Robot Priest; a sign of the secular times

“Father Automaton?” A Protestant church in Germany has come up with an odd way to commemorate the 500 anniversary of the Reformation ~

Imagine a sophisticated robot that attempts to play the role of a pastor, offering blessings to parishioners, reciting Bible verses and using its artificial intelligence to inspire the masses.
You actually don’t need to rely on your imagination much longer, as a church in Wittenberg, Germany, has unveiled BlessU-2, a strange little mechanical fellow who is being dubbed a “robot priest.”


Hmmm…. I think I’m with John Daniel Davidson on this one. He’s of the opinion that this ‘Robot Priest’ heralds Christianity’s death in Europe

Given the rapid disappearance of Christianity in Europe, that seems like an odd way to mark the quincentennial of the Reformation. More than odd: it seems like a deliberate attempt to talk about something other than what Christianity is and why Europeans, like all people, desperately need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation.


It’s all part of a disturbing trend. Consider some recent headlines ~
Scottish Episcopal Church approves gay marriage ~

The Scottish Episcopal Church has voted to allow gay couples to marry in church. It makes it the first major Christian church in the UK to allow same-sex marriages.

A group of global Anglican traditionalists have now announced that they will appoint a missionary bishop “to serve the needs of those who oppose gay marriage”.
A senior figure in the group, Archbishop Foley Beach, said: “Today’s decision by the Scottish Episcopal Church to change the biblical and historic definition of marriage has highlighted the need to respond to the cries and pleas of those Scots who today have been marginalised by their leaders.
“The attempt to redefine marriage is not one that a faithful Christian can support.”

Pope condemns scripturally faithful doctrine ~ Francis indirectly admonishes the four cardinals who have asked for clarification of his extremely vague “Amoris Laetitia” ~

“They are fanatics about things that are not clear, such as these fanatics who go about there, sowing discord in order to divide the Christian community.”

United Methodist Church Appoints Transgender Deacon

M Barclay, a transgender person who doesn’t identify as male or female and who uses the pronoun “they,” was appointed in the church’s Northern Illinois Conference over the weekend.


Jesuits decide satan is just a myth ~

“We have formed symbolic figures such as the devil to express evil. Social conditioning can also represent this figure, since there are people who act [in an evil way] because they are in an environment where it is difficult to act to the contrary.”


With shepherds like this is is any wonder the flock is wandering away from the faith? What’s the point if the very leaders of the church no longer believe in God’s eternal Word? No amount of silly robots is going to make a difference if they continue to reject His Truth.


Liberal Christianity is the Suicide of the Mind ~

Whoever peevishly flouts God’s grace and stubbornly refuses divine help will notice certain consequences. Not because God is vengeful, but because the world has an orderly structure. And self-destructive behavior, kept up long enough, destroys the self.

Ravi Zacharias: Christians Must Reject ‘Tepid’ Christianity as ‘Scorching Paganism’ Rises in West ~

A renowned apologist is urging the Western Church to spurn comfortable Christianity and instead emulate the prophet Daniel, who made several key decisions to avoid becoming corrupted in a deeply evil society […]
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are living at a time where we had dare not set a tepid Christianity beside a scorching paganism,” he said to great applause. “It is going to take men and women who are not only having integrity in the superfluous areas of life but deep in the very soul of their choices and commitments.” […]
“As torturous as the times may be, God will conquer not in spite of persecution. He will conquer through it as His name will be lifted up high as the blood of the martyrs gives rise to the next generation of young people who will see the courage and the strength of these men and women.”

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