The Burmese government is covering up genocide of a Muslim ethnic minority
(And the mainstreams are much too focused on the tax evasion trial of some shady billionaire who worked on Donald Trump’s campaign to care. Probably because our previous president, Nobel prize winner Barack Hussein Obama, bears some considerable responsibility for the tragedy) ~
The Rohingya people of Burma are being murdered, their women raped, and their homes destroyed by a Burmese military emboldened by an unconscionable diplomatic pass from the Obama Administration.
Writing at Townhall, Kerri Toloczko provides some background on the crisis ~
Burma (also called “Myanmar” after a 1960s military coup) is in Southeast Asia, wedged between Bangladesh, China and Thailand […]
For over 50 years, the Burmese military has carried out systematic ethnic cleansing against many of the county’s 135 minorities, and the Buddhist nationalism they promote has led to the suffering of the Muslim Rohingya “on a scale we couldn’t imagine” according to Doctors Without Borders. The junta that essentially controls the 90% Buddhist nation does not look kindly on Christian relief organizations either, so the few operating in Burma do so in secret.
Unfortunately for the freedom-loving people of the world, Barack Obama had a disturbing affinity for tyrants. His progressive ideology put him on the wrong side of most international affairs during his tenure (see Cuba, Iran, Israel, Libya, Turkey, Venezuela, Christian genocide in Syria and Iraq, etc.). His administration’s diplomatic relations with Burma/Myanmar have proven disastrous for that country, especially for the Rohingya.
From officially referring to the country by the name (“Myanmar”) that the current military ruling class chose when they seized control of the country, to agreeing to a relaxation of sanctions – that had been imposed by the international community in 2003 for human rights violations – Obama once again sided with bullies, against the advocates of democracy.
As Toloczko relates ~
In 2009, Secretary Clinton opened a Pandora’s Box by initiating a dialogue with the junta. In the following seven years, each relaxation of sanctions by the U.S. was followed directly, and immediately, with an increase in atrocities.
After Clinton announced the 2009 discussions with Burma, the first roundup of Rohingya occurred in their capital city when over 100,000 were sent to government concentration camps where they linger still, dying of starvation.
When President Obama removed U.S./Burma investment restrictions in July of 2012, the junta immediately closed all Rohingya mosques.
Two weeks after the Obama State Department reinstated financial aid to Burma, new satellite images showed full-scale destruction of Rohingya towns.
Were Clinton and her boss oblivious to the effect they actions were having? Or did they just not give a damn?
Obama’s 2012 trip to Burma featured his tedious, noble-sounding, empty rhetoric ~
“I am not somebody who thinks that the United States should just stand on the sidelines and not want to get its hands dirty when there is an opportunity for us to encourage the better impulses inside the country,” said President Obama, according to a report in the AFP.
Yeah, right. So much for “better impulses” ~
Full scale murder and ethnic cleansing has been ongoing since August 2017, shortly after Obama freed up Burmese imports and did the unthinkable —gave Burma a waiver negating its child soldier abuse designation.
In providing the Burmese government a genocide gift card with unlimited spending, the previous administration contributed to a humanitarian crisis that the Trump administration is now left to “fix” as best it can.
There are over a million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and about 600K more hiding inside Burma. They are homeless, hungry and without clean water or medical care. There are 40K orphans.
So now we have to try and clean up BHO’s mess ~ Trump administration walking back Obama-era foreign policy mistakes in Burma ~
On Friday (8-17-18), the Treasury Department announced it has imposed economic sanctions on four Burmese military and border guard commanders, and two military units, over their apparent role in “ethnic cleansing” and “widespread human rights abuses” against ethnic minority groups.
According to this report the state department will take further action to alleviate the ongoing persecution ~
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected in the coming days to release a comprehensive report that may go as far as to label the actions of the Burmese forces against the Rohingya as “genocide.” That would be a significant step above the “ethnic cleansing” classification, which has little substance in international law, and would require the U.S to take significant steps to “prevent and punish” those responsible.
Several international aid organizations have been active in the country as well, working to help save the lives of the Rohingya. Toloczko reports on the courageous efforts of the Free Burma Rangers ~
Free Burma Rangers was started 20 years ago by former U.S. Special Forces operator Dave Eubank. Eubank was called to the mission field after his Army retirement, then guided to Burma by his father, a long-time mission pastor in Thailand. Also serving in Iraq and Sudan, FBR pulls talent from wherever Eubank finds it to serve the suffering. Although rooted in Christian service, FBR creates multi-ethnic, multi-faith teams to train young people in oppressed minorities to help their communities by learning U.S. Army-style emergency medicine and survival skills through its “Jungle School of Medicine.”
In Burma, it also teaches persecuted people how to hide from the military.
Leaders and trainees with FBR show astounding courage in the most dangerous places on earth.
Thank God for men like Dave Eubank, Mike Pompeo – and Donald Trump. These are men who refuse to look the other way in the face of injustice and tyranny. Pray that they’re successful in ending the tragic persecution of the Rohingya and other Burmese ethic minorities.
It’s so painfully obvious that Leftists, for all their phony compassion, only concern themselves with the suffering of innocent people to the extent they can advantage the situation to further their agenda. Witness the callous mainstream media who – instead of reporting on this ongoing genocide (which their hero Obama enabled) – would rather focus on some bogus guilt-by-association charges, obsessed with bringing down an administration that is actually trying to alleviate human suffering.
REPORT: Myanmar Military Intricately Planned Genocide of the Rohingya People ~
A 160-page report conducted by the human rights organization Fortify Rights provides evidence that suggests the Myanmar military is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity […]
Focusing on events leading up to the attacks on hundreds of Rohingya villages in Myanmar’s Northern Rakhine state last August, the report explains how government authorities trained local civilians to attack the Rohingya, a mostly Muslim ethnic minority in the predominantly Buddhist country. The violence sparked a mass exodus of over 700,000 refugees to neighboring Bangladesh, a level of forced migration that hasn’t been seen since the Rwandan genocide of 1994.
With world’s attention on Rohingya Muslims, Christians in Burma also face brutal persecution ~
The campaign against the Christians, which according to estimates has displaced at least 100,000 people, has also left thousands stranded in the Burmese jungle terrain, either from fleeing heavy bombing, or living in fear of what will come when the current monsoon season ends.
“Christianity is under direct attack by the Burma Army. Christians have repeatedly been singled out for rape, torture, and death over the course of this war, and that trend is continuing,” Ephraim Mattos, East Asia Operations Manager for The Nazarene Fund (TNF), a humanitarian group that works to support the plight of Christians worldwide, told Fox News. “In Burma, if you don’t fall into the category of being Buddhist and ethnic Burmese, then you are considered second-class, and not worthy of the full rights of a citizen.”
Obama – “Legend hero of our world” ~ Nearly six years ago Barack Hussein Obama visited Burma/Myanmar on his 2012 Heal-the-Planet Tour
Up-dated: 8-27-18
Burma/Myanmar is 24th on Open Doors’ World Watch List ~
In Myanmar, Buddhist leaders instigate Christian persecution in predominantly Buddhist communities. Radical Buddhist movement Ma Ba Tha hails itself as the protector of Buddhism, the country’s national religion. Recently, Ma Ba Tha was banned but is expected to continue its activities regardless. Local government officials, especially those in rural areas, show bias towards Buddhist leaders. This means that Christians, who often happen to be both religious and ethnic minorities, are often discriminated against. Christians who come from Buddhist, Muslim and tribal families experience this persecution within the home because family and community see their conversion as betrayal.
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