Here we go again. As reliable as December following November, whenever the Left loses a presidential election the drumbeat demanding the demolition of the Electoral College begins. But before we concede to mob rule, and let them toss it in the dustbin of history, let’s understand why the system was created in the first place.
To begin with, as Donna Carol Voss (writing at The Federalist), explains ~
What appears to deprive the populace of its power to decide a president is the very mechanism that preserves its power. It works that way because this isn’t a democracy; not a pure one.
Instead the founders established a constitutional republic because, as they knew; “Pure democracy” is just another phrase for “mob rule” ~
Dictatorship of the majority means 51 percent of the citizenry rule the other 49 percent. That minority has no rights except those the condescending majority grants. It works well for those in the 51 percent, not so much for those in the 49. Plato knew it, and James Madison, who knew his Plato, did too. Plato and Madison both recognized that justice and liberty for the minority is possible only when power is shared between groups in society.
Voss offers another way to understand the concept with a baseball analogy ~
Think of the Electoral College like the World Series. One person-one vote equates to the World Series Champions being determined by total number of runs scored. If the Dodgers win the first game 10-0, and the Yankees win the next four games 1-0, the Dodgers win the series. Even though the Yankees bested the Dodgers in four games, it doesn’t matter because the Dodgers scored 10 runs to their 4. One anomalous game decides the whole series. Without the Electoral College, a few heavily populated states decide the whole election.
And here’s another Prager University video that does an excellent job of explaining how it all works ~
So guess which party is pushing to elimatate the Electoral College? Hint: it’s the same one that thinks you shouldn’t be required to have a photo I.D. to vote (even though you otherwise can’t function in society without one), believes all felons have the right to vote and pushed through the Motor Voter Act. Democrats – socialists at heart – have opposed the process from day one. In fact, as another article at The Federalist (by William Cinfici) informs us ~
A reaction against the representative role of the Electoral College contributed to the foundation of the Democratic Party. In 1824, the elective presidential and vice presidential electors for Andrew Jackson and his running mate won the most popular votes among the four main candidates. None of the presidential candidates won a majority in the Electoral College, although Jackson earned a plurality. The House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams, whose electors had earned the second most popular votes and the second most votes in the Electoral College.
Jackson and his supporters believed this deprived their candidate of the office he had rightfully earned, and formed the Democratic Party. As their party’s name implies, Democrats believed in making elections more democratic in various ways, including eliminating or at least reducing the role of the Electoral College.
Of course, what “more democratic” with regard to elections actually means is, finding a way to rig things in their favor. As Tara Ross emphasized in the above video, voter fraud would be much easier to perpetrate without the pesky elector system in place, which is exactly why Democrats want to ditch it.
The Electoral College is a wonderfully equitable system which truly allows every voter to have a voice. If the Left really believed in “fairness” as they’re always espousing, they would stop plotting its destruction and learn to appreciate the wisdom of the men who established it.
I know, in my dreams
The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College ~ Another informative video from Prager U (Beware the NPV – National Popular Vote)
You Don’t Actually Vote For President, And Other Curious Facts About The Electoral College
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