Saturday Shorts – 4-27-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Updates from the Sri Lanka bombings–on-the-ground reports from our field ~ From Open Doors, who ranks Sri Lanka #46 on their list of countries where Christians experience serious persecution. Until now the threat was primarily from radical Buddhist movements, but as we know, theReligion-of-Peace is everywhere these days ~

More information has been slowly trickling out about the bombers themselves. The person who is thought to be the ringleader of the National Thowheeth Jama’ath group responsible for the bombings was a hardline Muslim radical who preached jihad so publicly that he’d been reported to the Sri Lankan authorities many times. The New York Times reports that the group likely has links to ISIS, a disturbing reminder of so many atrocities against Christians in Iraq and Syria.
The BBC reports that the Roman Catholic Church has canceled church services this weekend because of continued threats—the government suspects there may be more terrorists who have additional attacks planned.

Jihad Watch has another perspective in the aftermath of this tragedy which seems to confirm the government’s perfunctory treatment of Christians ~ Sri Lanka protects mosques, shuts down churches ~

“Sri Lanka deployed thousands of security forces on Friday to protect mosques.” That’s because Sri Lanka is worried about retaliatory attacks. One can understand this, but rather than protect the churches from further jihad attacks, Sri Lankan authorities have “ordered the country’s religious leaders to keep all Catholic churches closed and not to hold prayer services” until further notice. Then why not order the same closure for mosques?
One must also remember that “Indian intelligence officials warned their Sri Lankan counterparts of the attack just hours before the first bomb was detonated, but the Sri Lankans failed to act,” and they continue to fail the country’s Christians. Also, the Sri Lankan archbishop Malcolm Ranjith believed Muslim envoys from jihad sponsoring states who assured him that the jihad bombings had “no connection to Islam.” How shameful that Ranjith would believe this, given the pervasiveness of Christian persecution in Islamic nations.

Rosanna Arquette: I Feel Terrorized ‘Living Under a Fascist Regime’ ~ Will someone please get this woman the professional help she so desperately needs? ~

Actress Rosanna Arquette melted down in a social media screed, wishing she could wake up without feeling “terrorized” by President Donald Trump’s “fascist regime.”

“I just want to wake up and feel some peace and love in the world,” Rosanna Arquette said, “and not feel terrorized that we are living under a fascist regime as of today.”

Scientists develop swallowable self-inflating capsule to help tackle obesity ~ Interesting. A safer, easier alternative to expensive surgery?

Called the EndoPil, the prototype capsule contains a balloon that can be self-inflated with a handheld magnet once it is in the stomach, thus inducing a sense of fullness. Its magnetically-activated inflation mechanism causes a reaction between a harmless acid and a salt stored in the capsule, which produces carbon dioxide to fill up the balloon.

The Top Ten Evilest People of All-Time ~ While many in our current crop of angry leftists are pretty bad, in terms of death, destruction and human suffering the folks on Larry Alex Taunton’s list were truly wicked.
Why Relocating Illegal Aliens To Sanctuary Cities Is A Brilliant, Win-Win Idea ~ I don’t think J. Michael Waller at The Federalist is even being tongue-in-cheek here, it really is an excellent proposal ~

First, the illegal immigrants would be sent only to progressive locales that celebrate diversity and inclusion with official sanctuary policies. This is means the poor, huddled masses wouldn’t be trucked to hurtful, bigoted, and racist communities in red states and other places with more respect for the nation’s laws. And they can stay as long as they like.
Many of those sanctuaries are among the nicest places in America. Foreign law-breakers can relocate to the posh and overwhelmingly white Nassau County, New York, or the Washington, DC suburb of Montgomery County, Maryland. Or much of the Pacific Northwest.
Trump’s political opponents would win bigly, too. The president’s plan would instantly expand his top opponents’ base of minorities to cultivate and aggrieve. Trump would instantly make sanctuary cities and states more ethnically, linguistically, and socially diverse.

Kenney wins landslide in Alberta against carbon tax: vows War Room against energy activists ~ Average voters everywhere have had enough of the Green scammers ~

Yet another big win against carbon taxes: Abbott, Trump, Ford and now Kenney ~
Alberta is a conservative province of Canada with 4 million people. It’s wealthy from oil, gas and agriculture. (It’s not that different to Queensland and WA.). Jason Kenney is on a mission to get the province back from environmental zealots: fergoodnesssake, he even vowed to set up a ‘War Room’ against energy activists.
The greens were the main target and the people said “Yes”.

An Open Letter to Organic Crusaders: Please Save the Poor! ~ I honestly don’t know much about GM crops but Vijay Jayaraj does, and it sure sounds like they’ve been a huge boon for billions ~

The world’s farmers harvested 5.8 billion acres of genetically modified (GM) crops over the last 22 years. More than half are in developing countries. In 2017 alone, GM cultivation accounted for 469 million acres — nearly double the average rate of the prior 22 years.
Advances in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) extend Borlaug’s work. Recent additions include GM Golden Rice, BT cotton, brinjals, and mustards. Before the 1960s, none of these existed.
Countries like Mexico, Pakistan, India, and China remember the dark days. Organic crops and underdeveloped agricultural systems caused frequent famines. Entire populations depended on agricultural imports. Often they were barely enough to prevent famine […]
Have anti-GMO lobbies or a few well-crafted books or flawed studies made you skeptical of GM crops? If so, I hope you’ll take the challenge and do some more research. You might begin with Megan Norris’s “Will GMO’s Hurt My Body? The Public’s Concerns and How Scientists Have Addressed Them.”
In reality, GM foods prevent undernutrition, malnutrition, and starvation for millions of people every day.

IRS recognizes Satanic Temple as ‘church’, grants tax-exempt status ~ Whoa. Either America’s days are numbered – or the Bible is a total hoax. Both cannot be true. (With the growing worldwide persecution of Christians, the Notre Dame fire, the legalization of post-birth abortion, the increasingly-unhinged Left, this and THIS – I’m going with option 1) ~

On Thursday, the Satanic Temple announced on Instagram that “for the very [first] time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church.”


I Fought In The Battle Of Mogadishu. Here’s What Rep. Ilhan Omar Gets Wrong About ‘Black Hawk Down’ ~ Kyle Lamb straightens out the anti-American Minnesota representative. A very educational piece for Omar and other ignorant progressives

Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can’t even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf […]
Earlier this week, a 2017 tweet from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) surfaced in which she attacked the men who helped defend from starvation and civil war the country she abandoned in the early 1990s. In her tweet, Omar blasted “American forces” for killing “thousands of Somalis” during the Battle of Mogadishu in October 1993. “#NotTodaySatan,” Omar wrote.
I take special exception to Omar’s disgusting comments because I served in the Battle of Mogadishu, which was later portrayed in the movie “Black Hawk Down.” If you aren’t familiar with the real story behind “Black Hawk Down,” let me set the scene for you […]
The purpose of American involvement in Somalia was to protect the peacekeepers tasked with the near-impossible mission of delivering vital food and medical supplies to the starving, war-torn population. As the aid grew, so did the opportunities for graft from warring clans who saw the humanitarian crisis as a way to cement their power throughout the country.

On the bright side, this is rather encouraging ~ Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO) Shuts Down Rep. Omar; Won’t Remove Trump 9/11 Tweet ~

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) didn’t get her way after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called her to let her know that the company would not remove a tweet from President Trump featuring a video of her casually dismissing the 9/11 terrorist attack as “some people did something.”


Netanyahu wants to name part of Golan Heights after Trump ~ The Israeli Prime Minister was touring the Golan on Tuesday (April 23rd) ~

“I’m here on the beautiful Golan Heights. All Israelis were deeply moved when President Trump made his historic decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” Netanyahu said. “Therefore after the Passover holiday, I intend to bring to the government a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Donald Trump.”

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