Centers of Higher Nihilism

If you need further proof that America’s colleges and universities have become bastions of vacuity, check out the latest course offerings at Portland State University; Revolutionary Marxism: Theory and Practice, Art Within Activism and Exploring Buffy the Vampire Slayer 😯 .
A story from the Blaze which reports that the Revolutionary Marxism instructors are avowed socialists who list these three goals for their class:
1. Students will learn the fundamentals of Marxist theory

2. Students will apply a Marxist analysis to current events

3. Students will apply Marxist theory to local political and community organizing

Wonder if Oregonians are aware that their capitalist-generated tax dollars are being used to promote a bankrupt, dehumanizing philosophy bent on the destruction of capitalism?
Oddly enough, the syllabus mentions nothing about reviewing the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, or studying the history of Marxism – and the millions of dead bodies left in its wake.
But hey, maybe dead people are your thing – or at least the walking dead. In that case you can venture further into the reality-free zone with this course offering at Michigan State University – “Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse — Catastrophes and Human Behavior.”
Glenn Stutzky, an MSU social work instructor and creator of the course, says:

Students will learn about the nature, scope and impact of catastrophic events on individuals, families, societies, civilizations and the Earth itself…
…Though the topic is serious and worthy of academic study, the challenges presented in surviving a hypothetical zombie pandemic have real-world applications. After all, zombies make everything more interesting.

Yeah. Nothing says to a prospective employer “I’m seriously committed to my career” like having Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse on your transcript.
Then again, considering what passes for “higher” education these days, maybe the rest of us need to prepare for zombie hoards of college graduates relentlessly bent on destroying America.


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