So Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin have been here in Michigan for the last couple of days, apparently on a mission of mercy to save the state from our own ignorance; pushing for a higher minimum wage (or, as it’s now referred to in typical, leftist word-manipulation fashion, a “living wage”) ~
(Tomlin and Fonda say) they want to help the progressive movement create a platform going forward — “a people’s platform,” as Fonda put it — and want to use the minimum-wage campaign as a way to reach out to voters and create a movement around shared values.
Trump’s election has “galvanized people to resist, and resistance has accomplished a lot,” Fonda said “But we need to go beyond ‘no.’ We have to come to the ‘yes.’ ”
Sorry gals, we-the-thinking will just have to say “no.”
Sadly – as we find all too often – facts are inconsequential when you’re a Hollywood celebrity living in the land of make-believe. But the rest of us have to pay attention to how things like economics actually work in the real world ~
Video via: Prager U