Here come those “skyrocketing” energy prices

Don’t know about your community, but here in southeast Michigan the average price of gas just jumped 10-15¢ a gallon since yesterday – to a new all-time high of $4.15.

Well buckle up baby because electricity prices about getting ready to take off too. The Obama administration has essentially back-doored cap and trade by issuing a new EPA regulation on CO2 emissions from power plants. The net effect will be to ban any new coal-fueled power facilities. As Heritage reports on their Foundry blog;

This stands in stark contrast with the President’s supposed “all of the above energy approach” and sends a strong signal that coal is not part of the President’s energy vision for America. In combination with other EPA regulations that contribute to the premature shutdown of existing coal plants, the EPA’s actions represent one of the greatest threats to the electric sector and America’s energy supply.

And don’t think we can make up the difference with natural gas. As further evidence that “all of the above” is a fabrication, Hot Air offers the following;

The response might be, “Well, okay, Obama’s bankrupting the coal industry, but we can still use natural gas.” That’s only true if we can get the natural gas. The EPA has also begun blocking the use of hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, which allows for massive improvement in extraction and access to vast amounts of natural gas. Note well that Obama included natural gas among those sources to which his policies would be hostile, and so far he’s proving it.


Exactly. Can’t say he didn’t warn us. We all remember then-candidate Obama’s famous proclamation in January ’08 – altogether now:
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
For once the prevaricator-in-chief was telling the truth.

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