#MarchforOurLives – the enthusiasm is matched only by the ignorance

They should probably be forgiven their foolishness due to the exuberance of youth – but when in the history of mankind have mobs of people ever marched demanding to be disarmed?
And do we need any clearer evidence that the public school system has failed to educate these children in the basics of America’s founding and our constitutional principles? Who, with any sense of historical perspective, takes to the streets begging for totalitarianism? Yet there they were ~

Before the next “march” they should all watch this short video from Fleccas Talks. In just a few minutes, it’s amazingly effective at making progressive anti-gunners rethink their position – once they realize that the facts don’t exactly justify their feelings ~


Video via PJMedia

Notice how at the end it actually starts to sink in that it’s not the guns – it’s the people…?


So what can we say about these anti-Second Amendment protestors? They’re young. They’re naive and idealistic. And unfortunately, they’re ignorant. If you know any of these misguided kids please give them a history lesson or two. And share the facts about gun control


10 Common Arguments For Gun Control, Debunked
Leftists blame the gun again
Controlling Gun Violence ~ What’s law enforcement’s opinion?
How’s gun control working out in England?
7 Facts On Gun Crime That Show Gun Control Doesn’t Work
20 Questions For Mass Schooling Survivors Before Hyping Gun Control ~ An excellent thought-provoking article by Stella Morabito at The Federalist

Progressives ejected God from public schools – so now we have crazed kids with guns instead
March For Our Lives Crowd Count Well Below Expected And Initial Reports

The Incoherent ‘March for Our Lives’ ~ What do they want?

Believing that any kind of gun control would have saved a single life at Parkland or any other school shooting is ludicrous. This particular brand of American violence is not manufactured from the barrel of a gun but made in the troubled and diseased minds of individual youths. And to take a tragedy and make political hay out of it — while using traumatized children to sell a political viewpoint?

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