Saturday Shorts – 2-25-17


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Yes, Childhood Sexual Abuse Often Does Contribute to Homosexuality ~ Michael Brown’s response to the Milo Yiannopoulos controversyc over pedophilia; stuff the LGBTQ community doesn’t really want to hear ~

(W)hen it comes to homosexuality, it is taboo to connect childhood sexual abuse with subsequent gay identity since: 1) this would contradict the “born gay” myth; and 2) it would underscore the fact that homosexual attractions are not natural and positive.
As explained candidly by the lesbian feminist and academic Camille Paglia, “Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we’re not allowed to ask about anymore.” (She was speaking of bad relationships with parents as well as sexual abuse or other factors.)

How to Get Away With Murder ~ Joseph Bottum at the Washington Free Beacon discusses the doctors of death Kermit Gosnell and Jack Kevorkian and why it took so long to stop the killings.
MSU to Ban Whiteboards from Dorm Doors to Reduce Bullying ~ Michigan State Spartans losing the battle with reality? How unfortunate; they’ve never been taught self-control, so they can’t be expected to control themselves now ~

Make no mistake: Racism and sexism are disgusting, and it is important to take steps to eradicate them. But at the same time, it’s also important to know when you’re doing something completely useless based on an idiotic line of logic — and it seems like MSU could use some help in that area.

Solar Homes use more grid electricity than non-solar homes ~ Escpecially when the GOVERNMENT is in charge – at least that what Aussies are discovering ~

In other words, subsidized solar panels could mean that the people who pay the subsidies use less electricity than the people who get the subsidy and the panels. It also means the poor, who can’t pay for panels, have to go without more often.
Playing God with markets doesn’t have to be this hard. If the price of electricity is the largest influence on behaviour, the government could have just slapped on a bigger electricity tax, and that would have cut electricity use across the board. Thousands of people wouldn’t have wasted millions of dollars installing solar panels. The money would have helped the state government provide a service that was more useful than weather-unchanging-electronic-panels. Queensland could have had more healthcare, more holidays or less debt, instead they changed the color of their electrons.

Disgusting Prime Time Television Show Has Children Playing Into the Hands of Jezebel ~ From Charisma News’ description of “The Mick” – “disgusting” is putting it mildly. Just say “no” to Fox’s newest comedy series.

No one will hire girl with Down syndrome. So she starts her own cookie baking business! ~ Inspiring :)

According to her website,, Collette’s vision is to expand her business significantly and to employ other people who, just like her, have had a difficult time finding a job.

The fruits of Obama’s nuclear diplomacy with Iran; that really worked out well ~ Iran Warns Trump Against Disclosing Secret Iran Deal Documents ~

Senior Iranian officials are warning the Trump administration about disclosing secret deals related to the nuclear deal that have long been hidden from the public by the Obama administration, according to recent comments that prompted pushback from senior sources on Capitol Hill.

And of course they still want to kill the Jews ~ Iran’s Khamenei Calls for “Holy Intifada” to Destroy Israeli “Cancer”

The Dire Cost of Europe’s Multiculturalism ~ The ongoing battle between the elite ruling class – and regular citizens ~

The extent to which the multiculturalist European Union (EU) elites will go to suppress free speech in the interest of promoting non-European immigration is astonishing and alarming. It means that Middle Eastern Arabs and South Asian Muslims are immune from prosecution and deportations, despite committing rapes on native European children and adult women. When a sane voice is raised, as in the case of Netherlands Geert Wilders, it is penalized […]
The elitist of the EU have seen a rise in nativist protest movements throughout the European continent. The voiceless people of the states of the European Union have been forced to adopt multiculturalism and political correctness as their new civil religion, and their dissenting voices are now being squashed by a series of measures that amount to the curtailment of free speech […]
While Germany is on its way to committing demographic and cultural suicide with the admission of millions of Middle Eastern and African migrants, Sweden is already there. The people of Sweden are allowing its radical leftist governing parties and its equally pandering press to expedite their national demise.

This ingenious slave literally mailed himself to freedom ~ I know Black History Month is almost over but just stumbled across this gem – what a great true story!

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