those who have intentionally or unwittingly aided the Progressive agenda in the past to look at the actual consequences of their policies. Please stop inviting fellow believers to assist global profiteers and political activists who are determined to de-Christianize America. Please repent, refuse funding and turn away from those who attack the Church and injure the nation.
Only the Gospel restores hope. Let us return to the whole counsel of Scripture, not the political abuse of Scripture. Together, we can commit to healing, wisdom and renewal of our faith and culture. Let’s stimulate humility and gratitude, not pride and entitlement. Let’s see the image of God in people and enable the virtuous cycle of creativity, opportunity, work, productivity, wealth and thus greater voluntary generosity.
To the Church in every nation, now is the time to pray, to speak and to act with Godly courage. If America continues to fall, the mission of the global Church also suffers. We are bound together. Let us stand together.

To read the statement in its entirety and view its list of signatories go HERE.

Globalism Is Anti-Christ, Demonic, Theologians Argue ~

While many definitions for globalism exist, a wide chasm separates 1) necessary global exchanges in an increasingly interconnected world, like trade, legal immigration, and the cooperation and sharing of ideas across borders, and 2) globalism as a secular humanistic religion of sorts that envisons a one-world government.
For the second definition of globalism, such views are antithetical to a Christian worldview, according to some, even as the Church itself is global and the Kingdom of God is not constrained by national borders.
“A major objection to globalism from a spiritual and biblical point of view is that many of the globalists are pushing for a global value system,” (see Soros agenda above) said Wallace Henley, senior associate pastor of 2nd Baptist Church in Houston, TX […]

“The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is the highest form of civilization. The anti-civilization represented by anti-Christ is the opposite of that. So if the kingdom of Christ is righteousness, the anti-civilization is evil and injustice. If the kingdom of Christ is peace, the Kingdom of anti-Christ is conflict. If the Kingdom of Christ is joy in the Holy Spirit, anti-civilization is misery.”

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