By now everyone on the net has heard about Halloweengate -the hush-hush, semi-creepy bash that the White House hosted on October 30, 2009 – the one we’re all just finding out about over two years later:
The Alice in Wonderland themed Halloween party was held in the State Dining room and was complete with Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter and Tim Burton-arranged decorations.
Frankly, if the descriptions of the festivities are accurate, it wasn’t very becoming of the dignity of the office. But after Slick Willie’s antics I guess there’s not much dignity left anyway.
More disturbing was that the party was really a portent, intended or otherwise, of the direction the president planned to take the country – straight down the rabbit hole. To a world where left is right, up is down and reality takes a long-term vacation.
Case in point, last week’s phony good news on the unemployment front. The real unemployment rate is actually 11.4% – the 8.5% figure that the msm was gleefully reporting last week doesn’t include the labor force dropouts. As Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge illustrates, “the real unemployment rate would be using a realistic labor force participation rate.”
And the labor-participation figure is troubling. The percentage of eligible Americans participating in the labor force has slipped from 65.8%, when the recession started, to 64% and is trending downward. That represents over 4 million people who are no longer in the workforce. (Did they fall down a rabbit hole?)
John Ransom at Townhall reflects on the numerical illusion ~ Obama Unemployment Magic Trick: Indefinitely Detain 4 Million People from Workforce
For this administration, lying is a state of mind; supplying guns to drug traffickers is a noble act; killing healthcare is “saving” healthcare; ignoring entitlement reform is “preserving” entitlements; ignoring laws on immigration, recess appointments, detention of Americans, wiretaps, declarations of war, are all the constitutional prerogatives of the great constitutional law-giver and professor-in-chief, “Dr. Strangelove or; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Obama.”
It would be hilarious, except it’s not a Hollywood movie. (Not even “Alice in Wonderland”)
Obama’s made it the truth.
Or whatever truth means now.
I think it means we’ve all fallen down the rabbit hole.