Deciphering B.O.’s B.S.

Did you catch the President’s speech Tuesday? Channeling Teddy Roosevelt, Mr. Razzle-Dazzle attempted to inspire America’s downtrodden proletariat.
Wading through all the misinformation, empty rhetoric, and flat out deceit, I’ve decoded some of his more obvious propaganda~
Omaba blather:
For many years, credit cards and home equity loans papered over the harsh realities of this new economy. But in 2008, the house of cards collapsed. We all know the story by now: Mortgages sold to people who couldn’t afford them, or sometimes even understand them. Banks and investors allowed to keep packaging the risk and selling it off. Huge bets – and huge bonuses – made with other people’s money on the line.

If we just keep repeating the lie, you suckers will believe it. And you’ll forget all about how Congress started the mortgage crisis ball rolling.
Omaba blather:
I’m here to reaffirm my deep conviction that we are greater together than we are on our own. I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, and when everyone plays by the same rules. Those aren’t Democratic or Republican values; 1% values or 99% values. They’re American values, and we have to reclaim them.

If I just mischaracterize long-held American principles enough, I’ll be able to convince you rubes that collectivism is the only solution to our economic woes.
Omaba blather:
Today, over one hundred years later, our economy has gone through another transformation. Over the last few decades, huge advances in technology have allowed businesses to do more with less, and made it easier for them to set up shop and hire workers anywhere in the world. And many of you know firsthand the painful disruptions this has caused for a lot of Americans.

Forget how technology has improved the lives of millions. Forget that businesses move off-shore because government regulations and tax burdens drive them there. Just remember, the private sector is inherently evil; only the government can save you from yourselves.
Omaba blather:
It’s a simple theory – one that speaks to our rugged individualism and healthy skepticism of too much government. It fits well on a bumper sticker. Here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It’s never worked. It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible post-war boom of the 50s and 60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade.

I’m lying again – and re-writing history – because I want you to believe that without Big Government you’re doomed. I mean look how well Big Government Central Planning solves all the problems in the world – look at the success of the Soviet Union… uh, well, maybe not that… But there’s Europe. Like Greece, um.. Spain, ah… China! There you go! China: “equal misery for all.”
Omaba blather:
I’ll give you one example. For the first time in history, the reform we passed puts in place a consumer watchdog (Another Czar 😯 ) who is charged with protecting everyday Americans from being taken advantage of by mortgage lenders, payday lenders or debt collectors…
…Every day we go without a consumer watchdog in place is another day when a student, or a senior citizen, or member of our Armed Forces could be tricked into a loan they can’t afford – something that happens all the time.

Because for the first time in our nation’s history, Americans are suddenly too stupid to understand that if you take out a loan you’re actually expected to pay it back at some point. Also, it’s just not “fair” for people to face the consequences of their own irresponsibility.
Omaba blather:
It’s heartbreaking enough that there are millions of working families in this country who are now forced to take their children to food banks for a decent meal. But the idea that those children might not have a chance to climb out of that situation and back into the middle class, no matter how hard they work? That’s inexcusable. It’s wrong. It flies in the face of everything we stand for.

Gotta sound like I really care… (Even though I’d rather be golfing.)
And just because my administration has done everything it can to destroy the economydon’t blame us.
Omaba blather:
That’s why we’re cutting programs we don’t need, to pay for those we do. That’s why we’ve made hundreds of regulatory reforms that will save businesses billions of dollars.
More lies – I’m on a roll here. But the adoring media doesn’t care, and they know you’ll never check the facts.
Behind the President’s entire speech are carefully-constructed subliminal messages: The wealthy are holding you down. Envy the wealthy. Resent the wealthy. Hate the wealthy. Steal their wealth. You’re entitiled.
And then he has the audacity to say: “This isn’t about class warfare.”
Actually…all this translation is exhausting – and depressing.
The best approach to Obama’s oratory is to simply keep in mind: if his mouth is open, he’s lying.

Check out Glenn Beck‘s helpful point-by-point analysis – Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ Speech — ‘He Is Lying’

And here’s a good analysis of the Roosevelt Ruse by the Heritage Foundation: The Last Incarnation of Barack Obama

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