Deconstructing Families & Motherhood

In a timely article entitled “Bad Mommy,” Joan Swirsky takes an insightful look at the history of the Feminist Movement and its decades-long war on motherhood – up to and including the life of “Julia.” ~

The result of the 1960’s tsunami-like social upheaval – especially in the leftist bastions on the East and West coasts where European nanny-state socialism was as irresistible then as it is to leftists today – were children raised on the permissive childrearing philosophy of pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock, “educated” by teachers who strangely thought that feelings trumped academic discipline, and indulged by parents who were never indulged themselves. These ingredients – and the relentless drive of Communists and Socialists to topple America’s dazzlingly successful experiment in republican democracy – created the fertile environment for the decadent and violent decade of the sixties to flourish.


Which spawned socially corrosive trends like extra-marital sex, sky-rocketing divorce rates, and abortion ~

(Women) also lost the marriage battle, since more than 50 percent of marriages now end in divorce, and most of those who stay married are not what anyone would describe as happy. This is partly explained by the degree to which The Pill allowed women to defer marriage and motherhood in favor of a career and how difficult it is to live three or more decades thinking solely about oneself and one’s needs and desires, only to marry to beat the ticking time clock of fertility and to shift one’s heretofore single-minded self-absorption to a husband and baby.

Swirsky’s piece is also a rebuttal of the remarks made last month by Hilary Rosen, political consultant to the DNC, accusing Ann Romney of not representing the majority of women in America because; “(Romney’s) wife has actually never worked a day in her life.”
Yeah Hil – looks like she had a lot of spare time on her hands:

As a parent, I can personally attest to the fact that raising kids to be productive members of society in today’s warped culture is definitely “work.” As a foster and adoptive parent, I can tell you those particular roles are even more challenging.
The contrast between Romney’s concept of motherhood and Rosen’s couldn’t be more stark. Here’s Rosen’s family – before her “partnership” split up:

Hilary Rosen with her former partner Elizabeth Birch and kids Jacob and Anna.

I’m pretty sure that the Romney boys were brought up to be responsible, self-reliant, reasonably well-adjusted, productive citizens. Somehow, I don’t feel quite as confident about Rosen’s children. Start with adoption. Mix in a racial component. Add two moms (subtract two dads). Throw in a “divorce,” and someday these poor kids are gonna keep a whole team of therapists very busy.
I don’t mean to say that children raised in traditional families are immune to mental health issues. But the effect of Rosen & partner’s lifestyle choices on these two will likely be an extremely confused sense of self. Happy as they look in this picture, these kids will probably be dealing with some really tough emotional issues as they reach adolescence and adulthood.
And these difficulties will make them perfect subjects of the nanny state: maladjusted, entitled and forever needy. Because, intentional or not, that’s where the Leftist’s philosophy always pushes people.
As Swirsky continues:

Nowhere is this clearer than in Barack Obama’s new composite girlfriend, featured on his campaign website in ‘The Life of Julia.’ From birth to a head-start program to her teenage and sexually active years (including abortions) to her job prospects to her Social Security benefits, the seemingly unmarried Julia – who needs a husband when you’ve got the Obama Nanny State?! – is dependent on other people’s money to get her through life.

This is all you really need to know about Hilary Rosen and her ilk:

…You see, leftists revile traditional families, preferring instead all manner of non-traditional “unions” and, of course, having the State and the U.N. control everyone’s life from cradle to grave. This is why they so resent and revile religion, because the State is their god.

But read Swirsky’s whole article, it’s an enlightening one.

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