Why should Palestinian aggression be consequence-free?

Q. In what alternative universe is a country not allowed to defend its borders against an aggressive, grenade-lobbing invasion?
A. In the one the anti-Semitic Left lives in. The one where Israel is the country being invaded and the angry horde is made up of disgruntled “Palestinians.”


This most recent grievance jihad was actually launched more than two months ago – the deceptively-named March of Return – as I wrote about HERE and HERE. And despite the progressive media spin, the Blood is on Hamas’ hands, not Trump’s. The truth is, Jerusalem has been the center of Judaism – and Israel – for millennia ~

Monday’s opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, righted a historic wrong. As both American and Israeli speakers noted, the custom throughout the world and throughout the ages is for foreign embassies to be located in the city designated by the host country as its capital […]
The world’s double standard against the Jewish state helps explain the decision by Hamas leaders in Gaza to mix armed terrorists and unarmed civilians and urge them to crash through the border fence. This was murder, and not by Israeli soldiers defending their country against a mass invasion.
The blood of the dead and wounded is on the hands of the merciless Hamas thugs who sent their people on a suicide mission that had zero chance of military success.

Until the Palestinian terrorist organizations drop their irrational hatred for the Israelis, the “Peace Process” will be perennially stalled. Here’s a charming little animation via Palwatch that demonstrates their true sentiments toward the Jewish state (and Trump) ~


Fatah Facebook animation:
“US and Israel will drown in the ocean,
because “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine”
#Jerusalem. is an Arabic & Islamic city,
what ever you claim Mr. #Trump !!”

For some reason the morally-challenged (anti-Semitic?) mainstreams want to advance the fiction that Israel is the aggressor in this ongoing conflict. It’s a lie.
There would be no ongoing conflict were it not for the aggression of the terrorists in Gaza. The blood is on their hands.
“Palestinian” boasts to NPR: “We want to burn” the Jews, “the Jews go crazy” when they see our swastika kites ~ “Religion of Peace?”
Nikki Haley: Gaza violence not over embassy location, “comes from those who reject existence of Israel in any location” ~ Today, at the U.N. ~

She also noted the report on Hamas falsely claiming to their people that Israeli soldiers were abandoning places along the fence, when in fact they were reinforcing them.
“This is how determined they are to make the lives of the Palestinian people miserable,” she said. “They light Molotov cocktails, attached to kites on fire, and attempt to fly them into Israel to cause as much destruction as possible.”
Make no mistake, she said, “Hamas is pleased with the results from yesterday.”
“I ask my colleagues here in the Security Council, who among us would accept this type of activity on your border?” Haley asked. “No one would. No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has. In fact, the records of several countries here today suggest they would be much less restrained.”
“Those who suggest that the Gaza violence has anything to do with the location of the American embassy are sorely mistaken,” she added. “Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location.”

Journalists Should Stop Falling For Hamas’ Deadly PR Efforts Against Israel ~

Until Palestinians shed their hatred, turn from the Israeli fences, and march towards their own governments, they will remain pawns and saps in a decades-long suicide mission. That’s because no amount of bad press about Israel’s efforts to stop violence coming from Gaza will impel that nation to create a terror state on its borders. It’s untenable, not to mention immoral. We would never contemplate such a thing. Nor would any rational country.

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